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Everything posted by Dbzhub

  1. really? This was my 3rd day straight for lifting weights, i guess i'll take tommorow off then
  2. meals are usually small i try to keep my daily calorie intake under 2000, i weigh 200 pounds even and i am almost 6'0 probably like 5'10 or 5'11 now. I know it takes a long time to get a tottally ripped body with a 6 pack but im talking about small noticable changes, like little bigger muscles and such, as i am typing i am in pain from working out, really soar.. although its a pain i dont mind to much I am usually pretty active, i have a big trampoline i go on almost everday, i play basketball every friday and i skateboard at least 3 times a week, ride my bike occasionally.
  3. I have an apple or breakfest bar for breakfest, and a sandwich such as 2 slices of wheat bread and peanut butter and an orange for lunch and i usually have meat for dinner like fish, chicken, pork, steak, roast beef, etc.. i come home and walk 2-3 miles and lift weights for about half an hour.. What kind of results will i see? Any at all? and how long will it take to notice a somewhat big change?
  4. yeah im 15, thanks for the link kickchick looks good
  5. cool. sounds great.. thanks for all the info guys
  6. so we're saying 3000-3500 cals a day? But it would be from chicken, burger, fish pasta bread cereal etc but not from candy and soda right? how about pizza? mmm pizza
  7. oh man, so your saying i have to go back to being fat to gain muscle and then lose the fat to see it?
  8. i want to look good. you know like vieny arms and a hard stomach.
  9. Well I got thin, not thin thin but in the ideal weight range, now i want to get strong and buff. I'm considering joining my local gym. But the main problem is, I dont know what to eat. I mostly have cheerios and fruit and water that helped me lose wieght but now i want to gain muscle. I heard white meat like fish and chicken do the trick. Any suggestions or anything at all?
  10. wow your just full of info! thanks
  11. lol but i am right.. or at least have an decent opinion
  12. kickchick: There is a purpose to run after a meal because if you dont all the carbs you just had turn into fat that you would burn the next morning so not running after eating would defeat the purpose of a morning jog. ya dig? Or did i read your post wrong?
  13. i got 15 out of 35 but I know that in GENERAL men are stronger than women thats why women get raped and stop violance against women groups start.. because they cant really defend themselves, now i am not at all saying that some women cant kick ass.. hell I've gotton my ass kicked by a few girls! they kick hard! But maybe cuz it was that i am afraid to hit girls back? who knows??
  14. I heard on the radio that... one out of 4 people in this country.. are obese.. 1 OUT OF 4! for the love of god! its not THAT hard to lose weight sure i was chubby mc chubb chubb some time ago like 4 months but i lost weight and now i am ideal weight probably less now.
  15. lol i agree now adays its pretty hard to find decent teachers.. most just give the next belt to keep the paychecks coming.. [ This Message was edited by: Dbzhub on 2002-05-24 19:22 ]
  16. okay i know this really dosent have to do with martial arts but i was running through the woods (excerisze) and got a bad case of it on my face and arms, does anyone know any home remedies for making it go away , fast?
  17. you only have to do this 3 times a week? pshh easy smeasy.. the only problem is- is swimming what is an alternative, bike riding?
  18. I would never seriously hurt somone i dont think,.. i've never gotton in a real fight in my life. I couldent live with myself knowing i really messed somone up. I mean i guess I'd like to ruff bin laden up a little but he's still.. i donno i guess it dosent make much sense i just wouldent like to hurt somone
  19. Can anyone do a backflip. I think I could do it but I'm afraid of landing on my neck or head or somthing like that.. just wondering really
  20. What is Training exactly.. ? what do you do that is called training like are you training for a martial arts tournament or do you go under a tree.. meditate and then try to cut it down with your sword? ?
  21. yep 3 mph around there i heard walking is better than jogging for burning fat calories..
  22. lost 4 pounds! or 4.5
  23. I've just recently almost lost 5 pounds probably 4.5 or 4 in a week. I walked at least a mile a day on my treadmill.. usually i do 2 miles but i also go skateboarding.. shoot some hoops walk around town with my friends you know usual stuff. Also I've kept my calorie intake under 1500 this seems to help ALOT. hope that helped in any way
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