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Anbu Alex

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Everything posted by Anbu Alex

  1. me too and Buhhidist monks use Bo's cause its easier to hold back killing someone
  2. best way to put it is that i know the 3 kans Bujinkan, Genbukan , and jinenkan which have togakure ninja lineage and kukishiden's ninja lineage are from samurai like i said before i perfer to see the Ashida kim's out there as American ninjutsu like american karate
  3. do you have a source for that? well the yagyu and other kenjutsu schools have ninjutsu in it and you can look it up online anywhere also many history books and tv programs on samurai are now stating these facts this is coming from japanese and japanese speaking ppl also ninjutsu was not used much once tokugawa came to power alot of the information then were either about assasins or crooks were called ninja's. so alot of "facts" that ppl have werent true or just stories. i mean come on it doesnt take that much to hide from ppl anyone can do it samurai's did it. if you were to go to a koryu sword school they have the same principles as a ninjutsu school
  4. yea basically they are modernized verison of the art oh and its has been recorded that alot of samurai were in fact ninja's, and bushido actully came out after peace settled in japan. i know in Togakure ryu's original creator was a samurai
  5. i think because it was the weapon of chioce in wars before the modern age and it was a very effective long range weapon cause it keeps your opponent at bay and was a easy weapon to train a person in
  6. forgot to add punctuations Im a graphic designer editors usally do the job for me (that and i was half asleep) X kans - have jujutsu and dakentaijutsu (striking) for in the ninja art other schools are modernized versions on ninjutsu or their interpitation of it the xkan teach ninjutsu but to really learn it and understand you have to train seriously i know in the bujinkan our ninjutsu was partly developed by a samurai lol wow that last post didnt make sense
  7. hey parkerlineage do you know the name of the ninjutsu guy ive been trying to to get it froms friend but they keep forgetting it
  8. i mean ninja in the stereotypical action movie sense, not historically accurate sense i think mines is more ghetto NWA ninja lol
  9. lol i dont think tryin to stop a heart with a punch is your best bet
  10. i agree but i like his detication to training and he just shuts up and puts up and this is from a person who is not a fan of ufc, and i think he's was one of the better fighters in that reality show and in his first fight i was schocked at how good he was but Hughes just seems more experience and that may create a big advantage for him
  11. good old jab i agree there is the jab and power jab i feel that ppl reduce the jab to just a punch that gives an opening (i was in that trap too) but my current teacher showed (and hit me with) the 2 jabs lets say the second one had me horizontal in the air the back fist we dont have in my current art (at least i dont think so ill have to ask) but i like it and still practice it cause if you are off line or can get it in it can do serious damage
  12. i learned acupresure this summer am i notice that alot of the sames points are with dim mak not that im really knowlegable in dim mak
  13. it depends on the person it you ever seen ghetto ppl fight (it you wnt to call it that) most of us here due to our training can take the hit and laugh it off but lets say a boxer i wouldnt let the get the first hit but i perfer the person to punch first, but i hit first
  14. but jujutsu is used in the X-kans i dunno about these other styles of ninjutsu never seen them but its as autherntic as you can geti think ppl should consider these other "ninjutsu" styles like american karate was developed here i know atleast in togakure ninjutsu it was developed by a samurai
  15. the ninja thing to do is to pull the knife in your pocket and stab them lol and parkerlineage your solution for the first solution is mean i like it 1. The person kneeling on your legs would have bad balance so using my leg s and hips to turn my body and either go into a mount and finish him or stand up and stomp him 2. first i would stop the choke by pushing up with my shoulder and down with my chin an attack soft spots or just stab the witn the knife
  16. its like the story of the samurai who had to split a helmet in front of the shogan and no one before him could do it and at one moment he basically blacked out and with extreme focus (ki) split the helmet cause he said to himself if i dont do this ima commit seppuku i think ki is focus/energy like when you have more energy doing something cause you are more focus
  17. i think Dim mak is just hitting a guy in the right place at the right time (luck?)
  18. not true thats is one aspect of it and modern ninjutsu is more about self defense ninjutsu we dont really learn usless things i know a Former military and an NYPD Corrections officer person in my dojo say that its very useful and have used it and in all martial arts there is philosophy but that and the other stuff is optional but the is always the Ninjutsu mc dojo that will focus on that stuff but i can only speak from wat i saw in japan and in our dojo (New York have a reputation of beingno nonsense guys from what i hear in the Bujinkan lol)
  19. Alot of the spiritual aspects of martial arts came after the warring eras (in japan at least) and at that point samurai's were looking for a reason for being a warrior class and things other than war (history Ch rules) at that point alot of masters started to get into buhhdism especially to repent on theirs lives and ppl they killed like Bushido man stated Martial arts are about war first
  20. Im a Zen Buhhdist and i was trying to explain to a Christian friend about ki an i told them that think of when the apostsles(sp?) when they recived the holy spirit almost like a energy that completed them and gave the confidence to face prejudice its the same feeling of ki i think with o sensei he seemed to boder on a blind rage cause he was giving off the killer intent thats in all old budo martial arts inyo(yin and yang)
  21. If its bujinkan, Jinenkan, or Genbukan than its authentic and you really arent gonna find an answer to if ninjutsu is taught in these schools honestly we tend to focus on the samurai aspects but to really know the truth about 10 or more years of training will get you a real answer lol but its like that with any art
  22. i feel that its not a question of kung fu or any martial art is effective they all are in their ways its more in the fact of wat are the ppl's reasons for it i mean some ppl train for tears in an art and cant fight they are not fighters but can be good teachers of the art and hey may end up teaching the next great fighter in my personal experience kung fu is effective in combat it just depends its up to the person to take their art and apply it to combat and the dojo guides you
  23. Morihei Ueshiba, Bruce lee, Wong Fei hong, Takamatsu, Miyamoto Musashi of courese, Mas Oyama, Huo Yuanjia, Kuki Yakushimaru Ryushin
  24. this is like the best disscussion of ninja ive seen on a forum for awhile oh and hatsumi soke says it in many of his books about ninja that they were refered to as tengu sometimes
  25. Bruce Lee, Jet li, and Tony Jaa in that order Jet bearly passed Jaa cause of Fearless
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