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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Hmmm maybe I shoulda specified.... anything you could recommend not requireing Gym equipment/weights? Squats maybe? Lunges (though I think these could potentially do way more harm than good)? I really think that some weight training would benefit you the most.
  2. I agree. Great for clinches, and takedowns. I think if you could just take the rule set away when you practice, who knows what else you could find that would work, technique-wise, out of wrestling. Overall, I think it is still a great style to study. The conditioning is great, as well.
  3. I agree. That was a problem that I had a while back. Persistence and practice help to break those habits, though.
  4. Good points, Marie curie. I know that Ken Shamrock broke his hands a time or two in MMA competitions, before they all started wearing the gloves. There is a reason why they wear those gloves.
  5. Even if you take 10 minutes between homework projects to do your form, it is 10 more minutes of training. Even in small, spread-out bursts, you can still work a little something in.
  6. Only 25!!! Wow, I didn't realize that he was that young! Very cool, he should have quite a long career ahead of him. Imagine if he competes until he is Couture's age!
  7. Good stuff. The other night in class, I worked on some stepping during sparring, and it worked to kind of throw off my partners a little bit. I also usually fight southpaw, but have been switching more recently, to really throw people off.
  8. Moving in at angles is great for getting inside of kicks, especially back leg kicks. I find that this helps me out a lot. It also opens up their line to you, while keeping yours sealed off.
  9. Very nice, cross and Baron. I think that interaction during and after the training like that is important. You can't do enough of that, in my opinion.
  10. That is cool. I may have to check that out.
  11. Welcome aboard!
  12. Welcome to KF!
  13. Hey, good finish!
  14. I did hear about that. Bad deal, indeed.
  15. If you do some standard strength training, that should help you to start building the muscles to help protect the joints. Leg curls and extensions, arm curls, etc.
  16. I have seen their advertisements around. It looks interesting, but no where near me.
  17. 4-9-07 Chest and Triceps Chest Bench press: 195x8, 205x6, 215x4 Incline bench: 135x8, 145x5, 155x4 Triceps Dip Machine: 215x6 repsx3 sets Abs Decline abs: 3x20 Side raises: 3x25x25 Hanging knee raises: 3x12 Did Combat Hapkido from 3:45 - 5:00. We did some wrestling around today, and it was fun. I got a good throw on one partner, and I didn't end up tapping out, so it was a good roll, I guess. Bag Work: Jab: 10 each side Cross: 10 each side Jab/cross: 10 combinations, each side Jab/lead hook: 10 combinations each side Jab/cross/lead hook: 10 combinations each side Jab/cross/lead hook/rear uppercut: 10 combinations each side I tried to focus on punching through the bag each time. However, my partner said that it looked like my lead jab was a little weak. I guess I will have to work on that. From 5:30 - 6:00, I taught Orientation. Two of the kids should be ready for the regular class by the end of this week! From 6:00 - 7:00, I had Traditional Class. It went well, and I busted out my form really powerfully, I felt. We also had a 3-for-all sparring at the end of class, which went ok. I was really tired, and could feel it in my legs. However, I did get some good shots in.
  18. Good deal! Glad to hear it worked for you. Keep at it, and you can even change the words, to get a different cue.
  19. I agree completly, James.
  20. Very interesting. The "healing art," eh?
  21. Around 75 to 100 lbs. is good for striking and kicking.
  22. I agree with Ottman. That being said, thinking of a kick that I like to thrown I am torn between the simple ol' side kick and a spinning (reverse is one uses bushido_man96's definition) back kick.Ed Thanks, Ed. Most of that terminolgy comes from my time in the ATA. I still like to use it; I think it helps to differentiate things better.
  23. Well, St. Pierre had disposed of Hughes, who was on top of the world for so long, and now, he falls, really hard. I think it is a big upset. And Serra was the champion of the last Ultimate Fighter season, right? I imagine that St. Pierre has much more experience. It is kind of a big upset.
  24. Ooh. Don't you get your funny bone twanged at times? I've accidentally 'blocked' (er, gotten hit) in the elbow right on that spot and my arm falls right down and just dangles in the breeze for a few seconds. Gotta present my other side and hold out until it comes back to normal. (As I'm now thinking about it, I guess if you're using elbow strikes to block, that would be pretty effective. In fact, I think I'll try that. Thanks B-man) Give it a go! I don't block with elbow strikes, really, I just pull my arm tight to my body, and the elbow is down, and sharp. They usually get it on a side kick or round kick....really charlie's them up.
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