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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. 10/14/2020 MA Training TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. T-shirt class. After warming up with some ground kicks/doggy kicks and light stretching, I completed the first two stations of the kicking class, front leg side kicks and front leg round kicks of various types. Worked on some jump spin side kicks on the bag in regards to board breaking. The last 20 minutes of class was used for sparring. There were only 4 of us, but all black belts (one kid). I don't know what the deal is, but it seems like I spar better if I haven't sparred in a while. Stretched at the end of class, too.
  2. If I had to guess, I'd say probably through team sponsorships and possibly through commercial sponsorships the company gets for hosting the events. But that's just a guess. They could have a rich benefactor or team of benefactors that support and likely practice Martial Arts, as well.
  3. That sounds like a completely reasonable approach to me. I'm of the mindset that a testing shouldn't have to be long in order to accomplish what it is meant to accomplish.
  4. Are you talking about practicing at home after you start the classes, or trying to do so before you start the classes? If you are looking to start training yourself at home, you can sure try to do so, but it will be difficult with no experience and no instructors. But not impossible. There are plenty of resources on youtube you could search out for learning basic techniques, stances, kicks, blocks, punches, etc. The key would be to really pay attention, start slow, and it would be handy to have the means to video yourself and watch it, and then compare what you do with your resources, to see what you need to fix and do differently. Best of luck in your endeavors!
  5. I've never had the opportunity to train a kata with its bunkai, but it seems to me that it could be quite involved and require a considerable amount of time to learn, memorize, get right, and then regurgitate. For that reason, I think perhaps going to a one belt per kata system might be the most beneficial, for learning purposes. You could also include a breaking requirement for each of the ranks, and as they go up in rank, the complexity of the breaking technique(s) could go up. If you are reluctant to add additional belt ranks, you could instead use tape to put on the belt to indicate that the student has learned a kata, bunkai, and demonstrated the breaking requriments. It would be a quick indicator of what they know and what they don't know in regards to the rank.
  6. It's great that you got to move to a newer, bigger facility. Sounds like you've got some great floor space! Keep up the good work!
  7. We can only hope this all ends soon, Danielle, and we can get things back to normal. Kudos to you getting something put together for your students, by making the adjustments. In time, things should get back to normal.
  8. 10/4/2020 Strength Training Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 155x5, 205x5, 205x5, 205x5. Power Clean & Press: 45x5x2, 75x1+5, 110x1+5, 110x2+5, 110x1+5. Deadlifts: 135x5, 155x5, 185x4, 205x1, 230x5. The 45 lb warm-up sets on press were not cleaned first. On set 2, I did two power cleans because I didn't re-grip for the press right. But, more practice is good! When I press from the rack, it's easier to take a narrower grip on the bar, thus maximizing my range of motion for the lift. When I clean the weight first, I have to really work to re-adjust the grip to press. Once this gets too difficult, I'll move to pressing from the rack soley. For right now, though, I'm really enjoying getting the extra power movements worked in.
  9. First and foremost, knowledge and application of the material in the curriculum is required. After that, as Bob mentioned, not all black belts can teach. Each person learns things a little differently than the next, and being able to be flexible enough to recognize this and address it is a skill learned over the course of a career.
  10. Your rank will always be your rank to you. An instructor or an organization might be able to strip rank, but they can't strip the knowledge along with it. Now, with that said, if you move into another school or organization, that school or organization may choose not to recognize your rank. If this is the case, you'd have to decide if it's still worth it to train at that place, starting over from a white belt rank. Other schools or organizations may recognize your rank, and let you wear it. Others may require you to test out to see what equivalent rank they would put you at based on their system. If an organization dries up and goes away for some reason, again, you still have the knowledge. You still have the rank. If others choose to recognize it or not, just depends. So, as you can see, there are a myriad of ways the situation could go. What a practitioner would have to decide is how much he or she is concerned with what is wrapped around their waste, as opposed to what they are putting into their knowledge.
  11. Any muscle memory you have will likely take a little bit of time and some focused effort to change, depending on how long you've been doing something a certain way. I also agree with what the others have said, in that the way you do forms and the way you perform kumite rarely match up. For example, you don't use much hikite in sparring, unless you are allowed to grab limbs, but you see it with nearly every hand technique in kata. If you get to start adding some of these aspects to sparring, then you will get to train that muscle memory better.
  12. 9/30/2020 MA Training TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. T-shirt class. I did all of my black belt forms, starting with Choong Jang and working my way back to Kwang Gae; didn't do Choong Moo, though, which is our skunk belt form. Helped a colored belt on some of our trickier one-steps, which we refer to mainly as "jumps" due to jump kicks making up the one-step. Also helped one of the young black belts working on his flying side kicks. Finished with doing all 12 three-steps, and a stretch.
  13. Well, Mahomes shined in Primetime again, and the Chiefs move to 3-0. The hits keep on coming, though, with the Patriots coming to town in week 4. It's the late afternoon game too, so another showcase showdown.
  14. As well as effectiveness. Correct. Proper intent and purpose, hopefully, leads to efficient and effective. Hopefully....
  15. It's designed that way, to keep you engaged, don't expect them to be best buddies anytime soon I imagine..........And if they do because best buddies, don’t expect it to last any length of time. So, I got through season 2. I won't spoil anything, but I felt the finish was a bit over the top. Really excessive, the last fight, anyways. I am interested in seeing how season 3 pushes forward.
  16. 9/28/2020 Strength Training Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 155x3, 200x5, 200x5, 200x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5. Each work set started with a Power Clean, and then the Press set; PC x105 - x5, PC x105 - x5, PC x105 - x5. Power Clean & Jerk: 85x3, 85x3, 85x5, 85x3. The decision to start each set of press with a power clean was mainly due to available equipment and time allotment. The gym only has one power rack, and I was using the inside for squats, and Kenneth was using the outside for his squats and presses. So, I loaded my presses on the deadlift platform, and decided I would do the press old-school - clean it first. This was kind of nice, as I added more power clean reps to my workout. I may do this again, until my press pushes past what I can clean.
  17. Modify with intent and purpose; not just to modify.
  18. Wow, I can't believe I didn't go crazy on this thread in January! Time to wake it up. So, the Chiefs are the defending Super Bowl Champions (I finally get to say that). That game against the 49ers was just something else. Mahomes is just fantastic, and is never out of a game. The comeback, and the finish, of that Super Bowl....so memorable, and it has been worth the wait. Now, here we are in 2020, and KC has opened the season 2-0. A convincing victory over Houston in week 1, and then an absolutely terrible showing for three quarters against the Chargers in week 2. Lucky to be 2-0. Herbert had a fantastic debut, but Mahomes Magic happened again, and they pulled that one out of their behinds. Week 3 is going to be a tough road game to Baltimore to take on the Ravens and that talented offense and defense. Hopefully, KC gets some things worked out this week, and perform more like week 1 than week 2. They'll need to against that Ravens team. How's your team doing so far?
  19. 9/23/2020 Strength Training Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 155x3, 195x5, 195x5, 195x5. Due to what time I got off work, got my son picked up, and got to the gym, I didn't have much time to get my whole workout in before class started. MA Training TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. T-shirt class. I worked the bags a little bit, but spent a lot of time working with a younger student on technique work. I did go through Choong Jang once, and went through the twelve three-steps we have.
  20. 9/21/2020 Strength Training Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 190x5, 190x5, 190x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 100x5, 100x5, 100x5. Deadlifts: 135x5, 155x5, 185x3, 225x5. Performing the Valsalva maneuver really does affect my ear. I'm hoping my body can adjust to this. Meniere's is making things difficult on me. I didn't end up having an episode of vertigo, but the constant Valsalva seemed to build up the pressure in my ear, and it made my head feel...different. 9/22/2020 Firearms Training Range day at work, so a good time was had. No qualification shooting, just practice and some drills. We shot a course knocking down pepper-poppers in competition, the last shooter had to shoot a balloon. The drill was also done with dummy rounds to work on clearing malfunctions. We also shot the same course with the weak hand, clearing malfunctions along the way. We also did a flight where we had to reload with the weak hand. After all that, we had a little fun and shot a 9mm rifle platform that was really sweet to shoot. I could tell I hadn't shot in some time, but I felt really good about my shooting, and felt like the practice from before had helped a lot.
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