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Everything posted by viskous

  1. i suppose you could use wrist and ankle wieghts.......you could even fill a backpack with wieghts and wear it on your back if youve got one of those ones that distributes the wieght so you dont hurt your back
  2. actually we use it in gtf aswell..........um im not sure if i can do a good job of explaining........but my understanding is that you drop your mass down a couple inches as performing a punch......its supposed to add power and speed
  3. well whenever i used to bench press it was always my right shoulder that would give out well before anything else and on occasion id get a sore shoulder (not shoulder muscle) but about a month or two ago i hurt it a bit benching then i geuss i didnt let it heal fully before i experimented with this funny kinda push-up and i totally destroyed my right shoulder, so for the last probably 2 months i havent been able to push my upper body like i would like and i keep getting impatient and doing a few puships here and there and it only aggrevates my shoulder... not into pain just aching..... ive finally after recently trying to do a semi significant amount of pushups decided that i should give it a month or so....... i was just wondering if there were ways to speed up recovery? if i should be concerned? and how i can tell when its really healed? because a couple times i thought it was healed until i got threw a few push-ups only to be corrected
  4. if you want to learn how to fight without being taught i'd say just get a heavy bag and read onn the internet.........heavy bag costs more but its not a waste
  5. well ive done wieght training before but i was wondering about the need for it...........it seems to me that body wieght exercises and isometrics are plenty.....my father hates wieghts and he's the strongest person ive ever met.....and threw my own experience just doing isometrics and push ups i experienced a rather impressive increase in strength that ive never gotten out of my wieght training even with supplements maybe its just genetics..........so is the added wieght really worth the added stress on my joints??
  6. i think its presumptuos to think if a school doesnt have a website it is of poor quality, you may be pleasently surprised when you get there.....plus if your gonna be there for several years i think youve got plenty of time to explore another art for awhile. but without instruction you'll have to try hard to keep your kyokushin fresh in your mind
  7. thanks sounds good to me , sorry if i came off a lil heavy there ive been in an iffy mood lately lol, thanks alot
  8. once again i completely agree already, just because its my first tournament does not make me nieve, you gave good advice but i just wanted to let you know it wasnt the advice i needed because it was already in my head when i made this thread, i felt i needed to make that clear cause about 7 people responded all saying the same thing, and im not looking to be flawless i'd just think a more efficient way to learn from my mistakes is have an idea of what other people do kind of like doing your chapter reading before you start your assignment. Once again i thank you cause i can see your trying to get a point acroos that you think is important for my good, but im already with you on it
  9. yes i am more then aware of your points , i am not expecting to win anything, but i think the best way to make this a learning experience is to have a starting point instead of relying on blind trial and error, thats the only reason i posted, and your responses only make me wary of askin for advice again for fear of only recieving the dead obvious, I dont mean to come off aggressive and i do appreciate people taking the time to respond. Thanks anyways
  10. i cant believe that nobody has brought up the fact that you'd be training with an obviously very good teacher, you dont become the president of the WHA for nothing, i say always go with the best teacher when in doubt about which art, so in that spirit i'd strongly suggest laerning from Tae Jung aslong as money or schedules arent a huge factor
  11. My first tournament is coming up on Nov 14, theres three events, GTF Taekwon-do sparring(continuous), Forms, and WHA Hapkido sparring. most competitors including myself are competing in all three, the divisions are gonna be split up into about 6 people each, my problem is that my stand up sparring needs alot of offensive work i just can't seem to mount any sorta attack all i can do comfortably is block and throw the occasional single move off the counter, the only good news is that im very comfortable on the ground even against the black belt(imma white belt) not to say im super good im just comfortable, but ive been told that the hapkido sparring is gonna be stood up every 30 secs so the one area im comfortable is rather limited. Another thing ive been told is theres a good chance they'll be jujitsu guys there and i only practice hapkido 1 night a week(teakwondo 1 a week also). So id greetly appreciate any bag drills or suggestion in general for not only improving my striking (combinations/counters) but also gaining an edge on the ground, remembering that with college i dont really have time to find a offday sparring partner, all i got is my heavy bag and a weight set. thanks for any replies
  12. well at a certain point you dont have to 'charge' each limb you just tap into it with your mind and then it flows where you need it when you need it, doesnt matter how fast your moving, but thats hard to achieve
  13. I'd also like some info on hand conditioning. i believe finger strike can be devistating but at the levl you can effectively use them your probably proficient enough to not have to risk it, but its still a worthwile skill especially in grappling
  14. i just wanna say one thing truly traditional martial artists did train with everything they had they did do alot of the hardcore training that mixed martail artists seem the characterise as there new invention, what people refer to as traditional martail arts schools are schools that teach one incomplete art, but thats not tradition............................i'd also like to say that the line between a mixed martail artist and a "tradiational" martail artist is very fine......for example ive never heard anybody refer to shoalin monks as mmartists but they trained many different styles night and day......the tradition lies in the training not in the art.........like why must we all train muay thia and bjj to be the best, why not chin na and hung gar? or any other mix aslong as trained with the same intensity........its like saying 5+5 is better then 6+4........see my point.....i'd also like to say that we can not all test ourselves in the ufc or in any nhb way, alot of people train hard but gotta go to work without a black eye and still could defend themselve if they put effort into it without full contact
  15. the test is if you can achieve what you train for, which is a situation most people hope to never face, if you train to fight multiple attackers nhb, then become a bouncer, i'd classify a bathroom braul alot more dangerous then the ufc...........but that beside the point.......im not gonna get into the tma vs mma because i think theres alot of foolishness in most of these arguments on both sides
  16. you cant tap while your flying to the ground, thats the part i think he's concerned about,.......I'd have to answer this question with a question, if you find it's easy to respect your teachers wishes in the "no unneccesary questions" category, then why so quik to second geuss him when he gives you a destinct instruction, your teacher tells you he know what he's doing then dont question him, either he really does and noone gets hurt and your getting good practice, or he's wrong and no blame is on you,..............he's shown trust in you for a reason, im sure he doesnt walk up to every new class member stick out his hand and say "go wild"
  17. well i believe most samurias were trained in hand to hand combat, something most european knights did not train if im not mistaken, plus i think there was a bit more self disipline with the japenese samurai.........all in all i'd say samurai
  18. to caged warrior: i dont think he meant trying to hurt the guys arms with punches, but trapping them so wing chun accuracy and uprooting could be used,
  19. what someone was getting in his face so he touched his crotch, thats thinking outside the hetrosexu...err i mean box
  20. not yet but the dojang im probably goin to soon teaches gtf taekwon do
  21. cool thanks, im just waitin for my dad to teach me, we're incommunicado right now lol, just gettin impacient
  22. right now i dont have a chi instructor and i was just wondering how often should i be meditating to make steady progress, also how to keep chi in areas, like i can start meditating and move tingling into my hands but i just tend to start losing focus on my hands then its reallly hard to get it back, also would it be a good idea to try and charge my hands and feet before and well im hitting my heavy bag? is this good practice?
  23. i would suggest there chest and try to use your perifrial vision for everything else.........i aint much of a fighter though lol
  24. what kinda style is this, like right now my style mainly does kicking, is this style more balanced?.........also does anybody know what style of hapkido the world hapkido association uses and what its like?
  25. i think its that some arts learn to develop chi through tensing muscles and some through pure relaxation
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