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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Better to hold it off, and get it right the first time, than throw together something that will backfire on them. Hopefully in time, they get it worked out.
  2. It is nice to be able to cut loose and be yourself every now and then. Good for you, white owl.
  3. Its unfortunate really that the way that some people approach the Martial Arts doesn't make them as beneficial as they could be for self-defense. In my opinion, they should be the same. But, it isn't always so. Hock Hockheim has some thoughts on bigger/faster/stronger people, and having to defend one-self against them. He talks about 15%, I think is the number...15% bigger, stronger, etc. Once you get to that point, you really will find it much more of a struggle to match their strength, etc, and will need to even things up in some way, like with a stick, or a dirty tactic, or something of the like. Fighting multiples will always be a crap shoot. The main reason that people partake in gang-beatdown is because it works. There is a very high success rate. Best to learn how to avoid such situations at all costs.
  4. I don't have one. I have always wondered how well they would hold up. I think they would be a great tool to work hook kicks, heel kicks, and crescent kicks, as well as round kicks. Do you have any problems with it coming undone, and falling off?
  5. Welcome to KF!
  6. Here is a thread on Tai Chi that you may find of interest: Tai Chi and Combat Effectiveness
  7. Really? What's not to understand? Aikido in this group is not taught / promoted as a self defence system. But, the study of it will engender good skills that will naturally improve your ability to protect yourself. Its more of a useful bye product however, rather than the primary reason to study it. I don't think that this makes it right, though. I think of Aikido as a self-defense art. I feel that someone who claims to teach a Martial Art in the way that the mission statement you posted states, then they are using a misguided definition of the term Martial Arts. I practice Aikido also, but with a self-defense attitude and mindset. I have even made cross overs from the Aikido class into my Defensive Tactics training. I think it is the way that Martial Arts are designed to be.
  8. I think that is also another trap that the non-contact style of sparring leads one into. There is a very false sense of security that he is developing there, by not having to actually respect the hand techniques that you are throwing. Yes, being flexible in style is a very good thing.
  9. Our Aikido class begins with a brief medatitive period of focused breathing. I don't really care for it, though. I do it, because the rest of the class is, but while everyone is sitting there with their eyes closed, breathing, I find myself opening my eyes and looking around, wondering when class is going to start. I think it is just time better spent working technique.
  10. A good kihap/kiai should come from the gut; not from the throat. If it comes from the throat, then it is just yelling.
  11. 10-11-08 Kicks on the floor: Side kick: 15 each leg Round kick: 15 each leg Push-ups: 2x20 We were out of town, staying in a hotel room, so I got this little time in. This week really killed me.
  12. I don't think those points are lost in Karate or TKD. In fact, those are points that we tend to cover quite a bit in class when we focus on our punching. Its always good to review them, and get back to the basics.
  13. That was a nice demo. Very fun to watch. The leg strength that they demonstrated was awesome, along with the control.
  14. Its funny that you mention this, because LEO uniforms are hardly indicative of physical self defense, unless you get into the tactical clothing. I think a lot of people assume this, and it is an assumption that could get you into trouble. Think about the shoes you have on. Are they dress shoes? If so, then they traction on them may not be that great. And the pants you wear may be more restrictive than the uniform you wear to class. What about that tie that some guys have to wear to work. That effectively gives an attacker an extra appendage to grab on to. Sometimes, its important to have a no uniform day at class, so that students can come in and do kicking, punching, and joint locking with their clothes and shoes on.
  15. When the rest of your limbs are tied up, I think its a viable option. I think using the back of the head, like when you are in a bear hug, would be one of the safer ways to do it. But striking the nose of an assailant would be a good target to hit, too, I think. I always liked the Van Damme head butts from his movies. On the other hand, if Hock doesn't recommend them, then he usually has good reasons why. A use it at your own risk technique, I guess. But, one man's trash is another man's treasure. Some guys out there are really hard headed. I think the style called Burmese Boxing actually allows head butting in their rings.
  16. Regardless of size, there has to be some skill present there in order to become a champion Boxer. Being big helps, I'm sure. But if he is big and skilled, then look out!
  17. If you think that their character needs to be built, then sure. However, I don't know if I would look at it in such a manner. I guess for me it would depend more on their attitude towards the training and classes than anything else. I have an interesting story that goes along with this idea of double promotions, so I'll share it now.... Prior to getting into the TKD organization that I am with now, I had attained the rank of 2nd degree black belt and certified instructor in the ATA. It was TKD, but the forms and one-steps requirements were different. When I signed up with my new org, I didn't expect to be boosted ahead. There was also another individual that took this TKD class as well, and he had prior experience, too. He wasn't quite a black belt, but he was just one or two belts away, I think, in a WTF style, that really focused on Olympic style sparring. This fella was younger and definitely more athletic than me, too. Well, when it came time for our first testing, we both got bumped up a few ranks. I didn't ask for this, but the instructor felt that I could handle it. So, we spent the next testing cycle learning more than the usual set of one form and one-steps. This went fairly well, and I got to skip again after the next testing. After that, I mentioned that learning the extra forms was getting a little taxing, so I didn't skip anymore after that. The other fella only skipped the one time, if I remember right. Now, the other guy really liked to compete, so he did. However, I chose not to compete while I was a colored belt in this new org. I didn't really think it would be very cool of me as a colored belt with black belt experience sparring other guys that had only been in for a half year or so, whereas I had perhaps 5 years worth of experience. But the other guy wanted to compete, and he did. I never chided him for it, but just made my own choice not too (not that some of the colored belts probably could have beaten me, anyways ). So, I think that this is something else to consider as well when making the decision to hold rank from a student with prior experience in a similar style. I know not every style is based on competition, but it is another matter to consider in the case, I think.
  18. This week kind of sucks for me. I have so much stuff going on that I haven't been able to make it to a class, and I'll be out of town this weekend, so I won't get to Aikido class, either. I guess I'll have to take some solo time...
  19. That does sound pretty far-fetched. I wonder how they would compensate for rotation, revolutions, etc.
  20. Nope. Crazy. Never dream of trying it.
  21. That's cool. Looks tasty....
  22. I think this will be great. The only thing that disappointed me was that there wasn't a Hulk 2 in the mix. Even with the way they ended it, I thought that they would get another in there. But, at any rate, he should be in the Avengers movie.
  23. At age 46, I'm not sure what to expect from him. Hopefully, it'll be a good fight.
  24. We may be making too big a deal out of the Slice loss. I'm not saying that he's the best fighter out there, but what if we match him and the Silverback up 2 more times, and see what the results were? What do you think?
  25. I think that this is usually at the discretion of the instructor. I went from one TKD org to another, so I moved up a few belts each test. I would not expect this in the Aikdo classes I take, as they don't relate that much. Likewise, I wouldn't expect the same to happen in a Karate class, either. In the end, it may depend on the student's ability to assimilate the curriuclum, and at what level of understanding.
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