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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. My concern here lies in these statements. You state that you can play basketball at a high level, and not have these problems. If this is the case, then I don't understand why warming up at a high level would be any different. It seems inconsistent. Perhaps you should take about 15 to 20 minutes of your own time before class to do a light warm-up, prior to going into class. That may help.
  2. It was "Your thoughts?" that tipped me off first.
  3. I agree. I think that saying that if one claims that MMA is more of a strategy than a style, then I think you can say that about most styles in general. Each style tends to have something about it that defines it, which is why there end up being so many different ones. What works for one doesn't necessarily work for another, so variations come about.
  4. You got your hands full there, eh ? It really isn't too bad. I do one Combat Hapkido class on Monday mornings right now, I got to TKD 2 days a week, and I attend Aikido on Saturday mornings, if nothing else is going on.
  5. With the holidays coming around, you could offer some holiday special to potential customers.
  6. Welcome, John. Don't I know you?
  7. Looks good. Its nice to see another DC movie, as well.
  8. Very cool. Really creative.
  9. I would like to see it, but I don't know that I'll make it a priority. Maybe when it hits DVD.
  10. There are some wild ideas there. Crazy stuff.
  11. Being on your knees won't allow you to be near as mobile as you need to be to fight well. It may take away some targets for your opponent, but it may not be worth it. Like you mentioned, though, Aikido does many techniques from the kneeling position; in fact, some Aikido schools require all techniques done standing to be done from kneeling as well, at some point in their ranks. I think it can be a useful training tool, but other than that, I doubt I would try it for combat purposes.
  12. It looks like it got a few good reviews. It may be worth checking out.
  13. I like the brachial stun, too. I actually had that done to me once, as a dummy for an instructor of mine. He was doing a demo for a criminal justice class he was taking, and he was demonstrating PPCT stuff. He whacked me, and I almost went to sleep. 11-18-08 Legs Hip adduction: 100x10x3 Hip abduction: 100x10x3 Chest/triceps Triceps press: 177x10, 215x10, 10 Back/shoulders/biceps 1 arm dumbell row: 40x10, 10, 50x8 Barbell curls: 70x10, 75x8, 80x6 TKD class: 6:00 - 7:00. We got to spar without pads on tonight, and it was a nice change. It really makes people want to stand and slug it out less.
  14. Not as far as I could tell. It seems to be a Korean deal at this point. But perhaps we shall see some of their fighters make their way into some of the bigger promotions.
  15. As Wa-No-Michi pointed out, these are two different styles of Karate, but I can really see the differences between the two. I liked the second vid better. On the first one, although the guy's hand movements were quick, he did a lot of opening and closing his hands, and used that zippy circular motion to make his techniques quick. I didn't notice as much hip usage with his kata, either. Still, both look much better than I could make it look.
  16. Yes, welcome! I think that you may want to speak with a doc about the dizzyness. As for your arms getting tired, 120 push-ups could do that to you. In time, you body will adapt, I'm sure.
  17. I think that this is pretty well said. I think it is important to talk about when it is ok to use your physical skills, and when it might be wise to use skills of avoidance (which should still fall under some Martial principles). Say, wait a minute...don't I know you, JohnC???
  18. That sounds like a great setup there. They went about setting it up the right way, and although I think that they could get away with making some contact with sufficient protective equipment, it is a great way to introduce this great art to a new generation of practitioners. Maybe more high schools will get into this, too.
  19. TKD class Basics (anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the pace; usually the same set for every class) Forms (start with white belts, and work up in rank; I stretch during this time) One-steps Sparring Hapkido class This is a bit more free flowing. Ideally, though: Basics (Strikes and kicking combinations on mitts for each rank; bagwork for kicks as well) Breakfalls Technique work from curriuclum Advanced stuff, like trapping, adding in other impromptu attacks, etc. Aikido Stretching Aikitaisos Breakfalls Technique work Jari waza/randori
  20. Hehe...although that might be a stretch, you could probably get some seasons on DVD...
  21. Hello, This event has come to a close. Here are the results of the matches: Brock Lesnar defeated Randy Couture by knockout. Kenny Florian defeated Joe Stevenson by submission. Gabriel Gonzaga defeated Josh Hendricks by knockout. Demian Maia defeated Nate Quarry by submission. Dustin Hazelett defeated Tamdan McCrory by submission. Aaron Riley defeated Jorge Gurgel by decision. Jeremy Stephens defeated Rafael dos Anjos by knockout. Mark Bocek defeated Alvin Robinson by submission. Matt Brown defeated Ryan Thomas by submission. With these results in mind, here are the final standings: 1. bushido_man96 - 22 (6-3) 2. ShoriKid – 21 (6-3) 2. pittbullJudoka – 21 (6-3) Congratulations to me! Full standings: http://www.karateforums.com/karateforums-com-mma-picks-2008-standings-vt34777.html Thank you to everyone who participated.
  22. It could be about many things. You may do forms and applications on one day. You may do breaking and fighting on another. There may be two sessions of several hours each, and you may have to demonstrate teaching and the like. Its hard to tell, really. Ask some of your black belts about it. They may not tell you, though.
  23. What is this new movie supposed to be about?
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