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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Welcome to the Forums! You should do an internet search around your area to see what is available. Then, go around and take a look at all of the dojos, and see what you like. When you get to Australia, do the same. Good luck on your journey!
  2. That helps, thanks. I can reverse it from there, if I need to. The above post helps out too. I appreciate it!
  3. bushido_man96


    Great discussion, guys. I think that Caporiea would have a lot to offer, and I think it would be a blast to do. And it is true, the high kick does have uses. I have seen a few UFC knockouts with head kicks. Yes, they aren't popular, but they do have their uses.
  4. If this is what kata is about, then can I go out, get into a bunch of fights, and have someone record what happens as I do so, and then transfer the moves into a kata, using the order that I used them in the fights? If kata are supposed to be ideas and concepts, then they are open to anyone's interpretations, and anyone can form their own ideas and concepts, based off of their own experiences. So, we could realistically end up with an endless series of katas.
  5. Enjoy yourself there, PAL. Let us know how it goes.
  6. You never know what kind of training Benny has been up to for the last 20 years. Maybe he has added some ground game?
  7. I think that you make a very good point here, Baron. I actually discuss this in my article, and I think it is part of the confusion in the martial arts. Many people think that competition doesn't make it a martial art, like boxing, MMA, Thai boxing, etc. However, I feel the opposite. I think that they are styles of fighting, or martial arts, in themselves. I really think that the street fighter, like Tank Abbot, could be considered an MAist as well.
  8. I agree. Distractions are very important, and we do a lot of them in our Combat Hapkido training.
  9. VERY nice, Bushido Man! That same line of reasoning could be used about tattoos. That would make a good signature. Thanks, Baron.
  10. That's a good post, Muki. I think that it is important for certain responsibilities to be required for testing for higher ranks. They aren't for just anybody. One of those thing, I think, is teaching, or at least experiencing it. Not everyone is a teacher, but everyone can learn something from the experience. However, it seems to me that the requirements that you had were a little bit much. It is important to take into account the other things in your life, like relationships, family, etc. Without any of those things, your martial arts training may not be as complete. Balance is important in everything that we do; life, love, and Martial Arts.
  11. The standardization isn't as universal as one might think. Korean stylists use Korean, and Japanese stylists use Japanese, etc. So, there is still a language barrier when it comes to crossing styles. However, if all of the English speakers, for instance, called the side kick a side kick, they could interact just fine.
  12. I have learned just as much from my students as I have ever learned from any of my instructors. I have been humbled more than once even by the youngest and smallest students in the class.... Also the greatest teachers I have had consider themselves as students not teachers... I agree. You can learn from anyone, anytime, anywhere. The important thing is to let your ego go.
  13. If I may interject , I think that one of the most valuable things a student can learn is to be able switch lead sides, and to be comfortable with it. It makes you a more versatile fighter, and can take your opponent out of a strategy. I love to do this when I fight/spar.
  14. Hello, and welcome to KarateForums. Are these the styles that are available for you to take? If so, I would feel that judo would compliment your Goju training very well. You would have a mix of stand-up and takedown/groundwork, making you very well-rounded. Waiting is not a bad idea. However, if you feel that you can take on both at a lower rank in Goju, then you could start it out sooner.
  15. You make a good point, ninjer. In the end, you could just make the arguement that there are no styles, only fighters.
  16. Couldn't possibly agree more...very well said. Thanks, James. Its not what you put on your body, but what goes into your mind that will help the most.
  17. Very nice, thank you! Are these done with both fighters right leg forward? When you parry the jab inside, you parry with the same side that the punch comes in on, right?
  18. You are welcome, Fish. They would be great for wearing at like every other class, too.
  19. Sounds great, Baron. Maybe I should look into Pilates as well.
  20. Nice. I like yours, too, Lordtariel.
  21. I agree, Baron. Very fruitful indeed. I have a brother who is very talented when it comes to the MA, and fighting in general. However, he is not highly motivated, and I want to get him back into it.
  22. Just relax...you have all the time you need to get it down. Take your time, and make it your own.
  23. Me too! I am way too linear. As a lefty, when I do straight lead, I feel like my right cross power punch is a weak little thing. My round kick is better since my preferred right leg becomes my back leg, but it just does not feel natural. I switch to straight left lead when I get tired, but I prefer leading with my right jab. I still don't duck, bob, or weave enough. (Or maybe well enough.) I guess that is why we keep at it, huh? I ordered a book on boxing today, and I am excited to see what it will offer me on that stuff.
  24. That would be a good idea, I guess. However, I don't want the students to be wary about what they write, because they think that I may read them whenever. Don't get me wrong, I would love to read my students' journals, and if they offered, I would. However, I know that there will be times when they don't agree with what I say or teach, and I think that it is important for them to record those thoughts and feelings in their journals. If I really anger someone, and they just rip me in their journal one day, I think that is healthy for them. I don't want their recordings to be influenced because of the fact that I may be "checking up on them." That would defeat the purpose. However, I would inform them that at the same time I don't expect them to agree with everything I say 100%. And, if they would let me read and see what they think, that I would do so with an open mind. I am always ready to learn new things, even from the students....especially from the students. Got off on a tangent, there! Ok, I'm done, for now.
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