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Everything posted by GMac

  1. I started 3 years ago at age 38 and am still loving it. So I don't think you are too old.
  2. MSN: ghmackinnon@hotmail.com
  3. One tip my instructor keeps saying is to relax, tensed muscles and limbs don't move as well as relaxed ones
  4. I have also wrote out the movements to kata, and I add in notes to the areas where my sensei told me that needed more work.
  5. Imagine how the shop guys feel after slaving over a car all week to get ready for a race, only to see the car get wrecked, or worse, destroy the main car during qualifying and the backup car during the race
  6. I don't think Sensei would like us to learn that move, might make for a high turnover rate in the dojo
  7. I have a file on my computer that I keep notes in when i get home fom class. I find that there is always something I can add to it
  8. Congrats to you
  9. Happy New Year Everyone!!!
  10. I use Mozilla's Thunderbird
  11. Merry Christmas everyone, hope Santa found you
  12. I bet alot of us had her poster in our bedrooms
  13. White Yellow Orange<-- Me Green Blue Brown Black
  14. 39 turning 40 in March
  15. Congrats on getting your red belt
  16. Good luck to you
  17. Hope I can explain this right. One night for a push up drill what we did was to get in the ready position for the push up (arms extended) and face our partner who was in the same position. Both do a pushup then reach out and touch right hands, followed by left hands. Then move over a little bit by taking one hand over the other and do another pushup followed by touching hands. This would continue until you "walked hand over hand" a certain distance. Then we would have to repeat the whole thing in the opposite direction until we got back to the starting point. Hope you can understand my rambling
  18. I found out through a flyer that my son brought home from school, glad he wasn't sick thst day
  19. Excellent article, I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing
  20. There is some information here: http://www.kwanmukan.com/. I beleave it says that Grandmaster George Anderson is the founder. Hope this helps
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