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Everything posted by Chris05

  1. wat is a good diet for a potential mma fighter i like to spar, run and lift wieghts. wat are good types of food? and are supplements bad for your body esp your liver, kidneys, etc. also i like to run alot but the weather is cold like under 25 degree farienthit is running in the cold bad for me? does eating healthly really make a difference on your workout results?
  2. what are the most important muscles a figher uses? and guys can u give me a good mma workout routine thanks.
  3. is this a good workout idea. its called strenght endurance= heavy weight+low resting period+ volume low reps high sets for instance 1-4 reps 10-20 sets with a short resting period lifting 65-85 percent of your 1Rep Max per exercise. is this a good way to lift weights. i want to gain muscle for the ring.
  4. what are some good combos for kickboxing or thai i can use when training even the basics would help. i love watching ufc or k-1 and seing nice combos that led to devasting ko's very exicting. Guys tell me your favorites? thanks
  5. so guy what do u think is my best option. if the tickets stick my insurane will be high for a couple a years and that would be really bad.
  6. i got two traffic tickets one for failure to stop at a stop sign the other speed unreasonable and imprudent. i have court coming up do you guys think i should hire a dmv lawyer which is quite expensive or try to beat it myself. i really can not afford to lose because the insurance will be a killer on me. i am really nervious any advice would help greatly, thanks.
  7. i think it may be the stress on my trap muslce
  8. evertime i start lifting weights i start get headaches in the back of my head. its usally when i am curling or when i bench alot and sometimes when i do about 60 pushups. i get these weird headaches at the back of my head. Do u have any clues what the problem might be. I am training to strenghten my body not weaken it. i want to get diesel but the headaches are making it hard. any solutions would be greatly appreciated.
  9. i want to work out using weights, doing calastatics and delelveop ing cardo what is the best workout plan? i dont want to work out the same muscle group everday. give me an example of one
  10. hey guys what are some cool places or intresting things that i can do with my girlfriend so were both not bored.
  11. guys i am having trouble closing the distance when i spar in class.everytime i get close i fell like i am going to get hit hard. this prevents me from performg the beautiful combos i work earlier on. those combos i yearn to excute. any advice to help me close the distance effectivly. thank you.
  12. what would you guys consider alot of mileage on a car. Or when its time to give it a pension.
  13. i am thinking about a career in the medical field. But i am am not sure wat to major in college. can you guys give me a list of medical jobs and i will look in to them and see which one i desire most. Thanks, chris
  14. when people insult me or make fun of me i take it to heart. How can i just not let it affect me. Also i have this habbiat i think people are taking bad about me, when actually there not. how can i change my mind set? how can i change from a negative mentality to a postive. thanks
  15. do you guys know any webstites that sells armani exchange, french connecetion, tripple fivesoul, dkny and similar brands for a great price?
  16. i am 5 feet 9 inches tall and going to be 18 pretty soon do u guys think i will grow any more thanks
  17. ok say you in a thai boxing stance and you want to land the side kick, can't you just quickly get in to a side stance perform the kick and get back into you thai stance?
  18. in muay thai is side kicks in there arsenal.
  19. when kicking or punching is it better to have you body tilted foward or a little back.
  20. http://www.martialartssupermarket.com/index.cfm?action=moreinfo&itemid=2770 wat about this one
  21. which one is better of the two. thankyou
  22. http://www.martialartssupermarket.com/index.cfm?action=moreinfo&itemid=6896 http://www.karatedepot.com/tr-sh-10.html does the curve make a difference for punching or kicking.
  23. guys do you think its appropriate to kick in a fight. Because a lot of people consider kicking in a fight cheap.
  24. guys, i really need help with this statement any suggestion would be greatly apreciatated " how would i pick up a random girl i dont know in the street,movies, mall, crusing in a car, etc and get her number" wat would be some good ways to introduce myself to these girls in the scenario above or in general. thanks
  25. when i meet new people for the first time i am usually nervous and uncomfortable how can i change that?
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