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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Each person is going to be different, and the type of training is going to have a lot to do with it. In the end, I don't think proficiency in Kung Fu would take much longer than any other style, regardless of how long it takes to get a black belt rank in such and such a style. The rank tends to be irrelevant; the time in training, and the training methods, are much more relevant.
  2. Sadly, many unwanted bats are abused by martial artists daily for nothing more than entertainment. Please- adopt a bat today. Invest in the future That was too cool, and that was too funny!
  3. I think that many students will gravitate either toward some of the tendencies of their instructors (in an attempt to emulate them) or find a few moves that they like and work well for them, and then build a bulk of their combinations off of those moves. I think that at times it can be a good idea to practice random combinations to force the students to think and change up, but sticking with what works, the bread-and-butter, is important for every Martial Artist.
  4. In the past, I struggled with this. Now, with my job, I have become more comfortable with it. One thing that I do notice is that I don't have time to get psyched out if things just "happen." However, if I stand across from someone, and they start building the situation up, I don't deal with the rush as well. I would love to have the opportunity to work out in a style like MMA or Boxing, for the benefits that NightOwl speaks of.
  5. If you prefer the Shotokan, then TSD might be what you want. However, since you have evaluated each class once, I would go a bit further with each. Try showing up at the school in the middle of a class, when they don't know you are coming, and see if anything appears different.
  6. I am not familiar with any ATA - WTF relations. I have been out for a while, though. I don't know how many different TKD schools you have been to, but your pereception may be based soley on what you see as far as the internet and Olympic TV goes. I think you are generalizing TKD quite a bit. But, that is just my opinion.
  7. It is just another opinion to seek out and try. It doesn't have to undermine what someone else is doing. It can be a supplement to it. As long as it works in an efficient and effective way, then wouldn't it be an applicable bunkai?
  8. Geez, how many times did the guy have to tap before the ref saw it?
  9. I am looking forward to it. Finally, an MA movie with no wire work or off-the wall stunts. Just fights. Plus, the coach was in Gladiator, and I loved his character. That guys is tall, too.
  10. I have caught myself rolling my eyes here and there during some of the dialogue of the show. However, I have enjoyed it overall. I would love to see a Capoeira episode and a Western Boxing episode as well.
  11. I think that most of these cage fighters we are talking about have probably been in a scrap or two on the street at some point or another anyway. Look at Kimbo Slice. This guy is a noted street fighter, and this time, is trying to make his way up the ranks in MMA. He is big, and is in good shape. However, he has to work at the MMA game a bit more. Does that mean that he couldn't take the top MMA dogs on the street? No. But, it doesn't mean that they couldn't take him, either. I didn't know that about St. Pierre. Thanks for the info. I do like to watch him fight, when I get the chance.
  12. Wow, good stuff.
  13. 600 lb. squats, James! That is awesome! And here I am, working out with around 160 lbs. at the moment!
  14. Don't you think you might have been a bit hard on the kid? I've had more important pieces of clothing laying on the floor of my house, waiting to be washed in the laundry.
  15. I have a brother who lives near St. Louis. If I ever get up that way (which may happen in a year), I may have to come check your place out.
  16. This may change in the future. One of the ITFs is in discussions with the WTF looking to bring some sort of form event to the Olympics. Its a long way off but maybe it could happen. It is really going to be up to these two organizations to decide to bring more back to TKD than the Olympics can offer. There is no doubt that the drive for the Olympics produces some great athletes. However, there can be great Martial Artists who are not cut out for the Olympics as well.
  17. Good point about working through the ranks in Boxing. That would be fun to see again. It would also help Boxing, I think.
  18. I see what you are getting at, and it isn't unlike anything I have had to do. I went from being a 2nd dan black belt in one TKD organization, and had to start over when I joined another. So I know what you are getting at. Here is a different thread that I started on a similar subject. It may give you an idea of what I think: http://www.karateforums.com/outside-style-practitioners-working-out-in-your-school-vt33277.html
  19. If you get into a rut, sometimes shaking up the routine can help. Start the class by sparring first, and see what goes from there.
  20. What I like about Abernethy's approach is that he has taken the time to really break things down, take the forms apart, and look into what the applications could be. If you make it work for you, then it can't be wrong.
  21. Wow, nice. Quick with that one!
  22. I think the term "traditional" is a misnomer in itself. Absolutely true. Thanks! Its hard to get support on this statement at times.
  23. I agree. The reason that competitions like with Wrestling, Judo, and even BJJ are around is because there is a natural tendency for man to want to test his strength, skill, and physical abilities against another man (or woman ). I don't think that there is anyone around here claiming that cage fighters are the best fighters in the world, bar-none. I haven't seen any real "hero worship" going on. Everyone has a bias, there is no doubt about that. However, I don't see any proponents of "this is better than that" at this point going on.
  24. FMA would be great to practice as well.
  25. It is the age of the gun, but what happens when you don't have it drawn? Besides that, if hand-to-hand combat wasn't still a threat, then the armed forces of the world wouldn't waste time training it to their troops.
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