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Eye of the Tiger

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Everything posted by Eye of the Tiger

  1. They don't work hey??? The guy in the UFC one by a triangle scissors to the body! Check out UFC 51. Ivan Salaverry vs Tony Fryklund "Middleweight Ivan Salaverry (9-3-1) of Seattle, Wash., made a triumphant return to UFC action and defeated popular Miletich fighter Tony Fryklund (11-4-0) of Las Vegas, Nev., by tap out with a body lock at 1:36 of the first round. Salaverry got a quick advantage with a right hand strike to the forehead and a left kick to the head. As Fryklund fell, Salaverry engaged the lock." http://www.mma-fighter.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6620 http://www.sherdog.com/fightfinder/fightfinder.asp?fighterID=1351 What do you think now!?
  2. This is a continuuation of the other post on Scissor squeeze. I have trained with this guy who has done judo and bjj and he knows how to apply scissor technqiues. They do work, but applying them from the guard is useless. Scissor techniques are very strong but they have to be applied correctly. Around the body you can apply them in two ways. 1. From the guard you can turn your body so your legs are around his/her back and stomach instead of their sides, and then straighten the legs. This isn't nessarily a submission, but is extremly painfull and very hard to breath, this allows for other submission atempts like arm bar, but you can submitt people with this. 2. From the back mount where you go for the rear naked choke you can apply a body triangle. This really crushes the internal organs and is a low percentege submission. But for actuall submissions they can be applied to the neck as seen below http://www.bjj.org/techniques/jen/tech4/ and to the head, and even the face so it acts as an arm bar. This is also an interesting article on the scissor http://www.wvmat.com/welker/scissors.htm What are your thoughts?
  3. Hello, I am a BJJ guy and have been doing it for some months now and really enjoying it. But one thing that is strange is that when in the closed-guard (legs wrapped around persons waist and lock ankles) is why don't they just straighten their legs to exert pressure on the waist and you could get a submission just from the squeeeze, or if not, you could at least cause some pain and deprive them of oxygen. Also you could grab their hands and pull them to stop them pushing your legs off, so then you just squeeze with all your might. Has anyone ever tried using this technqiue before? In BJJ a scissors is used to the neck called a neck scissors, and it could also be used to the head as well couldn't it? Personally I have only used it once, a bodyscissor to my younger brother and he was tapping in seconds. Anyone else try it, and did you succeed in getting a submission? EOTT
  4. I bought my Bo today. Its straight, white Oak, and 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Its huge and very strong and heavy. The tapered fells like nothing after 5 minutes of practice with the straight one.
  5. In Okinawan Kobojutsu the first weopon we are introduced to is the Bo. Other weopons inclued, Sai, Tonfa, Jo, Knuckle Dusters (not sure the Japanese word), Kama. These are the ones I have seen people practicing with in class, but I think it includes the famous Nunchukas, and my teacher also uses the Katana. In class we practice, kata, kumite and something called the 555 which we all do together at the start of the lesson. We then move on to some kata. Then some kumite. regards, Neil
  6. Could someone please tell me exactually what you mean by "Full Contact". Is it simply that you put a pair of gloves on and fight each other. Or is it a case of one against one and that last one standing on the mat wins beacuse that is full contact fighting.
  7. There has been a person contacting me for some time and I am helping him trying to find an art for the following preferences. Mediun height, Stocky build. Long range fighter. Stand up fighter. The guy is laos interested in the animal styles. I told him to do with tiger style if he was going to do an animal style. I then told him it would be best to do shotokan. Anymore advice?
  8. When I go training we always do about 4 or 5 sets of push ups. What is the point in this? Wouldn't it be better to do just one set to failiure? Matt Furey also recommends multiple sets of exercises but I find this hard when I have to do so many exercises I thought it would be best to do one set of one exercise and then do another different exercise instead of repating the same exercise another 3 or 4 times. Is this a better method. Some pople do like 3x20 pushups so they say that they did 60 pushups. But they did not, they had to rest in between. I really don't understand this sop it would be great if someone could help me out here. regards Neil
  9. It depends on what you want. If you do exercises slowly you tech your muscles to maintain strengh'endurance and of course they become slow. If you do them as fast as possible you teach them to be explosive/strengh. Of course the best thing to do is to do a little bit of everything. For example I do my hindu squats as fast as possible keeping good form as well as other exercises. But when I skip I do that slowly keeping at a good pace. But just beacuse yoiu do an exercise fast certainly does not mean its better. Last week I could do 400 Hindu Squats slowly. A week later after doing them fast I decided to test myself doing them slowly. I only managed 150. Personally you need to do some exercises fast and some slow. Do a little bit of everything and you won't go far wrong. Also plyometrics id basically Power= Speed x Strengh any exercise is plyometric if you amke it. Don't waste your time bying one of those books. If you want to become explosive just do a strengh activity fast.
  10. I'm afraid I have a life and if I want a fight I'l have a real one thank you, as opposed to little fake world spending your life on the computer. I thought xpoisen started in June or something so I thought I did it longer. SAMA does have flowery techniques why else did I leave it. I'l be starting the San Shou today and I'l see how that compares to the SAMA kickboxing. "And I will strike down upon thee EOTT" Might I suggest you get a life. I only use this forum for information, not to chat (I have a thing called real friends for that) So I don't really know why I just posted this message but I thought I might as well give you some help with your personal growth. In terms of respect for Martial Arts I don't know where that came from, I just don't have any respect for large profitable organastions like SAMA that teach Jack**** because they have no knowlege. They are blind teaching the blind. thanks Kensai for getting back Oh by the way Just to show how little the internet means to me and my reputation on this forum, I would like to say that I am God and I know everything.
  11. Very funny. First off I'm no expert I just wanted to state I was longer at SAMA than xpoisen was simply because he thought I was there for maybe a few weeks just because I still had a red belt and thought I might not have enough experiance in the organisation (not that 4 months is a lot). Also it was the national Karate squad that invited my teacher down, I'm not shure which one and I don't even know why they invited him when he is a traditional Martial Artist and the Karate squad was sport but they certainly learnt a lesson in what Karate meant. In awnser to you query yes you would stay with them if there techniques was flowery simply becuase YOU HAVE NEVER EXPERIANCED ANYTHING BETTER! I thought my SAMA teacher was good but when I met Tim my teacher now I was completely dumbfounded with the amount of knowledge he was dispelling the quality of the lesson which I had never experianced before. Xpoised if you would experiance I proper kickboxing session I don't think you would ever retrun to SAMA. I would avoid SAMA at all costs. Which part of England do you live? If you tell me I'l ask my teacher if there are any good kickboxers in that area and I'l then give you the names and possibly the addresses as well.
  12. Well good. As long as you like it then thats fine. I'm just trying to worn. But what is a fact is that anywhere you do with an ORGANISATION is that it puts money first, Student later and that is they way it will always be. It doesn't matter how nice the teacher is he just wants you to pay , get the lesson over and go home. Actually lets test the knowledge of your teacher on kickboxing. Ask your teacher these questions and tell me what he said: Ask him: 1. Where kickboxing came from 2. The theory behind techniques e.g why they use so many 'flowery techniques' 3. What the hell the American Kickboxing Academy is. 4. And finally the most important question ask him to demenstarte what kickboxing looks like. If you are going to ask him one question be it this one. I want you to note what is he doing when he demenstrating what kickboxing looks like. e.g. is he standing still, dancing, doing high kicks etc. thanks, and I hope you ACTUALLY do this instead of just making it up and once you tell me how he spared someone I'l make my concluesion of how much he knows.
  13. Don't get me wrong it's not the students its the teachers. I 'mopped the floor' with a hell of a lot of what SAMA call 'black belts'. I'm not saying I am invincible and I am certainly not bull******* you. I never did the gradings as I did sport karate as a kid with the ECKA organisation and was basically a system of full contact karate thus it was much the same thing as kickboxing. By the way kickboxing if you didn't know only has around 6 techniques. It has 3 punches wich is jab, cross, hook, and kicks wich consist of snap kick, push kick, and round house kick. Beleive me I'v been there. All this bollocks of twirling around and jumping around like a balley dancer certainly isn't my idea of kickboxing and certainly not something which is effective as a combat sport. This is just my opinion and just because I only did one grading means Jack****. .I went every week for 4 months so don't say you know more about SAMA than me. It is a large profit-making-Organisation. It employs instructors who have as little as 3-4 years training and suddenly they have the right to be called Sensei which literally means 'Teacher of Life'. How can you call someone that probobly trains 1 hour a week for maybe 3 years a teacher of life! In one word it's ****. By all means go to the organisation have FUN and do your kickboxing but don't expect to learn proper kickboxing let alone the karate and don't even get me started on the karate! I'm sure there just might be some teachers out there but what they teach HAS to be within the SAMA sylabus so of course you gonna get the same reusults in karate and kickboxing wherether you go, thats why its an Organisation. Unless of course the teacher isn't going by the sama code of "Producing total ****" and teaching his own method then yeah all the power to him. Be Well
  14. I'm sorry but yes. And don't you worry about that Alan Gibson story there are plenty more fonys in SAMA. For example (and this is a fact!) Dave Jacobs of Sama trained Alan Gibson and he said that he was the British Kickboxing Champion. The funny thing is that he has never stepped in side of a kickboxing ring in his life. Say what you like about the past coz the past don't matter. I do understand in the past how I .... well ...was a bit exaggerative about things so yeah you can use that against me. But SAMA is a terrible organisation. Kickboxers and the Karate. Kickboxing I have done 5 months with them so I think I know SAMA don't you think? Spinning techniques is what they like and I mop the floor with every single one of them. The teachers are treated like some sort of Gods the way they come into the door with their big ego andf shout YAME! My teacher also has destroyed Dave Jacobs and a few other SAMA instructors. I'm sorry but thats all true. Why are you defending them anyway. They charge £10 for grading, and if your not a member you have to pay £50. Its terrible. They don't understand real Martial Art. If you walk into most Dojo's today you will see people walking up and down the room shouting their Kias and punching thin air. Whens the last time you have seen thin air bend, or be hurt.? Never, end off!
  15. Yes I do like to go from one DOJO to the other. Not that I am a 'quiter' its just that the best way to find out about other Martial Arts is to do them, as opposed to reading about them. SAMA Organisation for one thing is a complete sham. The Grand Master of Sama Organisation (Alan Gobson) was beaten the krap out of my Dave Hazard for thinking that he could walk into other peoples Dojo's and boss their white belts around. My teacher encourageous us greatly to go on other peoples courses, and visit other clubs. Every year my teacher goes somewhere to the east be it Malasai, Japan or Okiniwa china etc. You have to study other people's discapline. There really isn't styles. Karate, Judo, Kung Fa, you name it they are all Martial Arts. I study and train Martial Arts. I gain knowledge through training as opposed to training but either way works. Tommorow I will see the Chinese Boxing instructor and I will see what he knows by asking him questions about the style to tresty that he actually knows the theory behind the techniques or if hes just a simple recorder. There are 2 types of Martial Art. There is created and creative. The created Martial Artist is the one that has no clue and is simply created by the club. The creative Martial Artist understand the concepts in Kata and knows how to apply them, and doesn't 'dream', he understands that karate is self doesn't work in a fight, but its applications are devastating. This another thing I ahve to great straight. Karate belongs in the Street, Boxing belongs in the ring. A good example was when the British Karate squad were mocking My teacher who was teaching them. My teacher challenged them all. One by one he showed them that karate didn't work with all these fancy stances and 'flowery techniques'. Whilethey where jumpinmg around doing there oui Zukis my teacher was poking them in the eyes grabbing their bulls throwing them against tha wall and punching the krap out of the back of their heads. Now thats real Martial Art! Combat aint pretty so Kata should not look pretty. Its the same as the body builder. He might have abs that look a million bucks but ain't worth a damn!
  16. I have been doing Kickboxing for a bit of fun now for about 4 months but it's well krap. It's one of those large profit organisations that employs instructors just to make money out of people so of course I'm a bit fed up with all that spinning kick krap. I will be starting Chinese boxing on Monday with a Tai Chi and Chinese Boxing instructor and was wandering what is it like? Is it like Muay Thai at all? I want to continue doing a combatitive art like kickboxing alongside my Karate (Martial Art). That is why I want to start Chinese Boxing. thanks, regards, Neil
  17. Yeah I know and thats just me doing all that. Imagine what ist like when evryone esle does it. My teacher will be performing some Shorin Ryu, Goju Ryu, Shotokan, and some whight Crane Kung Fu. As well as sowrd drawing which is Iiado and some more stuff.
  18. I'm not shure of the spelling but it sounds like Soshi No Kon Sho.
  19. In January my club will be performing aDemo for a Japanese Society. I will eb showing some of the strengh routines with the Chi Shi and other implements like the Kongoken. I will also be performing Sanchin Kata while being hit be bamboo sticks to show the condition of Goju Ryu practioners and the Hard/Soft part of Goju that the body is always hard and soft. I will also be performing Bo Kata. I was just wandering if anyone could give me any tips on performing Demos and preperation for the Demo. thanks, Neil
  20. I have to agrre with you there since bw exercises require a lot more muscular endurance as well as strengh so you tend to be lean and muscular as opposed to the weight lifters strengh only quality. But then again Matt Furey is huge abd he said its not the routine that makes you big its how much you eat. But I'm not entirely shure. But I do do a form of weight training. Remember I use the chi sho because it strenghens the movements which are uesed in karate.
  21. Just wandering what are the best foods to help put on weight. I know that drinking a gallon of milk a day will help but I'm just asking what are the best foods. I'm not looking for size as opposed to being heavier but certainly putting on a little more muscle mas won't hurt either. Again not fat but weight and none of that creatine krap, I'm not a body builder its just a don't like being thrown around so easily at a weight of just 10 stone.
  22. http://www.superstrengthbooks.com/ http://www.brookskubik.com/
  23. Crunches are good but they are an isolation exercise so you are not really going to strenghen it as much as a compound movement. I prefere to do sit-ups with your legs raised off the floor and crossed at the ankles. Have your arms crossed over your shoulders and come up as far as possible and then back down keeping perfect form. I find this not only strenghens my abdominal muscles but also conditions them. I find taking a punch doesnt hurt after a good set of these. I don't like the full -sit-up with you legs extended since this puts strain on the lower back and can also aggrivate the knee joint and ligaments.
  24. 80 to 90 isnt a lot. O fcourse adding weighted resistance is fine when applied to a body weight exercise but is still a body weight exercise. Indian wrestlers used to tie a ring of cement round their necks when they could do 500 reps. Same with the hindu sqauts. To do a one arm push up you halve to be able to do well over a hundred reps so that just proves that after 50 you sre still building strengh. Peopole that do a 1000 push ups a day having enourmous strengh. Look at the greta Mas oyama who had the ability to kill and man handl bulls and hedid mbody weight exercises. Same with karl gotch and Matt furey. Matt Furey can do over 2000 hindu squats without mweight and take a look at his legs at https://www.mattfurey.com and if they only build endurance after 50 reps he will have very thin legs. Whereas matts lags are gigantic so that proves that they do produce strengh. And Jack its not a different opinion its the wrong opinion, past 50 you are still building endurance, if people can do 2000 pushups and have the strengh to beat a fully grown bull I wouldn't under estimate the power of body weight exercises. If people think that past 50 you are only building endurance these people are complete idiots. I am not obnoxious, ht e reasen |I say this is because its true. Anyone that sais that past 50 you build endurance then they have never even had the courage to try them. I did and I have never looked back!
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