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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Sort of but I mean, Taekwondo is more popular than Karate since it has been an olympic sport for so long and many people love the kicks which is more palatable for movies due to flashiness. I mean Tang Soo Do could associate with Taekwondo all together ( some do) and not have anything to do with Karate. I just feel that it resembles Karate a great deal. Depending on the style/branch of TSD you are talking about, you are correct.
  2. That looks like a great resource, scohen0300! I bought the book!
  3. I can see and understand both sides of this argument. The Martial Arts, at their core, I believe, are interactive in nature. Sure, one can do a lot of solo training, and it is highly recommended. However, it is truly difficult to see and know how one is advancing without the eye of a qualified instructor and someone to work with as a partner. Learning how techniques work when practicing on a resisting partner, and the like. We often define the journey as our own, but it is rarely walked alone. On the other hand, especially in a world where more and more online training takes place (both in the form of laid out courses or live classes done across a social media platform), the idea of rank promotion in this manner is gaining more and more traction. I believe the more and more schools are forced to present their training in this manner, the more credence that will be put behind this method of doing things. With that said, I do think that by seeking out opportunities to train with other partners in order to "pressure test" things, as you put it, adds more credence to your training. It adds a level of sincerity to it. I think what one has to be prepared to accept is that there will always be those who will look at you side-eyed when you tell them that you gained your rank "online." If you are ok with this, and do not care what these people think of you, because you know what you've trained and how you've trained, then in the end, what others think doesn't really matter, does it?
  4. I love the reference to Robert Frost; I read him as a child, and is probably worth reading again. You are infinitely better at applying this stuff than I am! I am truly enjoying the exchanges here so far. Let's do some more: So, seems like a lot to unpack here. The moon that is the reflection in the lake. The reflection rolls and rocks with the motion of the water, but the moon itself does not move. We may appear to be moving, when in reality, we are not, and perhaps we are making everything else move around us. I'm not doing this, but it's happening through me. More about mushin, is how I read it here. When I think about Lee's approach to training, I think what he is getting at here is when the mind is "localized" in regards to thoughts of styles, or how many MAists think of things in regards to their styles. I don't think it's restricted to the idea of training in a style and that's it, though. We should keep an open mind in all things we get exposed to.
  5. 1/6/2021 TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. T-shirt Class. I did my form, Choong Jang, three times, worked the bag a little bit, and worked on some self-defense applications with one of the skunk belt kids. The CI told me this young one had wrote out some goals for himself, and told him to share them with me, stating that the more he shares them, the more real they become. It was a great point. So I worked on a few things to help him with those goals. At the end of class, we worked on some more Hae Sul from Chon Ji hyung. Stretched at home.
  6. Good thoughts, for sure. It'll be interesting to see how that develops. With the penchant for bringing back the same former characters, a re-casting doesn't seem to be in order, so you might be on the right track. As far as Robby goes, I think the ultimate goal here is for him and Johnny to reconcile, as opposed to him and Daniel. At this point, that seems so far away from happening.
  7. I agree with you, Ashworth. I like the direction Hawk went, but I'm really struggling with what's going on with Robby, especially considering how all that started in season 1.
  8. TSD is the Korean style that really embraced it's Karate roots more so than any others. This mainly happened due to a nationalization movement to get away from all things Japanese and develop a more individual, Korean national culture (this taking place after the Japanese occupation of Korea was over). General Choi worked very hard to bring the kwans under one umbrella; his. The one that remained outside of this umbrella was what remained known as Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan. Yes, the style did have some flavor all it's own, usually most recognizable in the flavor of high kicking. However, they retained many forms that are rooted in Karate katas. Their Pyong Ahn series of forms strongly resemble the Heian series of katas. The Keemah Hyung bear strong similarities with the Tekki series, Sip Soo and Jitte, etc. TSD, I believe, as opposed to trying to remove itself from it's roots in Karate, has done more to embrace it.
  9. Training in different arts does offer that "fresh" perspective, and it helps to see our other art in a different light.
  10. I agree with your assumptions as well. I think that is who "Pony Tail" was. Overall, I really enjoyed this season. I think Netflix has taken it in a good direction, and the development of the characters has been fantastic.
  11. Yep back to Zoom Got to come up with some new ideas I'm upset about not being able to go to the gym anymore, I'd buy a power rack but I've no garage or anywhere to put it Buying a power rack is probably all you'd be able to get; finding iron has been the real struggle here. Price per lb on it has gone way up, if you can find it. I haven't been able to find iron for months, and when I look at racks, they are out of stock. 1/5/2021 Strength Training Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 155x3, 185x1, 205x5, 205x5, 205x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 95x2, 117.5x5, 117.5x5, 117.5x5. Stretch. Still trying to work out the binding in my left hip flexor area.
  12. Welcome to KF, Miick! Glad to have you here, and look forward to your contributions!
  13. Oh, that sucks so bad, Danielle! So, is it back to Zoom classes for now? 1/2/2021 Half hour of cardio (elliptical) with my son, who's still working on cutting weight for wrestling. He's getting closer, though. Afterwards, I had a nice stretching session at home, and am going to be reading more By the Sword.
  14. I think in BJJ circles, this tends to work a little differently. I believe there are BJJ blue belts that run schools and promote a few levels, as a BJJ blue belt typically has about as many years in as a typical Karate black belt does.
  15. That is very interesting, Himokiri. We do tend to have different mental orientations at different times in our lives, so that can make a huge difference. Mental practice is important to stay sharp and focused.
  16. 12/30/2020 Strength Training Deadlifts: 135x5, 165x5, 195x3, 210x1, 235x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 95x2, 117.5x5, 117.5x5, 117.5x5. Lat Pull-downs: 140x10, 140x10, 140x10, 140x10. After deadlift and between press sets, I stretched my legs and back.
  17. I've never found puzzle mats to be great for comfort in falling or anything. Something more like a wrestling mat would probably be a lot better for jumping on. However, since you are training at home, you might consider training in your shoes, at least while doing jumps and such. Much cheaper, and they should lessen the impact of jumping.
  18. 12/29/2020 Cardio: 30 minutes on the elliptical, then spent 30 minutes in the hot box at the gym. My oldest son is still working on cutting weight for wrestling, so I was his cardio partner today. Afterwards, I had a nice stretching session at home.
  19. My only complaint is that I wish Ralph Macchio actually had some skill. He's just painful to watch at times.
  20. 12/28/2020 The only bad thing about the holidays is they tend to lead to long layoffs. Back to it. Strength Training Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 155x3, 185x1, 205x5, 205x5, 205x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 95x2, 115x5, 115x5, 115x5. I got both boys to the gym with me today. Fun time. TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Black Belt Class. We did Do-Kangs 1-4, doing 4 twice by count. Three-steps 1-6. Brief stretch at the end of class. Evening light stretching session at home.
  21. Alright, in these stanzas here, I feel like I am beginning to understand some concepts that Lee is talking about (but am probably wrong...). Paragraph 5 starts out, to me, with being flexible. Not just supple in body, but flexible in your mind, in how you think, in how you approach things. By being flexible in our view of the world around us, new things will be revealed to us. Moving like water: the classic Bruce Lee line. Water has no shape, and thus can take the shape of whatever vessel it encounters. It flows and fills, and flows on. Being still, like a mirror, is something different. The mirror only reflects your movements (and that of other things around you, of course). The mirror only shows you what is there, what you present. So, in being still, like the mirror, this means....present nothing in the reflection to move? I think I'm better with water... Respond like an echo: an echo is only a reverberation of sound. I guess if you think about it, the response of an echo is only what was offered in the first place. So, when responding to someone, only respond with what they present you? I think I'll have that glass of water... Nothingness cannot be defined...so I won't bother. The softest thing cannot be snapped: I believe this goes back to being flexible in how you receive things.
  22. I'm thinking of picking up Volume 1 soon. Let me know if you do pick it up.
  23. When the weight is light, doing 3x5 on deadlifts is ok. As it gets heavier, you'll find that one heavy set of 5 is more than enough, especially after a heavy squat session. 12/26/2020 and 12/27/2020 Some light stretching sessions in the evenings, while reading. I finished up Jeet Kune Do: Bruce Lee's Commentaries on the Martial Way. I've got the last two books of that series on order, too. In the meantime, I'm rereading By the Sword, by Richard Cohen. Fantastic book. I'm having trouble stretching lately. The muscle on top of my left hip wants to seize up and cramp all the time. Feels like the hip flexor. Makes it really hard to get a good stretch going.
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