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Everything posted by trustkid1

  1. When I mention that our dojo was invited to a Tournaments some parents think that is all about kumite. I want to write a letter and explain what is a karate tournament, is not only kumite but katas and weapons competition and the benefit of it. What is your opinion? Amy American Shotokan Karate School Creating a future with the wisdom of the past.
  2. Good luck!
  3. trustkid1


    Yes, the belt doesn't mean nothing just the knowledge and the skills. Some instructors have to raise their fees because they depend on the school to survive, you know pay bills, etc... In my opinion if you teach martial arts you have to do it without been greedy. $900.00 is the payment of a nice house or a sport car. Is up to you to decided.
  4. Wow! That is a true martial artist. Happy Birthday!
  5. Keep doing what you do best and forget about the others. Work hard and traing hard.
  6. We didn't have any problems with racisim. Everybody is the same in the dojo and outside the dojo.
  7. All katas, from beginners to advance, are important. Each one have something different to learn, work and practice until master the kata.
  8. Good luck in your surgery. I will be praying for you. Relax and enjoy yourself!
  9. Way to go! Congratulations and keep going!
  10. We have a two workout hour, saturday, November 12 starting at 10:00 a.m. For more information you can e-mail me at amy_llanes@american-ska.com or trustki1 @ yahoo.com.
  11. Good luck and let us know what happen.
  12. You are in big trouble man!!!!
  13. You will waste your money and time.
  14. trustkid1


    Please Teach me: "onegaishimas" Thank you for teaching me Sensei: "arigatoh gozaimashita Sensei" That's how I learn it. Maybe somebody have another variation.
  15. Try this product call GOO GONE. You can buy it in Wal-Mart , Home depot etc.. Do not use it in silk, leather, suede or rubber. (That's what the directions say) It takes masking tape, gum, and more. (I sound like an advertisment) Try it. Hope it work!
  16. Better to eat 2 hours before training or you will feel heavy to train.
  17. My favorite kata to do in tournaments is Bassai-dai. Favorite kata to watch Sochin. Favorite kata of all times Jion.
  18. The worst thing to say to your instructor: Do you want me to do what???!!!! Are you crazy??????!!!!!!! Sensei wants to demostrate a technique and he choose you. You said, "Why ME!!!! or Here we going again the guinea pig.
  19. Lk: We will start our classes in January 2006. Too much holidays in between but we are going to have a demostration class for two hours. I will let you know when, where and at what time.
  20. I'm from Columbia lk. Menjo, That's one of the things that we talk to the TKD instructor. Since our school is going to use his facility that doesn't mean that we attack each other about wich one is better or worse. We are traditional Shotokan Karate.
  21. Well, we( my husband and I) talk to the TKD instructor and we make a deal. For helping with the rent we make a decision( everybody) to give him $10.00 for student; for example if we have 5 students it will be $50.00 for him and the rest for us. We are going to charge $45-$50 per month and we want to start in January 2006, so it will be enough time for advertisment and planning the classes. We already have somebody interest in the classes. KarateForums has helping us in make a lot of decisions so thank you for all of you that take time and read. God bless you. Amy
  22. I use regular detergent and I dry my gi in the dry at low heat for 20min. I don't dry the gi completly becauset it is more easy to iron it like that. I use fabric softener too. I will try the Oxy-clean for stains.
  23. It took me 4 1/2 years to get my BB.
  24. Moderation is the key! I do like my beer from time to time but I usually drink beer with food. I just get hungry after two beers.
  25. I think he was showing off. But no, I will not take him out of the demo because it will look obvious that he made a mistake if BB pulled him off. It's just a demo and people that doesn't know about MA don't know if he is doing it right or not.
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