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Everything posted by Zaine

  1. yeah why would you want to wash it?
  2. what are you kidding me? no, in my school tattered gis are the best, there way more comfratable than new ones, i recently got a new on and im wearing it all the time to try to break it in, hey im wearing now!!! but back on the subject, there just jealous because there gi doesnt look as cool as yours
  3. I play bass and violin
  4. Yeah for one, dont go with the guy with the contract, and as long as your kid understands that jujistsu is for self defense and that he should not be going around trying to pick fights then he sould be good
  5. pyush up on them it doesnt matter how big they are there going to move. and if that fails just tire them out.
  6. Nothing, but breathing l0oudly can cause a couple of problems in a fight, although most people use them in forms and not fights, they might get mixed up and use them in a fight and all someone would have to do is time there shot to when there breathing out and then there down for the count
  7. Yeah its normal for women to spar other men in our class
  8. learning weapons as a begginer is not smart, in my school we wait two ranks and then the third we learn the bo, but i think waiting till brown belt is a little absurd, but, its too much for a begginer to remember all at once if he learns weapons early
  9. im on wansu
  10. what an eighth dan in any okinawan system like goju ryu would be a master...
  11. They arent a shame and you shouldnt think that, everyone does it, you will, (if you already havent) do it too, knowing how to fight can be very dangerous on your self more tha other people and they just need to learn how to control there urge to be rough and fight all the time.
  12. pay attention, girls dont have problem with the strength aspect, its not about the strength its about the technigue behind the punch and knowing where to hit them. And a lot of women do progress faster, i have seen it, its because they have a lot more grace and flowing movement than men, its what we struggle with at lower ranks, flowing movements. But think about it, a lot of times the girls will progress faster than the men, im not saying all the time, but a lot of the time
  13. Well your in martial arts, your gonna hurt people without meaning to cause now you know how to punch and you know how to block, thats why i stopped screwing with my friends for the longest time unless they were in karate, you just got to have a little control thats all
  14. yeah i know but, id rather take it when i have a good solid understanding of what i am doing and i do, and, all i asked is what yall recommend i take
  15. Bo, it is a very versitle weapon, `
  16. Kabudo, Shorin Ryu, Ishin Ryu, and a lot other japanese systems, ecspecialy okinawan systems
  17. you should get him a 5 foot bo for now, but if starts to grow plan on getting him a 6 foot one
  18. you really cant do anything except talk to her, the rest is up to her, if she decides to try harder in karate then she'll do it, other than that there is nothing you can do
  19. what are you kidding? dont wash it, my white belt had so much gunk on it that when i got promoted to a blue belt and stopped wearing it it got stiff and really hard to bend.
  20. Well yeah that is a sign of a school that hands out belts, when there are too many black belt, but there is also schools like Tong Il Lo that have a lot of student that are blackbelts, and believe me they deserve it so you cant really judge if they hand out belts by the number of blackbelts in the class what i would do is just take the class untill i got my first belt, if i get it really fast id research on how long it would take a good school to promote a student, then i would determine if i were to stay or not,
  21. lol thats great!!!!!
  22. Dubjo Duarl Yel Volvo of Albuturol
  23. when you practice kicks on a stage when your playing bass in front of people when you use your drum sticks like escrima sticks when you leg sweep somebody just cause you can when you take a hockey stick and say "hey, cut a good portion of the end, and there commas!" when you take a book, and you find five different ways to attack it (god that was embarrasing when they walked in)
  24. Police: Sir do you know why i pulled you over.... Man: No sir Police: you were swerving, have you had a few drinks tonight? Man: Hey, I swear to drunk im not God
  25. yeah you could use flips.....just plan on landing on your back instead of your feet, i dont think flips should be used in katas much less in fighting
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