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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Bob makes a lot of good points. I think the longer many of us stay in the arts, the less we thing about rank and what it might mean, where the more important aspect is what can someone teach? If I can learn something from someone that I don't know and find valuable, then their rank is really unimportant. I do think it's important to understand and see if someone is a fraud or not, but like many things, this comes with time and experience. My current rank basically means that I can teach someone the fundamentals of TKD, and I can confidently convey the aspects of the techniques to them, along with some concepts behind self-defense. How good someone thinks I am is pretty irrelevant to me; I know me pretty well, and am comfortable with my abilities. Can I teach ground skills? Not too many of them, and not really well. So, I'd recommend someone seek somebody other than me out for that, and then tell me who they found, so maybe I can go learn from them, too.
  2. Welcome to KF, Revario! Glad to have you here!
  3. The problem is that half of the time half of the teams in the league are looking for a QB to run their offense, let alone trying to find 2 of them that are good, and make the team, and then don't want to sign for a ton of money when their rookie contract is up. I do understand what you are saying, but I just don't see it being a practical outcome in the NFL.
  4. A few things I used to work on in the past: Cross the T: this is a matter of using footwork and techniques to get into a position where you are side on, but the opponent is not; his front is to you. From there, he has more targets open for you to go after and for him to defend, so advantage offense. Clear with a Kick: we're kickers in TKD, so what I used to tell a student was to clear with a kick when they finish a combo. This helps to keep the opponent out of range so you can see them come back and re-engage. It also teaches them to control some space.
  5. Yeah, I expected this going into it. If I could bench press without pain, I would, but anything I can sub to train the chest a bit, I'm willing to compromise on. I'm starting out really low so that I can keep a bead on how my shoulders feel going forward with the movement. 3/3/2023 Strength Training Squats: 45x5x2, 135x5, 185x3, 265x1, 295x5, 295x5, 295x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 100x3, 130x1, 150x5, 150x5, 150x5. Lat Pull-downs: 142.5x10, 142.5x10, 142.5x10. Iso-lateral Bench Press: 30x10, 30x10, 30x10 (15). A decent session here, and then, over the weekend, I got sick. Some cold bug, and I was coughing so hard that it made my back and stomach muscles really sore. So, I've missed a week of training, and am likely to miss some more. The cough isn't nearly as bad as it was, but I still notice some fatigue. As per usual, life deloads me.
  6. I think what and how you plan on training on a particular day can lead to wearing different gear for protection, based on the training. Light drilling might require little to no equipment. Harder contact naturally tends to lend itself to more protective equipment in many cases. I also notice that when harder contact is the goal, a rule-set tends to get implemented in order to prevent serious injury. In the end, I think it's a matter of finding a balance.
  7. Congratulations, Noah! A well deserved award! Thanks for all you've done here at KF, and here's to the next 10 years on staff!
  8. I think it's hard to run a two QB system in the NFL. Mainly due to the salary cap, and having to pay for other important positions, too.
  9. 3/1/2023 Strength Training Deadlifts: 135x5, 185x5, 265x3, 345x1, 385x1, 385x1, 385xfail. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 100x3, 148.5x5, 148.5x5, 148.5x5. Lat Pull-downs: 140x10, 140x10, 140x10. Iso-lateral Bench Press: 25x10, 25x10, 25x10 (12.5). Ok, quite a bit to unpack here, mostly on the deadlifts. I failed to pull 385 for a set of 5, and there were several factors involved: 1. I got a horrible sleep today. 2. I have a gash in the web of my right hand from a door handle I needed to replace. I covered it with tape on Monday's workout, but it just got sweaty and slid around. I managed through all the lifts ok, but the only pull was lat pull-downs. 3. I didn't get to do my light squat session prior to pulling today. 4. I tried using the generic straps the gym had to try to mitigate the grip in the pull. It didn't work at all. I pulled the first one with the straps, and pulled the second rep without (hook grip and chalk). Two of the worst reps I've ever pulled, too. Bar drifting away from the shins, and it felt like it would stop after an inch off the ground. With so many variables, it's hard to know if any one contributed more than any other. I'm hoping that by next week my hand is feeling better. I'm going to switch up my pulling routine, too. I'm going to alternate the deadlifts and the snatch deads every other week, so I'll only pull heavy once every two weeks. Hopefully that allows me to recover enough between heavy pulls to keep driving progress. I tried out the iso-lateral bench press (which is a seated upright Hammer Strength machine, so not lying down). I seemed to be able to move through the range of motion ok, so I'll keep trying it. Each side of the machine is loaded individually, and each arm could be worked separately, or in unison. I'm doing it in unison, so I'm adding up the amount on each side for the total weight, but I'm not sure if that's right. The number in parentheses is the load on each side. TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. T-Shirt Class. Not much happening here today; it was me an one other guy in the class. I did some black belt forms: Choong Moo, Kwang Gae, Poe Eun. A little stretching, and some speed bag work. Unfortunately, a lot of chatter, too.
  10. Fans may grumble about it, but fans aren't in the building studying this stuff 5 days a week, and fans don't have to worry about losing their jobs if they make the wrong decisions. I think if Hurts hadn't missed some playing time, he would have won the MVP. I also think he's here to stay; no Wentz dropoff. Hurts has improved vastly over the past three seasons. I don't know how much more improvement he can make, but he's shown that he can carry a team to the ultimate prize. Will be interesting to see how the 4th down thing progresses. There will be a lot of analysis based on net points i assume from 4th down tries, plus net yardage, with teams coming up with their own acceptable metric: I envisage something like : we get 50% of tries and average 7pts per successful 4th down try drive, so 3.5pts per attempt but when we fail we give up a field goal on 1 in 3 but no points the others, so a loss of -1 with a net of +2.5pts - obviously will be a lot more complicated. NFL and Baseball are really good for making use of analytics so if there is a gain to be made there then someone will I think you have to take into account the nature of the game being played in, too. This was the Super Bowl; all or nothing. I'm not sure they consider going for it as many times during an early regular season game, but I could be wrong. I think the fact that it was the Super Bowl made a huge difference in going for it that many times. Sneaking on 3rd and 4th downs like that, that many times throughout the course of the regular season puts the QB in a dangerous spot quite often.
  11. 2/27/2023 Strength Training Squats: 45x5x2, 135x5, 185x3, 260x1, 290x5, 290x5, 290x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 100x3, 130x1, 148.5x5, 148.5x5, 148.5x5. Lat Pull-downs: 137.5x10, 137.5x10, 137.5x10. Pectoral Flies: 45x12, 45x12, 45x12. Squats and presses went well. I'm finding on the press sets that I can keep reps 1-3 fairly strict, but reps 4 and 5 require a little more layback. I added the pec flies in because I'm trying to find a way to work my chest other than bench press. I'll run these a few more times and see how they feel. I could feel a little tug on the shoulders doing them, so I will take it slowly. TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Black Belt Class. Warmed up with Do-Kangs 1 and 2, and then jumped right into Ho Sin Sul. We did a lot of wrist grabs, working to an arm bar or lock, to a takedown, to a lock and restraint.
  12. It strikes me as the kind of style that really isn't interested in global popularity. I think those who propagate the style are happy with having a smaller number of dedicated students, and don't care to advertise commercially to draw in a bunch of students who don't plan to stick around.
  13. Fans may grumble about it, but fans aren't in the building studying this stuff 5 days a week, and fans don't have to worry about losing their jobs if they make the wrong decisions. I think if Hurts hadn't missed some playing time, he would have won the MVP. I also think he's here to stay; no Wentz dropoff. Hurts has improved vastly over the past three seasons. I don't know how much more improvement he can make, but he's shown that he can carry a team to the ultimate prize.
  14. When you mentioned Guy Windsor in the one of the other posts, I knew the name was familiar, and was certain I'd read something. Turns out I did have a title of his, the small volume on the Dagger. I'll have to dig it out again and peruse it.
  15. I finished the book, and I got that other title you suggested in and have started pouring through that. Seeing the videos helps a bunch, too. There were quite a few guards presented, and seeing them in action will make more sense than on the page. I do agree with you on the flexibility aspect; being competent in both ranges and in moving between the guards and the plays would be huge. Hopefully you do get to spar again. It'd be awesome to hear about those training sessions.
  16. Thank you, DarthPenguin! Strength Training 2/24/2023 Squats: 45x5x2, 135x5, 185x3, 245x1, 285x5, 285x5, 285x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 100x3, 130x1, 147x5, 147x5, 147x5. Snatch Grip Deadlifts: 185x3, 245x2, 285x5, 285x5. I didn't get the food intake I usually get before lifting today, and last ate at around 3:30 am. First set of squats felt like it was going to crush me, which it hasn't been doing. I tightened the belt up another notch for the next two sets, and it made all the difference in the world. The press went well, but rep 5 on set 3 really slowed down, but it went up to the top. It took a lot of layback. Snatch deads, reps 1-3 feel good and smooth; rep 4 is a little harder, and rep 5 feels like it's tanking it out at the top on both sets. But feels good to finish those sets.
  17. This is all great news. I'm so happy for you, Bob!
  18. 2/22/2023 Strength Training Squats: 45x5x2, 135x5, 185x3, 225x5, 225x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 100x3, 130x1, 145.5x5, 145.5x5, 145.5x5. Deadlifts: 185x5, 265x3, 345x1, 380x5. Lat Pull-downs: 135x10, 135x10, 135x10. Light squats again today to facilitate warmup for the deadlifts. That works out pretty well. Press went well, but the last reps of each set started to grind, and I had to give a little more layback. I think that is just the thing moving forward now. Which is ok. If I want to practice more strict pressing, I'll add sets and drop reps to keep the form. Deadlifts...man. That last rep is a total grinder. It's slow, and hard, and heavy, and I hate myself until I finish that pull. No class again tonight; church.
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