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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. I tend to use a hard long I sound. It tends to come out like "aye-ya!" One thing I can't stand is when people actually say "Kiai!" or "Kihap!" when they yell. Seems to work well, but maybe I should look into the "H" sounds you mention. Years ago, my dad something that sounded like "ooh-ie!" or something like that. When I do it myself, I see why. We are big on this with out women's self-defense seminars, for a couple of reasons. One, being loud draws attention, which bad guys don't want. And two, if you're talking, you're breathing.
  2. 9/5/2024 Strength Training Leg Press: 45x10, 135x10, 185x5, 225x3, 265x2, 300x5, 300x5, 300x5. Bench Press: 45x5x2, 65x5, 95x3, 125x5, 125x5, 125x5. Lat Pull-downs: 140x10, 140x10, 140x10.
  3. KC's offense looks better equipped than last year. Xavier Worthy appears to be worth the draft pick, and will hopefully help take the top off of defenses, which was sorely missing last year. Still, have to finish some more drives so games don't stay so close. That was a nerve-racking finish.
  4. Self-control and patience. Especially from teaching kids. It's also helped me to see when I need to take a different approach to something someone doesn't seem to be getting.
  5. I agree with you on the bouncing anymore. It's a little tougher on my knees. I try to do it every once in a while, but I rely more on the footwork I need to use at the time, and just stay as light on my feet as I can to be ready to move.
  6. Agreed! Having my boys in there is fun, but my age shows when I go against them. And my body doesn't recover like it used to. 9/4/2024 TKD Class: Traditional Class: 5:30 - 7:00 pm. Well, it should have been traditional class, but no one showed up, so it became an open workout. I opted to do some more bag work. Front Kicks: 15 variations, 5 each leg. Round Kicks: 15 variations, 5 each leg. Side Kicks: 15 variations, 5 each leg. Total: 450 kicks. I had a few thoughts as I went along: Back leg (BL) switching side kick is odd, to say the least. Trying to get around with the chamber tight is difficult. The better option would be the switching spin side kick. I'll be working on a reverse/spin side kick focused "class" in the future. Also difficult were the BL side step to side kick and the BL side step #4 side kick. There were lots of body mechanics involved in getting completely turned and not cheating the chamber of the kick along the way. They are ok to drill, but don't really seem practical to do otherwise. Although the switching side kick did not feel natural, the "switch, then kick" variation worked much better. On the stutter-step side kick I found that the kicking foot could cross in front or behind and neither seemed to hinder the kick. I've got a few variations to add to the overall totals moving forward, at least for the front kick and round kick. I'm going to add in FL and BL "autobombs," which are the switching double kicks, along with a FL side stepping #3 kick. The doubles are tougher for me to do now; my knees don't like all that. But the younger students should do ok with them. I finished the night with a floor stretch. And ibuprofen.
  7. This is so true, thanks for pointing it out and expressing it so well.
  8. I did check in on the migration a few times while waiting. Thanks for taking the time to keep up all informed on the progress. It may seem like a little thing, but it is appreciated.
  9. It's great to see the site back up and running, so new and improved! Thank you to everyone that contributed to the success of this migration. The new site looks so good! Kudos to you @Patrick, Chrispian Burks, and Matt Mecham on the work done here!
  10. I've never really taken an interest in learning Korean. In my original TKD style, we did everything in English. It wasn't until I got into the organization I'm in now that I heard Korean in class. And I've learned over time from reading different sources that we have some different terminology for techniques than other organizations do. So I'm not sure if it's helpful or not.
  11. I agree. That was something this instructor is pretty big on, and it seems we start every class standing and working on kazushi. It's a great approach. 9/3/2024 Strength Training Leg Press: 45x10, 135x10, 185x5, 225x3, 265x2, 295x5, 295x5, 295x5. Press: 45x5x2, 65x5, 95x3, 122.5x5, 122.5x5, 122.5x5. Lat Pull-downs: 137.5x10, 137.5x10, 137.5x10.
  12. I agree with Montana. I try to bring my kihaps from the gut, and tend to keep them short. Watching Olympic TKD sparring is a burden for me. Too much yelling, and none of it is from the gut. It's just a kihap per technique, which is not the point. In our classes, we kihap often in basics. I find that the more frequent we kihap, the less likely I am to find it from the gut each time. For our black belt three-steps, the GM wanted us to kihap on each frickin' technique, including the blocks. And I hate it. It's just too much.
  13. 8/29/2024 Strength Training Leg Press: 45x10, 135x10, 185x5, 225x3, 265x2, 285x5, 285x5, 285x5. Bench Press: 45x5x2, 65x5, 95x3, 120x5, 120x5, 120x5. Lat Pull-downs: 135x10, 135x10, 135x10. BJJ Class: 7:00 - 8:00 pm. Couldn't get the boys to go with me tonight; one claims he's tired from football, and the other had homework to finish up. It was just three of us in class tonight, so we did the drills in round-robin style. The first three "games" were kazushi based, standing, and the last three were done from a wrestling style top/bottom starting position. 1. For these first 3 games, he used tape to make a 2'x2' box on the floor with 4 quadrants. The person in the box had to keep 1 foot in 1 box, and the goal was to move the feet to keep balance without putting two feet in one box and without stepping outside of the box. Either caused a role switch. We had to maintain 2 points of contact with the hands/arms on out partner, and it was push/pull/drag/whatever to manipulate the other partner out of the box. 5 minutes. 2. Same drill, but the person outside the box had to get locked hands around the head, head/arm, arm, or waist, and then drive them out of the box. 5 minutes. 3. Same setup again, but this time if you got the person out of the box, you tried to get a takedown. The other person's job was to get back to the box. A successful takedown was role switch. 5 minutes. I did ok on both aspects I guess. Inside the box is really tough because of the range we were limited to. When I was outside of the box, I noticed I would get too focused on tying up and trying to get hand position, but I was standing still and right in front of the person in the box. So I made myself start moving around more to get them moving. A gal with BJJ experience was in the class, and she hit a slide-by on me 3 times that got me out of the box. After the third one I finally defended it. I had her show it to me after, and it's the same move I'd worked on with the boys for wrestling. She also commented that I did pretty good, and asked if I had wrestled. I said no, just one year many moons ago and I was terrible, and just the work I'd done with the boys. 4. Ground top/bottom setup. Top person's job was to control the hips. Bottom person's job was to escape, reverse, or get to guard. If the bottom person did either, roles reversed. 5 minutes. 5. Same setup, but top person tried to get to a head, head/arm, or arm lock without getting out in front and letting the hips go free; staying behind the elbows. Bottom roll was the same. 5 minutes. 6. Same again, but this time the top person's job was to try to secure an arm, break down the hips so they were on the floor and usually to one side, and then to get a hook in with a leg. 5 minutes. I struggled with controlling the hips and got my arms too far ahead. This allowed them to clear a hip and start standing up. They got out easy. When doing the game 5, it was clear to me that had the hooks been allowed I would have been caught several times. But I did get a little better at scrambling around and getting reversed. On my last bout on top, I was able to manipulate an arm to a two-on-one, broke the hips down, and got the hook in. So I seemed to progress somewhat, which was good. We had good discussions between each game, figuring out different things to help set up.
  14. 8/28/2024 TKD Class: Traditional Class: 5:30 - 6:30 pm. My head was a little bouncy as we started off basics. I'd land after stepping and doing a strong technique, and the room would jiggle. It got better as the class went along. Just had to make some adjustments. Basics: I focused on getting snap from the hips. I feel I usually do this, but wanted to really zero in on it tonight, especially when stepping forward and backward in the back stances, where I find it tougher. I did have some issues with balance again. Forms: Dan Gun and Hwa Rang. I then gave the brown belt some areas to focus on to get his form really looking like a brown belt's form. One-steps: Assisted, doing low-orange belt. Mostly a memorization thing for him at this point. Sparring: Watched and assisted/called out things to work on while moving around. Kicking Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Started off with a stretch in The Rack, getting up to 140 degrees. Forms: Gwang Gae, Poe Eun, Gae Baek, Se Jong, Yoo Sin, and Choong Jang. Balance was most of the issues tonight. That coupled with being pretty sore and fatigued through the hips. Then I did Do-Gon 6 and worked through all 12 three-steps. After that was a long floor stretch. I finished doing repeat kicks with the wall for balance: Round kicks: Mid-section x5 each leg, then set down. Mid/hi x5 each leg (so 10 total, 2 kicks = 1 rep). Mid/hi/mid x5 each leg. Mid/hi/mid/hi x5 each leg. Side kicks: Mid-section, x5 each leg. Front kicks: Mid-section, x5 each leg.
  15. 8/27/2024 TKD Class/Teaching Evaluation Session 2: 2:00 - 3:00 pm. This session went much better, as she came in with a lesson plan and had some focus. She still needs to get some more teaching experience, but the best way to get it is to do it, along with some supervision, which I think we've got put in place for her. Her class focus was on front kicks. Warmup: basic calisthenics: jumping jacks, pushups, sit-ups, rolling the head, rolling the shoulders, and then some basic stretching. Focus: front kicks, including jump front kicks. She did a drill where we just picked up our leg into the chamber position and put it down 5 times from a basic fighting stance. Then we switched to the other side (back leg each time). After that, we did the same drill, but instead of putting the leg back down behind, where it started, we set down feet parallel and shuffled the other foot back, then repeated the process. It was a good way to incorporate some footwork into the drill. We repeated the drill, adding the full front kick. She seemed to want to focus on the initial chamber position for the time being, which was ok. Next we did back leg front kicks as a floor drill, around the outside edge of the mats, in a single line. We went around twice going each direction. Lots of reps, and my hips got fatigued, which was ok. We went around once each way again, this time doing the jump front kick or a combination of the two. I explained to her later in review that drills like that offer lots of time to watch for and throw out minor corrections to the students. Sparring: not sparring per se, but a sparring-based drill for the front kicks and jump front kicks. She had us start in sparring stances, and the drill was to slide forward, execute a back leg front kick, land forward, then slide back. I liked the idea behind the drill, to get students used to seeing footwork and using it. Later, jump front kick was added to the drill. Partners went back and forth with each other, so they got movement and reps. Pad kicking: she finished up doing front kicks on paddles. Instead of doing it with partners, she held the paddle for each of us one at a time. We only did 5 per leg, so it didn't take long, as there were only 5 of us in the class. She needs some instruction on holding and angling the pad properly for the kicks the students are doing, but it was a minor thing, and I adjusted the angle for when I did my kicks. After all that, we had her demonstrate Tae Guek 1 and 2, and she did the portion of her black belt form she knew, Koryo. I was not impressed with her form performance. She had no power and ran the techniques together in spots. On a testing panel, I probably wouldn't pass her. It was very much going through the motions, and there was no "emotional content." Post-class, the three of us met and had a pow-wow, talked out what we saw better and what still needed improvement, and decided that if she was amenable to having the 3rd dan that was there with us do a team-teaching approach with him there to mentor her, we'd be ok with her giving it a try for this semester (remember, college club). I believe she can get better at teaching with the proper guidance and helpful advice from an experienced eye. She was very amenable to this suggestion, and looks forward to it. We plan to re-evaluate down the road. Strength Training Leg Press: 45x10, 135x10, 185x5, 225x3, 280x5, 280x5, 280x5. Press: 45x5x2, 65x5, 85x3, 120x5, 120x5, 120x5. Lat Pull-downs: 132.5x10, 132.5x10, 132.5x10.
  16. 8/26/2024 Aikido Class: Weapons Class: 5:00 - 6:00 pm. Jo warmups: high-4, low-4, then we got into jo owase. This was fun. We did owase 1, 2, and 3, and each one started with the same foot movement for the defense. After crossing tips, the attacker would initiate his attack by "taking the line," which you can feel down the jo if you're paying attention. When you feel the line being taken, it's time to react. I liked the sensitivity aspect of the movements. We did the owase for quite a while, then moved on to bokken. We did some block/strike drills similar to like what the owase were for the jo. When doing the yokomenuchi strike, I tried to work on making it as vertical as possible without turning it into a shomenuchi strike. Then for just a minute the sensei talked about "cutting the cut," and we messed with it just a very little bit. TKD Class: Black Belt Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. I started off with a few low rank forms. I did Chon Ji and also my old ATA white belt form, then did Dan Gun and the ATA orange belt form (surprised I remembered it). Then me and the other 4th dan did Do-Gons 1-6. #6 we did the way he said we'd probably do it at the HQ school for pre-test, which was done with a partner in front of you, starting out like a one-step. I didn't think I'd like it at first. So the attacker stepped forward with a punch to attack, I did the initial block/strike series, and then went into the combinations. The attacker then just backed up and kept distance. It wasn't too bad to do it this way. It gave me more focus with the footwork and it also broke it all up to make it a lot less tiring. After getting through all that, I stretched a little and class was over.
  17. Well, you never know! They might break the curse!
  18. Ryanryu, that's a great angle to look at it from. Great post and great questions! That sounds like quite the testing ordeal. I'm surprised as a Sandan you weren't allowed to promote. Was that a stipulation of your instructor, or of the organization as a whole?
  19. I agree! Great to have the family on the mat.
  20. I like Wastelander's drills. I've also done one with just the side kick chamber. Pick the leg straight up and chamber for the side kick (for us, it's like a front kick chamber, but you're looking to the side). Then, rotate the hips over to the position so the chamber gets turned to the side to push the kick out. As you do this shift, lift slightly onto the toes to pivot the base leg as you turn the chamber over. Takes the kick out of the equation to get feel for it. I'll do that with front kicks and round kicks, too, but just do the chamber and pivot without the kick. Another option I do, especially for those trainees that tend to have knee issues, is pre-pivot. This is easy to do if there is a step before the kick. On a step-together side kick, make sure the pivot foot is already pointed in the proper direction for the completed kick. For a back leg round kick, like you're advancing down the floor, I'll open that front foot up to about a 45 degree angle, then execute the kick and pivot the rest of the way as I finish the kick. I'll do the same with a back leg front kick, but it won't require the finish that the round kick does. This pre-pivot breakdown can also be helpful for those just learning the kicks. After they get the idea of pivoting down, you can have start smoothing it all together and not separating it out.
  21. Although I can't condone your wife's Raider's policy , I think that's a pretty cool deal. Sounds like it was a lot of fun to watch.
  22. I ran a school for some time years ago. It can be a lot of fun, but you want to make sure you don't bite off more than you can chew. First off, have your classes planned in an organized manner. Knowing what you're going to do and for how long in the time allotted helps to make sure classes run efficiently. Be flexible, too. If you see a glaring issue that needs to be dealt with, do it. Obviously, make sure you've got the curriculum down and set your classes up to transmit that in as efficient a manner as possible. Seems obvious, but it can get easy to get side tracked. Understand how your testing cycles work, and set up your class itineraries to accomplish learning the material accordingly. You probably already have a good idea of how to do this. Be an instructor first, and a friend second. Building Martial Arts camaraderie is something we all do, and doing so with those you train/train with comes pretty naturally. But don't get so far to the friendly side that when you have to come down on someone for any reason that they feel blindsided by the action. Be a good instructor first; they'll benefit the most from that, and in the long run, as they advance in rank, the camaraderie will grow stronger through the mutual respect between student and teacher. Get good at the business side of things. Paying the bills is not fun, but if you want to stay open, you've got to stay on top of it. Make a budget and stick with it; prioritize the necessities right away, and worry about the luxury items down the road. You may be able to provide some items from your own collection, or just out of your own pocket, which helps with the bills. Just keep up on all that not-so-fun stuff. I hope this stuff helps out some. I'm sure some of the other instructors will have some great input, too. Just out of curiosity, what kind of class schedule will you be running? How many classes per day, what demographics, and how many per week?
  23. I had to read that twice - a 1st dan at TKD (which is usually very rigid in the respect portion etc.) told a 4th dan their technique is incorrect like that? That seems like quite an ego! Ignoring the fact that the advice you were given in pretty much the opposite of any style i can think of (ignoring differences like power comes from the fee / from the hips etc.) they are usually all "more than just your arm". I would have thought if she had a question that she would have phrased it like "interesting, you perform that strike differently than i am used to, my sensei teaches it like (her way), i am curious as to the difference". I didn't let the fact that she was giving feedback bother me too much; after all, she was trying to teach and I wasn't there to show her how good I am. I am usually willing to listen to a piece of advice. But in this case, it was not a good move on her part. I didn't tell her my rank prior to the class, as I didn't want it to be an issue. I bit my tongue, which I probably shouldn't have done, but I let it go. Either way, we'll see if next week goes any better. 8/21/2024 TKD Class: Traditional Class: 5:30 - 6:30 pm. Just me and the middle brown belt kid today. Basics: short and sweet. Pretty abbreviated so we could spend a lot of time on forms work. Forms: Toi Gye and Won Hyo hyungs, and then we went through all colored belt forms up to his rank, so 9 more forms in total. One-steps: the brown belt was left to go through all of his one-steps; I watched and stretched. He sputtered out of the gate, but after a reminder, he took off and had all the one-steps down. T-shirt Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. I spent this time working on testing material. I did Do-Gon 6, which sucked. It winded me really good. I did Choong Jang, Yoo Sin, and Se Jong hyungs, and also three-steps 1-12. I finished out the class working with the CI and his daughter on some more of the women's self-defense seminar material. I was really plugged up and congested today, so I didn't feel great going through material.
  24. I've got a lot of my certificates in a notebook in those clear plastic pages; the one's that fit, anyway. Others are framed up. It's fun to flip through it now and again, and see those dates from all those years ago. I've got a few of my black belts tied up around in my basement right now. The one I currently wear I leave in my locker at the gym.
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