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Everything posted by Chris05

  1. did bruce lee mediate
  2. i sometimes feel tired during the day what can i do to make me alert
  3. thanks for help anymore stuff about medition please be free to countiue replying
  4. keeping an open mind what does that mean
  5. fear of like taking school test... sometimes i get nervous in the middle of the exam.
  6. when i am sparing and puching the bag i breath very heavy wat is the proper way to breath when u exucute punches and kicks
  7. how do u tight up when striked
  8. Gichin Funakoshi, Choshin Chibana, Chojun Miyagi, Kanryo Higashionna they all never reach immortality that is difference
  9. what your objective when mediating as useofoucce described how should i do the breathing patterns for mediating and what is a chi
  10. how to do conquerr fear?
  11. so you guy are saying doing proper breathing while i am taking the test or mediate before the test
  12. thanx for u help but in mostly a problen that i get nerous on school tests
  13. i mean when sparing and puching the bag i breath very heavy wat is the proper way to breath when u exucute punches and kicks
  14. What is the proper breathing when throwing punches and kicks and what is the purpose of doing splits
  15. when your belt falls off that means you are working hard and focusing in class a belt is just a piece of material. most of the rules are important[/url]
  16. Contiune looking untill you find a good intstructer because books are helpful but can not be fully learn as actually taught in person by a certifed teacher.
  17. How do u mediate properly? and wat does it do for you.
  18. I would advise you to defend yourself when he does these wrist locks on you. If the problem persist i advise you to tell your shotkan instructer about this manner.
  19. What is the proper breathing when throwing punches and kicks and what is the purpose of doing splits.
  20. Practice until you fully understand what was taught to you and go past the fundemental and you will never fail both in martial arts and life
  21. disregard the
  22. what do i do when i am actually taking the test
  23. I would like to know how to overcome this fear i get when i take karate test, school test and big city wides etc.. I no the stuff but my mind freezes up and i get nervous how could i overcome this fear.
  24. I would like to know how to overcome this fear i get when i take karate test, school test and big city wides etc.. I no the stuff but my mind freezes up and i get nervous how could i overcome this fear.
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