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Everything posted by lordtariel

  1. It depends on the other guitar. I'd price out the parts individually and see if you are actually getting a bargain. A lot of times these "packs" cost the same as if you were to buy the guitar and amps separate. You might also want to check out some other places online as well. Another option is to look into a used instrument. Personally though, I would spend the extra $70 for the better equipment if indeed it is. Learning is so much nicer on a good guitar than a cheap one. Personally, I would even consider applying the extra $70 to the guitar and suffering with a cheap used amp until I could afford one.
  2. Where he took it too far was where he actually chased the guy down the street with the sword. If he'd have actually hit him outside the home, he'd be sitting in prison right now instead of playing his beloved ps3.
  3. Bagua is a hard style to find in some areas. Try doing a search using alternate spellings such as bagua, ba gua, baguazhang, bagua zhang, ect. What area of Florida do you live in?
  4. If we're talking like a school semester, that's 10 weeks or approximately 2 1/2 months. I'm assuming they just mean every three though. That's about $66 a month, not that unreasonable for a school depending on how often you can come to practice. I pay about $65, but it includes all testing fees(excluding dan rankings) and I can come to any class I want during the week excluding Kendo(different instructor)
  5. I would think thrusting attacks would be used a lot as well. Just running up to the person and starting to stab like crazy.
  6. Heh, the kid was lucky he didn't get in trouble, chasing him down the street like that. I kinda wondered about it when the story said he hit the robber in the chest with the sword and then the robber ran away, but looking at the official story, it looks like it was a lunge as opposed to a strike. http://www.local10.com/news/13466229/detail.html
  7. I agree, anytime there's competition involved, there's a temptation to cheat. Doesn't matter if it's the Olympics or pro sports, or even amature fighting. It's sad because he's such a big name.
  8. With that much background experience, it shouldn't take that long to get to black belt. However, 1st black to higher levels of black should take you longer. If not I'd be concerned.
  9. Welcome back!
  10. I've heard about the Song of Ice and Fire trilogy before. Any good?
  11. Well enough, it's been two days and I can move without pain at least. Would have been easier but I spent about 20 minutes of the class the day before doing sparring drills with sensei. I was bruised in places I didn't know could be bruised.
  12. Yesterday we did body conditioning in class. Hard blocking and kicking drills, taking hits to the stomach and back, situps, pushups, resistance punches and the like. Feel like someone took a basebal bat to me.
  13. Yeah, 2 hours a day for four years isn't nearly enough time to be proficient enough for 4th dan. It's easily enough for 1st and maybe even second, but not much more than that. Lets's see... 2 hours a day * 5 days in a week * 10 weeks in a term * 3 terms in a year * 4 years = 1200 Hours of training.
  14. Seriously though, way back in the way back when, if a martial artist or school felt a dojo was weak, they challenged them, instant proof that a school wasn't that good, but a practice thoroughly illegal now days. So you HAD to be serious if you ran a school. Until we can find a legal alternative to challenging a dojo, these people feel free to do as they please.
  15. Welcome to the Forums.
  16. Definitely. Talk to her, see if it's the martial art she's not interested in or if it's intimidating to her. She may just need a little time.
  17. The back wheels aren't moving because the car's not moving.
  18. Step 1: Take apart squares Step 2: Put back together in order. Puzzle Solved.
  19. Nope, but once the seventh book comes out I can finally read the series. I hate starting a series that isn't completed as it usually only takes me 2-3 days to finish a book, then I have to way 2 or more years for the next one to come out.(Paolini's Inheritance Trilogy anyone )
  20. Good to see that you both were able to talk rationally. Hope things improve from there.
  21. You have to remember though, every person is different. Your best bet is to just ask them respectfully. Something like, "Are you ok with me doing this drill or do you want me to hit stomach level?" I've trained with girls too busy trying to choke me out to care if I'm bound up in their gi and I've trained with with girls afraid to get within five feet of me when we spar because they don't want to get hit there.
  22. To me it would make sense that using the ball of the foot would allow you to concentrate more force into a smaller area, causing more damage. However, the shin allows a larger area to hit, so you don't have to be as precise and can also be devastating. I would assume using the shin requires some conditioning though. In a fight though I'm not going to be thinking about which portion of the foot to kick with, I'm just going to be concerned with hitting them.
  23. Sorry to hear about that. Hope everything goes well.
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