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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Great job! Now you know what to expect out of the testings a bit more, and so should be able to prepare yourself better the next time around. Use this as a learning experience.
  2. 5/2/2013 30 min walk and stretch.
  3. I really don't think this routine is going to build power at all. There aren't really any power movements in that routine. A routine like this will work for around 8 months to a year, but because it lacks the big lifts and progression, its bound to peter out, and that when people go looking for a "different routine to turn the corner."One would do better with a 3 day a week program, 5x5 or even 3x5 setup, working 3 lifts, and then perhaps a few auxiliary lifts, like a calf/glute/ham raise, and the chinups. You squat all 3 days, with a rotating door of bench press/overhead press, and dead lift/power clean. Do that with linear progression and deloads after failures for about year, and then you get to the point to where you're ready to alter the program due to progression, switching to something like a Texas method. Some good programs to look into are Starting Strength, Wendler 5/3/1, and Stronglifts 5x5.
  4. I'm speaking mainly about the use, study, and practice of the fighting techniques involved. Through the course of live practice sessions and studies of the manuscripts, along with common sense, I don't have any doubt that these guys are doing what was done all those years ago. There are only so many ways the body can move and defend in a practical manner with these weapons, and the warriors of the time would have been seeking to move and defend and attack with these weapons in these ways. Its definitely a different, and more challenging way, to go about things, but the way warfare evolved in Europe caused these arts to fall by the wayside, with fencing being the only real survivor throughout the years, and it is the style that has really changed so much.
  5. I really think that would be an awkward combination of weapons to see fighting each other, and am not sure it would really work well at all. But, I'm speaking from a practical standpoint, and not a demonstration standpoint. I can't think of any demo or movie scene I've ever witnessed involving these two versing one another, so I don't know where you'd go to get some choreography ideas. Let us know what you do figure out.
  6. So was everyone happy with their team's draft?
  7. Keep your chin up. You may pass, but if not, you've already pointed out some areas you need to work on, which is great. You've got a starting point to go forward from, and if you have to test again, no big deal. Look at it this way, its an extra class! Keep at it, stay positive, and look back on the experience as motivation. Keep us posted! Good luck!
  8. No, I didn't say that. But, in any use of force situation, things have to be evaluated in their totality. For instance, the size of the attacker, are they armed, what is the nature of the threat, etc. All these things come into consideration.If I choke her out to assure I can get away safely...Is that to much force in the eyes of a LEO on scene? No, I don't think so. But, you have to also keep in mind that what you view as doing a simple choke to disable her for a short time and get away, others may view as you attempting to kill someone. Again, much of a decision I would make would be determined by the collection of the information from you, and what you perceived the threat to be, and of those around that also witnessed it. Another important aspect of self-defense is being able to articulate what you did and why you did it to someone in order to defend yourself. If I ask, "Bob, why did you choke her?" and you respond with a well worded response that describes her actions, along with her responses and aggression towards you, this will help you even more. You might respond, "She was being very belligerent towards me, and her breath smelled like she had been drinking. I was trying to leave, and she grabbed a beer bottle and swung it at me. I raised my arms up in a defensive position to protect my head, and at the same time that I blocked her arm, I slipped around behind her and restrained her with a carotid choke. I told her multiple times to drop the beer bottle, but she would not, and so I constricted the restraint, causing her to lose consciousness, because I didn't feel safe letting her go, for fear she would continue to hit me with the bottle. After I felt her body go limp, I let her down to the ground, and got far enough away I could safely call for help." That response sounds a lot better, and tells me a lot more than a response that goes more like, "That goofy chick wouldn't leave me alone, so I knocked her out!" I hope all that clears up things a little bit.
  9. 5/1/2013 Pre-class workout 10 down blocks in front stance, continuous, both sides. 10 high blocks in front stance, continuous, both sides. 10 middle blocks in back stance, continuous, both sides. All of these, I focused on speed and snap, along with hips into the techniques. Powerline BL front kick: 10 each leg. BL push kick: 5 each leg. BL double round kicks: 3 each leg. BL round kick: 5 each leg. Spin hook kick: 5 each leg. Spin side kick: 5 each leg. TKD class: 6:00 - 7:30 pm. The organization tournament is coming up this weekend, so the class was kind of a tourney prep class. Our instructor explained some of the nuances of how the tournament will run, how the rings are set up for judging forms and then sparring, and then we did a mini forms tournament, where the 4 black belts that were there did judging, and two students would come up and do their forms at the same time. The students got tips on keeping spacing in mind for their forms so they don't run into the judges while doing them, etc. I did get to run through Yoo Sin, and I felt pretty good doing it. Had good power, but as always, the crescent/hand slap/side kick was kind of bad. Afterwards, we set up a sparring ring, with the instructor being a center judge, and we had 2 or 3 corner judges, depending on who was sparring. I got to spar a match with our young and spry brown belt, and that was a good time. 30 minute walk after class, and a stretch.
  10. I see where you are coming from. But there can be old traditions, and new traditions. All these old traditions you study up on had to start somewhere. They were once new. Likewise, new traditions just need a few people to pick up on them and make them consistent for them to become so. Or, old traditions can be brought back and reborn, re-established. Like I said, it is unfortunate that the line was broken, but we just have to work around that.
  11. I never did see this footage. I don't think I need to. Its unacceptable behavior, and no one should be treated that way by a coach, who is put in a position of trust.
  12. I owe you my friend more than I can ever express!! THANK YOU!! Thanks, Bob. You are very welcome!
  13. I'm not trying to equate them. They are what they are. But just because they are now being rediscovered doesn't mean that they aren't an old fighting tradition. As for what happens between the pictures, you are correct there. That's why the study groups work forwards and backwards to ascertain what is being demonstrated in the pictures and through the text. Not a best case scenario, but its what they have to work with, and they have done a good job, and I think they are pretty close to doing what those fighters did back then.
  14. Sounds like fun training!
  15. Gen 4 Glock 22 Colt AR 15 12 ga Benelli shotgun
  16. I'd just assume start a match off angry at the other person. Then I won't care if they get hit.
  17. No, I didn't say that. But, in any use of force situation, things have to be evaluated in their totality. For instance, the size of the attacker, are they armed, what is the nature of the threat, etc. All these things come into consideration.
  18. Exactly, Bob. So many view a failure as the either such an insult to themselves or a bruise on their ego that it can't be overcome. But that is what it is for, to be overcome. Its simply another training obstacle.
  19. 4/30/2013 30 min walk. 5 pistol draws.
  20. Once a transmition is broken it's never going to be the same again. An important factor in training Koryu is the bonding you get with your instructor and fellow students. It's a physical/organic thing as much as anything else. My instructor guides me by correcting me with his hands in the same way his instructor used his hands to corrected him and so on... Never going to be the same if something is broken and rediscovered 200 years later. K. As for that time split, no, it won't be retrieved. Nothing to be done about that. But what is important is if the training is solid, effective. The study of the manuscripts shows that those doing it are doing what they did back then, and they are constantly researching and practicing the techniques, refining more and more. We won't get the gap in time back, but the traditions are alive and well.
  21. I didn't say it doesn't prepare you for combat. I said it isn't combat training. Due to lack of a partner? Sorry if I'm sounding short. I'm afraid I have little patience the topic. Probably should have stayed out of it. Not because it doesn't have a partner. Rather because it is formal defense against formal attacks. The movements are chosen for their teaching value, not their effectiveness on the street. It's not meant to be scenario training. In the Shotokan syllabus scenario training is called "self defense", in English anyways, and is treated as something other than kihon, kata and kumite. Ok, I see the point you are trying to make. However, I don't think the formal defense/attack pattern is the only there to be worked on. If you can dig more and find something else, then great. Maybe its stretching, and maybe it isn't, but it is facilitating the thought process, which is always a good thing.
  22. true. some people are interested in the history of it, i guess it can be related sort of those who do battle reenactments Good comparison.
  23. Very nice. Very quick. I enjoyed watching that.
  24. Perhaps it may add value, but it will be more of an intrinsic value to those seeking out that kind of thing. But not necessarily a value that can be realized outside of the fact that it is 400 years old. There are those who are very much into that kind of history, and that's ok.
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