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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Man, that sounds really grueling. When do you find out results?
  2. 12/9/2015 Defensive Tactics Club: 1:30 - 3:00 pm. We had some new members in today, so I worked with them on some basic striking technique, we worked with them on some of our basic grappling drills from guard (Kimura, armbar), and I got to work on some stand-up sparring, and some drilling with one of the guys who wanted to work on checking leg kicks. 12/10/2015 Strength Training Press: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 65x5, 80x5; work sets: 94.5x3, 108x3, 121.5x5. Assisted chin-ups: 135x10x3 (supersetted with press). Lying triceps ext: 54x10x3. 12/11/2015 Strength Training Deadlifts: warm-ups: 135x5, 165x5, 195x5; work sets: 217x3, 248x3, 279x7. Power snatches: 102x2, 102x2, 102x2, 102x2, 102x2.
  3. I am not a head instructor currently, so I don't get to make any decisions on how the classes are really run, or what the curriculum is. But, if I did have a choice in it right now, I would really try to focus more on digging into self-defense applications, either from the forms themselves, or just through technique application and principles in general. Aside from that, I like to really work on the technical aspects of TKD, making techniques better, breaking them down to teach them, and then advancing them through the basics behind each of them. I always appreciated the technical and physical challenge behind TKD.
  4. I can't believe I missed seeing this! I saw the FB post, but missed it here. Congrats, Patrick, on being a great administrator, and providing us a great medium to meet and converse with so many great people. The longevity this site has experienced is a testament to the quality and upkeep you strive for here. I've seen and experienced other sites, and I mean this: you've set the standard, Patrick. Congratulations!
  5. I think this is pretty typical for how the UFC has been doing things. People may complain that its just a money grab for the UFC, but that's what they do, they entertain people and make money off it. Rousey is a huge draw, whether you love her or hate her, and with Holm's success, the rematch just seems the logical way to go. I believe the fight is scheduled for July. I know Holm stated she wanted to fight Tate, but I'm not sure if that would be a good fight to do before the rematch. The rematch should be a title defense, and I really think Rousey would rather have a rematch against a reigning champion Holm, and not a Holm who might have lost to Tate somewhere in between.
  6. Great info from everyone here. Our school doesn't have one yet, as far as I know, but I think it is something that we should invest in. So many people are using FB for so many things, from updates to searches, it just makes good sense do it.
  7. 12/7/2015 Strength Training Squats: warm-ups: 45x5x2, 135x5, 165x5, 195x5; work sets: 213x3, 243.5x3, 273.5x6. 12/8/2015 Strength Training Front squats: warm-ups: 45x5, 95x5, 115x5; work sets: 135x5, 135x5, 135x5. Power cleans: warm-ups: 95x3, 115x3; work sets: 130x3, 130x3, 130x3, 130x3, 130x3. Assisted chins: 120x7x3
  8. The glare is uncalled for, for certain. If I was a competitor, I would be interested in asking what it was that got me that score. Not in a disrespectful way, but asking in a way to get better.
  9. I think the best thing to do then is to dive right in, as soon as you feel comfortable enough knowing your kata, and get into competition. The first time is always an experience, because you take in so much in regards to how the tournaments are set up, how they run, and what you should do and are responsible for. Experience is a great teacher.
  10. If you are just going to do a sparring atmosphere, it might not strike the cord you are looking for. Something more realistically based in self-defense might be a better attention grabber, but it needs to be based in effective self-defense, and not stylistic one-steps just to gain some oohs and aahs from the observers.
  11. I've always been better at forms than I have at sparring. I never had much natural ability as an athlete, so sparring has never really been my strong suit. I always enjoyed the technical aspects of forms, so it was always more fun for me. Now days, if I have to choose one or the other, I would choose neither, and go straight for application based training.
  12. I've had those days before. I'm not much for signing myself up for something like that, if I know its coming. I like to learn, but not to be so sore the next day that I can't get out of bed.
  13. You're right, we can't change the past. But we can learn from it. I know I've made bad decisions like that, too. We learn, and we grow, and hopefully, we can spare someone else from the "could haves" that might not go their way in the same situation. Again, thanks for sharing that here with us. Very big of you to share it.
  14. I tend to agree with tallgeese's approach here. He and I come from an LEO background, so we aren't speaking from a "mutual combat" point of view. I'm sure tallgeese would agree with me, that we aren't in the business of training those around us to prolong an attack any longer than necessary, and we need to exert our level of control on the aggressor as soon as possible.
  15. It is a good idea to have someone to instruct you on the lifts. But, if you don't have that person, you can learn to do it with the help of a good instructional guide. I learned to squat, deadlift, bench press, power clean, overhead press, and power snatch from reading his books and watching his videos. Rippetoe does a great job of explaining the body mechanics behind the lifts, and how to do them properly. He also has a very important mantra for learning the lifts; "learn first, and then load; there is plenty of time later on to add weight to the bar." There is a sad amount of incorrect coaching out there, and a lack of coaching. But, what is important to take from this book is the programming, which is the most important aspect of weight training, after learning to do the lifts correctly. This book covers that very well.
  16. I disagree with your disagreement, Bob! Can I do that? Anyway, I think that if the training is effective, then it will make the practitioner effective. Being talented and being effective aren't always the same thing, but a talented individual can make up for a lack of effective training with an elevated talent and skill level. But for those of us that don't possess that kind of talent and skill level, effective training will make for an effective practitioner. I hope that makes sense.
  17. I like your concepts here. These give me some better ideas of how to place myself when trying to pass. I have a tendency when passing a closed guard to forget about a leg and then get caught in a triangle.
  18. I think that's why I was so taken aback, I've never really thought of myself as a role model. I just turn up to train, if I can point someone in the right direction, I'll do that no problem. I chat and have a laugh with the kids too, I just never thought I could be a role model. Feels good though. Mo. Sounds to me like you'll make a fine instructor some day!
  19. Thank you for sharing this experience with us, JR 137. I know there have been a few times, especially when I was younger, when opening my mouth when I shouldn't have has led me into issues similar to this. They really go nowhere, and nothing good comes from it.
  20. That's an awesome story. Sounds like a great kid, and it sounds like you've been a great role model for her!
  21. Sounds like you are doing the right thing, taking the high road, and removing yourself from the situation. Honestly, it doesn't sound like anything good could come of remaining on for the last few shows. Especially if this guy harbors this kind of ill will towards you. And judging by the way he is going behind your back with the threats, my guess is that if he would attempt to do something physical, it would be when you aren't looking, to get the drop on you and try to take advantage that way. He probably wouldn't come to you face to face, so its good to avoid that altogether. Sorry this incident had to happen to you, but its great to see how you are choosing to handle it. Kudos to you!
  22. In a word, yes, they do have the right to make you wear a lower belt. That doesn't mean they will be stripping you of rank, either. They may just be trying to adjust to place you at the proper place in their school hierarchy based on their standards. They may also be evaluating you to determine if your rank should be higher than it currently is, based on your skill level. Keep this in mind, as well. At any rate, regardless of how this shakes out, what's important in the long run is that your training continues. And so long as they aren't removing you from the school, just keep up the training!
  23. You are welcome. I think setting high goals is a good thing, but its important to set goals that are realistically attainable, and then its important to set a realistic timetable in order to achieve those goals. Again, I wish you the very best of luck, and please keep us posted with your progress.
  24. 12/2/2015 Defensive Tactics Club: 1:30 - 3:00 pm. Some mitt work, that I actually got to do today, as opposed to just holding the mitts for someone else. Did some rolling, as well, with a big guy, working on getting to guard from under full mount. Also worked on a head-&-arm triangle from he mount position. 12/3/2015 Strength Training Press: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 65x5; work sets: 88x5, 101.5x5, 115x6. Assisted Chin-ups: 135x10, 10, 10 (supersetted with press). Lying triceps ext: 52x10x3. 12/4/2015 Strength Training Deadlifts: warm-ups: 135x5, 165x5; work sets: 201.5x5, 232.5x5, 256x9. Power snatches: 100x2, 100x2, 100x2, 100x2, 100x2.
  25. This is probably the best I've heard it said. And its so true. Good advise!
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