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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Its nice to know that someone has such expectations of you, isn't it?
  2. Its that whole learning process that takes place; the belt means something early on, and keeps us motivated. Eventually, the belt fades, and all that's left is the training.
  3. Keep us informed as to how it goes.
  4. I agree with the Wally Jay recommendations. I don't know much about Dillman's books, though. A guy named Scott Shaw also has some books out on Hapkido that might be worth a look. Gozo Shioda's Aikido books are good, too.
  5. This is interesting. I can now get somewhat philosphical....that which I rarely do... ...so here goes..... "Studies" are those subjects we are taught to by another, learn, practice, do more of, and then test on, for the most part (in school and in the Martial Arts). Once the test is taken, it has been Studied. But, nothing says you can't Study your Studies again. And not just for review. You begin to analyze it, pick it apart, put it back together, and keep doing those things. Studies are Studied continually. Reviewed constantly. So, we truly never do stop learning.
  6. I learn something every day from my instructor. Even if it is some little thing in basics or something, or some reminder, or even being made to teach a Little Lions class now and then, I learn something from him. I also learn something of my own each time I train. I am not my instructor, so I cannot be like my instructor that much; he is 6 foot 3 inches, probably 170 - 180 pounds. I'm 5' 8", 254 pounds; needless to say, our TKD will not be the same. So, although I can (and do) learn much from him, I am also everyday becoming more of "myself" as a Martial Artist. I think its this way with everyone.
  7. In our organization, I don't think there are any physical testings after 6th dan. My current instructor is a 6th dan, so we'll see when he comes eligible. I think the ATA has physical requirements through their 9th degree rank, along with other requirements.
  8. We look forward to hearing more from you, still kicking. I can understand about getting busy...it happens to us all from time to time.
  9. I'm waiting on the final Song of Ice and Fire book to come out. I also enjoy William Dietrich's Ethan Gage novels, Matthew Reilley, Clive Cussler, Jame Rollins, Ted Bell, and David Goleman.
  10. How I Met Your Mother is a popular one at my house. I also enjoy Justified when I get to catch it. May have to DVD that one.
  11. I've never had a PS3, but played the PS and PS2 in the past. Loved the Dynasty Warriors games. Now, I play a Wii, and I thoroughly enjoy it.
  12. I remeber some of his songs from years past, like the late 80s and early 90s. He was always fun to listen to.
  13. 6/23/2011 TKD class: 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Basics, stretch (splits, left and right, frog stretch, knee hug glute stretch), Form (did ok, botched the hand slap section; worked on that section afterwards). 6/24/2011 SL 5x5A Squats: warmup: 45x5x2, 115x5, 135x5, 155x3, 180x2 work: 240x5x5 Bench press: warmup: 45x5x2, 115x5, 135x2 work: 180x5x53 Barbell rows: warmup: 65x5x2, 85x3, 95x2 work: 120x5x5 Power clean: work: 65x5 I've decided to add the power clean at the end of the A sessions. I've always liked it as a lift, and it fits the StrongLifts philosophy of complex barbell exercises. Stretch: standing straddle, left and right, toe touches, trunk twists, standing quads; seated straddle, left and right, butterfly, glutes, reverse hurdler, back stretch.
  14. Yes, choices and options are nice to have. Good luck when competition time rolls around, and keep us posted on all that.
  15. Yes, I do. And I hate it. It affects the way I move all the time. It messes with my kicking, especially my spin kicks. It also affects how I hold my arms up. The bulkyness tends to cause my elbows to flare out more, and this can mess with my blocking.I think it also puts me at a disadvantage, because I like to punch, and when I punch while someone is wearing one, they don't really care. I don't mind the WTF rules the way they are layed out. I do have a problem with the way they are enforced. I'm not incredibly fast, nor have incredible timing, so I'm not a counter fighter at all. I block a lot, so I can get inside and work people over. This is within the rules, which is great, but, punches don't get scored, and no one ever blocks, so when you get close, you just get seperated. I love to spar in class without gear. People respect my punches a lot more, and I do better with kicks. Did I mention that I hate hogus?
  16. I don't think there is anything wrong with padding up and throwing down with other like minded individuals in a controlled setting. Some people like this kind of contact, and some not so much. I've got a brother who used to be like that. He probably still is, but just can't do it as much now. I think its healthy and normal.
  17. After working the bag some more, I've found that beermug down feels better for my wrist. I also do think its a bit better when the range is a bit farther. I'll keep working with it.
  18. So have you put the Boxing on hold then? I think it would be great to experience training in a Boxing gym; the bag work, the mitt work, and the conditioning would probably kill me, for sure. But, I think it would be a blast!
  19. I've heard of these rules referred to as "Western" Kickboxing in the past. I'm not sure if that terminology has set sail or not, but thats how I remembered it when I was younger.
  20. This isn't always feasible. I'm in law enforcement, but I can't just carry my gun in my hand all the time "just in case." That's why you have to work on things like deploying your weapon, making space to do so, working on the speed of getting it out there.
  21. I've had a few seminars and classes with the head of our organization. They are pretty much just classes, but with the head guy. He'll give a chat after testings and such, and I always listen closely. Other than that, just another class.
  22. ...(or that) I'd agree with this. Nothing worth while comes easy. That's tough for some.
  23. Hello, Renee. Welcome to KF. I did a Google search of the area. Check this link out, and see if anything in particular catches your eye: http://www.google.com/search?q=Martial+Arts+schools+in+Warren%2C+OH&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7_____en#q=Martial+Arts+schools+in+Warren%2C+OH&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7_____en&prmd=ivnscm&source=univ&tbm=plcs&tbo=u&ei=drsDTs3kKOu20AG1yfC6Cw&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=more-results&resnum=1&ved=0CDAQtQMwAA&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=5da5b133da3412bd&biw=1024&bih=497
  24. I've heard the negatives, as well. I don't think they have any contact sparring, either, but am unsure. Let us know if you check it out.
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