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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. I did notice that. That alone really makes it worth checking out. I also saw that he has a new hardback edition of his book coming out. I wish he would hurry and get volume 2 out there!
  2. Welcome aboard, and good luck with your grading.
  3. Series is 2-1 now. I'm not sure the Magic have what it takes to win this series, though.
  4. That's pretty nifty. An impressive find.
  5. That looks like quite a load, Bob. Have fun, and good luck!
  6. Just incredible to be able to fight through anything like that.
  7. I see. Perhaps just working on her with tracking the target along the path the kick would travel, without kicking at first, might help her to focus on it a bit more? Just a thought. 6-9-09 I helped a student work on her spinning heel and spinning outer crescent kicks tonight. Working on pivoting and getting the body in proper alignment for executing each of the kicks.
  8. 13 times and then...BONK...turns into...OUCH...as on the 14th practice run they've hit you dead on your fingers. Yeah, tell me about it! This would be ideal, and perhaps I can get my instructor to look into it. If one isn't that hard to build, then perhaps I can convince my dad, who is a lot more handy than I am, and has all the tools, to help me put one together. I have been downloading those mag issues, so I am sure I'll come across the article. I agree with you 10000000% here. Unfortunately, its not my class, or my school, so I just get to nod and say "yes sir!" In my early ATA days, our rule was set it up, take a practice run or two, and then you break. And if your practice run touched the board, it counted as an attempt. Two attemtps per station, and that was it. Now, with how the attempts plays out, I like it and I don't. For one thing, it shows that they have a grasp on all aspects of a technique; speed, power, and especially distancing. However, if a student has a great testing, and then bonks on the boards, does the weight of the scoring the board break end up failing them? In some places, yeah. In others, maybe not. Should failed board breaks = no change at testing?
  9. 6-8-09 Evening session 100 Push-ups Week 4, Day 1 (3rd column): 21, 25, 21, 21, 32 = 120 Seeing as I have been having trouble getting week 5 down, I decided to back up to week 4, and do the high end column, which I can tell is still going to be tough. Getting back on the horse here made my arms feel nice and tight, and I like that feeling. Just that getting there kind of sucks. At any rate, I am trying something different to see if I can make some gains. 6-9-09 TKD class: 6:00 - 7:30. Arms sore from the push-ups the night before, and I regretted in during the upper body portion of basics. Even more sore after class. Tomorrow afternoon should feel real nice. Basics drug on a bit tonight, and we didn't spar any. This will probably be the only scheduled class I get this week, as well.
  10. I believe the red and white belt is an option for someone of the Renshi level to wear, is it not?
  11. Thanks for link, Throwdown. I remembered the name Maeda from reading some of my BJJ books. Maeda actually referred to his style as Jujitsu because Kano didn't like the idea of his students fighting in challenge matches. So as not to offend Kano, he said that he did Jujitsu.
  12. That is a nice design. Seeing that, what you might do is see if there is a high school student around that is in a shop class, and might be looking for a project to do. It might cost you the materials, but you could ask around.
  13. If our forms are supposed to be full of applications, and the forms are full of techniques done in kihon (basics), then I don't think that it is far off to say that much of the basic technique performed may have applications in and of themselves. I see this in one of our white belt one-steps, where the defense resolves around a knife hand strike. This involves securing the attacking hand, pulling to hikite and striking the neck with the knifehand strike. The strike and the retracting hand are practiced in every class in the knifehand strike basic technique. As far as the meat of the article goes, I'm not sure that anyone espoused the fact that it is easy to seize someone's wrist in an altercation. But in an altercation, there are many things that don't come easy. However, it is important to practice such skills, so that one you do experience the crash that tends to happen, as tallgeese mentions, then you have something in your box to go after.
  14. Welcome to the Forums!
  15. I think that you would be better off spending more money now, and saving in replacing parts in the long run. Go with the quality. Also, kudos and congrats on doing the filming. Very cool.
  16. Congrats on receiving the symbol from your instructor.
  17. Man, that looks great! And I love the idea of a cooperative mode. Finally, Mario and Luigi can play together!
  18. Cool. Man, I remember when it came out for the Nintendo...
  19. Good analogy, Joe. That's the way to look at it.
  20. I think that is one of the sticklers in being associated with an organziation. It probably can be done. What they can't take is your knowledge and experience, though.
  21. I would sit down and talk with him, like the others have mentioned. He should understand, and if things get back to normal, then you two would be able to continue together.
  22. Are you teaching to watch where the kick goes, or to kick, and not watch (blind kick), JusticeZero? I couldn't really tell which way you were going, and thought I might have a suggestion.
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