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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. 11-12-08 Push-ups: 20x2, 15x2 on knuckles 11-13-08 TKD class: 6:00 - 7:00. Class was good tonight, as far as the workout went. I must have put a bit more into the hand techniques, because my arms are tired tonight. There was an incident that went down in class tonight that I didn't like, though. I was doing some one-steps with an orange belt, and in one of the one-steps, there is a takedown where we step behind and block a leg, which could turn into a reap, but we don't do it that way early on. Anyhow, this orange belt is quite taller than me, and when I went to do the sweep, as I pushed him down, it appeared that he just stepped over my leg to avoid the takedown. So, we did it again, and I changed it to more of a quick step and reap. Well, then it all went south. The instructor had me do it again, which I did, because he didn't like the way I stepped. I told him that the other guy was taller, and I felt like the technique wasn't working. Then the instructor looked at both of us doing the technique, and it kind of snowballed from there. The orange belt is also a student at the Aikido class I go to, although I hadn't seen him at the Aikido class for a few weeks. He isn't much more than a white belt, either, I don't believe. At any rate, the way he was falling was different. We breakfall out of the sweep; he was kind of rolling out of it. Well, then the instructor made a big deal out of his falling, and then made some comments that he was afraid to fall. He said he wasn't, that he learned to fall differently, and that we had not addressed falling in the TKD class (which he was probably right). Anyways, the instructor moved on, and so did we. I let the student know that it was not my intention for that to happen tonight. He said he understood, and that it was good, so he could learn what he was supposed to do from it. At any rate, I felt that it could have been approached better, and handled a lot better, by the instructor.
  2. I was reading the latest issue of TKDTimes Magazine, and there was an article in it on Korea's MMA entity, called Spirit MC. The article discussed the setup of the organization, which has what appears to be a minor league, in which the competitors can get their feet wet, and then move up to the Spirit MC competitions, which are fairly fast-paced, and have a pretty good rules setup, as far as it relates to competition. Here is a brief look at it on Wiki; its fairly incomplete: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spirit_MC Here is info on their next upcoming event: http://mmamadness.com/events.html?event_id=2049 I thought it looked interesting, and it appears be well set up.
  3. Apparently, the Kojo clan was well known for its Martial Arts. The Kojo clan was berthed out of what was called the Kunida families, who were sent to the Ryukyu Islands as ambassadors from China in 1392. The family name was Cai before, moved to Kunida, and later became known as the Kojo clan.
  4. Are you saying here that the strike is just from arm strength? I guess I don't understand exactly what you mean here, but it sounds like you just use the arm strength in the technique.
  5. Yep. That's why so much importance is placed on the basics in so many schools.
  6. Why do you think you school doesn't do too much form application? Because no one was shown application. Simple as that. The forms are used to for technique development, which would go along with movement, and we do one-steps that are referred to as our "self-defense techniques" , and then free sparring and board breaking go into our testing requirements.The GM of our association also has some Ho Sin Sul put together, but our school never practices it, except once in a blue moon. So, I look for other ways to find applications.
  7. Those are cool, and they look so accurate, too.
  8. 7, 12, 21, 24 were my favorites. The auroras were very cool.
  9. Do you think a belt is going to decide your fate? A piece of cloth that is died and tied isn't really going to have that much affect on what you do in the future. I'd say not to sweat it. You'll be fine.
  10. I am not buying this one at all, really. It looked like a set-up act, to me. I just don't buy into the transfer of internal energy into another object.
  11. I would think so. Insurance coverage has be by horrific, too.
  12. I think that seeing these things in other venues helps to open up my forms training a bit. I do think that there are applications to the moves in the forms, and since my school doesn't do much forms applications, I can find them through other sources, such as cross-referencing my Aikido/Hapkido classes, and in other sources, like in books from guys like Abernethy and Anslow.
  13. I think that in many MA styles, if not all, you can find many techniques that are quite simple to do. Granted, these are done in fairly static situations, and when some drunk grabs your lapel, I'd bet that trying to attack the pressure point on the inside of the elbow may not be enough to deter his intentions. But, it doesn't mean that it can't be the beginning of a combination that would push the attacker away. In any case, it is the simple aspects of the arts that make learning them easier in the beginning, and moving to more advanced stuff as time goes by.
  14. I see what you are saying here, Joe, and it does make sense, but it doesn't necessarily work out the way you might think it does on the day of the event. I'll give you a typical scenario of a self-defense situation in my area. We'll go with the bar fight scenario, as it is the most common around here. A guy starts roughing you up, and you fight back to defend yourself. While "defending" yourself, the cops roll up, and you both get cuffed and arrested, most likely for disorderly conduct at first glance. This may not sound right, but when the cops roll up, they just see a fight; they seperate, and then evaluate. From here, you have two options if you get taken down to the station: Option 1: You say you want to give a statement (usually written) as to what happened. The officer reads you Miranda, and you give your statement (which he probably records), and then asks you to write it out. If you are able to articulate correctly what happened, then you may walk without getting charged. Option 2: The officer reads you Miranda, and then asks you if you'd like to make a statement as to what happened. You tell him no, you want your attorney present. Now you will most likely be charged with the disorderly conduct, and where I live, you would have to post a bond to get out of jail that night. So, as you can see, the ability to articulate what happend and how you reacted to the officers at that time can be very beneficial to you, if for nothing else than convenience.
  15. Here is a title I saw in my local bookstore that might be of some interest to you: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Combat-Techniques-of-Taiji-Xingyi-and-Bagua/Lu-Shengli/e/9781583941454/?itm=2 It seemed to be pretty comprehensive, and focused on some combat applications of the internal styles.
  16. Well, it was about due for a remake. We'll see how it goes. Since Jaden Smith is being tutored in MA now, perhaps the choreography can be a bit more convincing.
  17. I agree, tallgeese. I like Couture here as well, but if Lesnar upsets him, I won't be surprised. He has steadily improved since his debut, and he will get to the top, eventually. He works hard, and is tough. Its hard to bet against The Natural, though.
  18. That's a bummer, Joe. Keep looking.... 11-11-08 TKD class: 6:00 - 7:00. Class was good tonight. I have been focusing on my cross-over side kicks during basics, and am not worry about the speed so much. The way do it is pretty much a training tool more than anything, so I try to approach it that way, and work on the speed with the way I would actually throw the kick. Sparring was ok tonight, although I get tired so fast. My conditioning is really pretty non-existent. I would start the match with my side-on stance, but would gradually move to my more comfortable Boxing stance. I am getting better with lead leg kicks, especially the side kick, and even got some head-high round kicks today. The green belt I sparred with was terribly suceptible to them tonight. But, it makes him think about getting his hands up. I really wish there were some more students at my rank to work with, to really push myself a bit more.
  19. I guess I'm not clear on your meaning of "energy punches." Could you elaborate a bit more?
  20. I think you are correct here. Forms can have so many good uses and applications, that it is tough to think that they can be looked at as merely a bookmark in the curriculum. The other day at our Aikido class, I saw a motion that looked like a good application as a throw for the mountain blocks in our form Toi Gye.
  21. I wouldn't bank on that. What the law might think, and what a defense attorney may try to hit you with, are two very different things.
  22. Wow. That's the way to go out on top.
  23. I loved the Genesis. Still do, in fact. Its still back home, with my Streets of Rage games. Loved them, too.
  24. So, is that like a week-in-one?
  25. I live to eat. I have a voracious appetite that is my downfall. I have lost a bit lately, but not much. And I still like second and third helpings.
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