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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. lit-arate -- Thanks for sharing the form link. That was a long one, I was wondering when it was going to end. It had some very interesting moves in there, too.
  2. I wouldn't go so far as to consider it a UFC precursor; there were plenty of challenges like that going on throughout the decades. To me, it is what it is; a challenge match in black and white.
  3. I dont know if I should be ashamed for saying this but, I heard about this style in an anime/manga. Although to be fair in the anime there is, judo,sambo,karate,jujitsu,boxing,muay thai,tae kwando and more irl styles... No shame there. At least not for me.Its nice to check out references like this to see what turns up. Someone out there probably does a Klingon Martial Art.
  4. Love the robe.MA jewelry....like one of those knives that goes on a chain around your neck?
  5. That sums up a whole lot of what being a Martial Artist is in a very nice way.Hard to argue with this, just as human beings in general.
  6. Hi Bushido! I attend 5280 Karate Academy in Lakewood. It is relatively new, only about a year old. It used to be part of the Stephen Oliver Mile High Karate program (yuck and before my time) and the new owner has taken it away from a McDojo to a karate academy. It's still young and developing, but it is an amazing family of martial artists that my son and I have fallen in love with. Thank you for the welcome! Sounds like you've found a good place then. As for my friend, he's in an ATA school out that way, so no luck there. Glad to have you, though!
  7. Welcome to the Forums!
  8. I did know that little tidbit about Jin, because him and his dad didn't exactly get along, and he left the Mishima Karate for Kyokushin. I always liked playing as Hwarang, or Baek in Tekken Tag and the original, or as Tiger/Eddie Gordo. Sometimes I'd be that goofy doc, too, just to irritate the guys I played with. I played 3 the most, and some of Tekken Tag. Don't have the machines to play them myself, so that was with friends.
  9. I don't think I've seen too much of an effect from it. Our numbers have actually been down over the past few years, especially our adult students.
  10. It was an interesting fight. I didn't see any leg kicks or elbow strikes, so there must have been some concessions made before the fight. The Karate guy moved decently enough to save himself, but the Thai fighter was the aggressor.
  11. I've said it before and I say it again, I think kata should take a bigger precedence then that. There are a lot of very useful things to be learned in kata. That being said, I'm glad that you found a dojo that fits your training preferences and that you can be happy in. Congrats! I agree with you. If its only done for gradings, then I don't see the point. Just get rid of them, and find some other grading criteria that relates more to what it is you spend your time doing.
  12. It all begs the question "what's in a name?"
  13. Nice find. This is the first I've heard of it. Maybe we will hear from a few practitioners.
  14. I'm hoping to get a few MA titles this Christmas. No one else in my family is a Martial Artist, except my son, who is Wrestling, but he wants toys and games and stuff...
  15. I have issues backing this claim. I don't think that a style can embody a certain life style. I think that, at the most, a style can embody some sort of discipline but that is up to the teacher to impart and/or the student to internalize. However, no style inherently implies some sort of living standard. Any fighting style is exactly that; a fighting style. Any philosophical ideas passed learned in a fighting system are coming from the teacher's ideas and philosophies. Its basically someone trying to influence you to their way of thinking. The fighting system, in and of itself, can't do this.
  16. I think combat training will build those characteristics important for being good at combat. The idea of building the characteristics of integrity, courtesy, etc, is the role of the family unit, and to seek it through MAs is ok, but I don't think it should be pushed as the selling point that it often is.
  17. Perhaps the fist developed as it did as humans began punching straight, and not slapping with arced strikes using the palms.
  18. It did seem very one-sided. The guy in the long pants didn't really throw anything.
  19. Welcome to KF! I've got a friend that works in Lakewood. Maybe you go to the same TKD school!
  20. I disagree with the berserker mode thing, the problem is in todays day and age we have uneven surface such as sidewalks as well as people with cell-phones. So in these situations when you lose control two things will happen: 1. You will go crazy and destroy the guy and if a witness can get it on camera then your gonna have to explain to the court your blood thirsty behaviour and not to mention the fact that you used ZERO martial arts since its impossible to do so in that mental frame of mind I find it difficult to believe that there can be a "fight" with no "Martial Arts" in it. Not every person trains in the Martial Arts, but they can still end up being in a fight for their life at some point. Just because one does not train in Martial Arts doesn't change the fact that fighting is a Martial act. Someone can still be a good fighter without having trained in any Martial Art. Not every fight is going to be a refined sparring match or demonstration of bunkai. Fighting is chaotic, and it gets ugly. You do what you have to do to survive. If that means summoning some inner strength and boosting your own morale with a blood-curdling war yell, then so be it. Everyone needs to learn when to stop, but between start and stop points, holding back can get you hurt or killed. To me, berserker mode doesn't necessarily flailing around. Everyone in the fight has to be concerned with their surroundings. Sparring in a dojo, in bare feet, with no obstructions except walls, doesn't really teach this.
  21. My brother signed up to run a half marathon this year, and told me about an app that trains for it, called c25k. Gives a workout plan to follow that supposedly doesn't kill you. He wanted me to give it a try, but that isn't likely to happen.
  22. Looks like some fun training. The punching on the bags seems a funky style, but with lots of power. I think that video has floated around before, too.
  23. Welcome to KF!
  24. Sparring and fighting aren't always the same, and the feeling one has when sparring and fighting aren't always the same, either. Berserker mode can actually work well for some people, as long as they rein it in when the bad guy goes down.
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