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Everything posted by omnifinite

  1. Goes back to the whole competitions having rules/false intent/false circumstances/etc argument... which will go on and on and on.
  2. Protons with a negative charge... electrons with a positive charge... that's the gist of it. Had the big bang produced equal amounts of matter and anti-matter we wouldn't exist... but matter ended up being slightly favored (I suppose if anti-matter had been favored it would have been called 'matter' ).
  3. As of 1995 (I don't know the current numbers), it cost about 10 million dollars to create a milligram of antimatter. Enjoy .
  4. I'd say feeling is much much more important than seeing here. Getting beaten up (and defending from such) is a very tactile experience . Learning how a technique should look can only get you so far.
  5. We tend to use lines to defeat circles... circles to defeat lines...
  6. I think whether an art is "combative" or not depends on how it's taught to you. If combat is the focus and it's tried and true, it'll be combative. If combat isn't the focus, it won't be... the art is kind of irrelevant beyond the likelihood of finding the right teacher within a specific one. What have you done about it? Not to sound accusatory... I'm just wondering what you had in mind, and where you've started with it on your own. I'm not sure I'd have the energy to attempt to change that many people's minds about something. If they don't feel like doing any research before devoting themselves to that sort of study, well, in the end they're the ones who lose out most.
  7. I'm usually taught to use hard weapons on soft targets and soft weapons on hard targets... with exceptions of course... and conditioning probably can't hurt, unless you give yourself a blood clot .
  8. Assuming the characters are supposed to be "masters" (and they usually are), and they're playing for keeps... I'd say if the combat itself lasts more than 7 seconds or so, it isn't realistic. Whoever screws up first dies. Doesn't make for very exciting movie-making I guess.
  9. I don't know the bag weights, but I've heard of plenty of Korean masters who could do that (Korean arts tending to put that extra focus on powerful kicks). Scary. Hope I learn half that much about generating power in the future.
  10. Why is it the other guy's fault when the girlfriend cheats? It's certainly not the most noble thing for him to be doing, but he's not the one with the emotional ties. I say drop her and let her enjoy whatever holes she digs for herself in the future... she isn't worth the energy.
  11. Well, I guess I'll join the geek party. I have an old Wolverine vs. Spiderman annual/graphic novel/whatever where the two of them go at it. Spiderman gives Wolverine a beating that would total a truck, and Wolverine takes it just to toy with him. They end up on the ground in a bit of a stalemate, Spiderman wins if he uses all his strength to break Wolverine's neck (and even that's iffy), or Wolverine wins if he just pops the claws. And Wolverine is still toying with him, knowing that Spiderman doesn't have it in him to murder a person (I don't remember what they were fighting about). If Wolverine had wanted to kill him, he would have... he had tons of chances. Of course it all depends on what the writers end up pulling out of their butts as their deadlines loom. So I suppose they're pretty evenly matched. Although I don't remember Spiderman using the webs once in that fight. I think he ran out. Maybe that could have turned the tables (he'd be the only one somewhat effective at long-range). Wolverine gets webbed up thick enough for Spiderman to get a few seconds of access to his neck: Spiderman wins. Wolverine makes it past the Spidey-sense and gets the claws in once... just once: Wolverine wins. Avoiding Wolverine would be a piece of cake for Spiderman. But that isn't winning. I'm not sure who I'd put my money on. If it came down to pure savagery (and I'm betting it would), Wolverine would have it. Plus Wolverine doesn't get tired, Spiderman does. *reads this over again* I'm depressed now.
  12. How about school uniforms with so many patches and so much lettering everywhere the students all look like NASCAR drivers. How can they feel respectable in those things?
  13. Kempo/Kenpo should put a good deal of focus on them.
  14. My instructor once had a sensei who could kick so fast he could be practically kneeling, go into a roundhouse to the face, go back to the previous position, and do the same kick again, and if you were lucky you could block/dodge the 2nd kick... maybe. Flawless technique will make something useful real quick.
  15. Well, you could also look at it this way. You can start at 15 and be worried about it or you can wait and start at 16 and be worried about it. I don't think you'll have a problem. There will be new students older than you I'm sure. If people are there to show off rather than learn from each other, they have the wrong mindset anyway.
  16. I don't think they'll let outsiders train in the actual temple...
  17. Mark Dacascos, not Brandon Lee.
  18. Heh... when I first found that video a while back it was called "Karate vs. Sumo". I wonder what's being written on the screen... any translators present?
  19. I personally think cannibalism should be legalized for medical purposes.
  20. Someone else on the forum (Henry South) is supposedly there or going there soon. Maybe you can wait for some of his updates? If you decide to go please tell us all about it when you get back... it would be very appreciated I think.
  21. I think number 5 was the one where they gather up their ki and hit each other in the throat and groin and such. I don't remember its name either.
  22. Sounds awesome. I wish I had the option of Tai Chi as well.
  23. Did you do a search on previous boxing threads? A couple weeks of posts probably isn't all that indicative of the overall attitude of the forum.
  24. Well, Kensai posted a bunch of them a couple days ago. I'll copy them here since he isn't around to go into it... Ki Aikido Yoshinkan Aikido Aikikai Aikido Yosekai Aikido Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido Tomiki Aikido Iwama Aikido Maybe you can type some of those into a search engine or something.
  25. That's what I was thinking... You can... but would you want to?
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