I have been in two systems. I am a 2nd degree and certified instructor through the ATA. When I moved to go to college, I joined a different school and organization. The instructor made me start all over from white belt. I didn't complain about it though, because the forms and one-steps where different from my previous system. However, by recognizing my previous training, he allowed me to skip some ranks a few times. I got to 1st degree in his system in about a year. My motivation was that the belt I was wearing did not matter; I knew whay my capabilities were. I kind of have a mental perception of what "rank" I am. I see some of the students around me and say to myself "I've been there." Then I look at some other students and say "That's where I need to be." Even reaching 2nd degree in two different organizations, I realize that I still have a lot to learn.