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Everything posted by shogeri

  1. Great to have you here!
  2. Nice to have you here!
  3. It's the people that make or break a school, not the system itself.
  4. Great opinions and thoughts here. Hope is was what you expected!
  5. Shoot for the leg. but do a feint, fake, or strike first. With wrestling, it's about who gets there first, and knows how to follow through.
  6. I have seen schools that do such. It's rare, but it's there. I see more schools that practice judo, and then have those days where they come in street clothes or as shirtless as possible.
  7. Not sure what else to say. Partner training is crucial in these aspects. However, continue practicing the basics, and doing things solo until someone comes along. Good luck!
  8. Ninjutsu is about responding naturally to a situation, thus using whatever means necessary to win a situation. So yes, wrist locks are part of it. So are various other hand strikes, leg sweeps, jumping kicks, weapon usage, and so on. Ninjutsu is in many ways, the samurai legacy.
  9. Gee whiz, these are already some great replies. Good job!
  10. tv exists for it's own evil doing and undoing. Seagal, he's authentic. He just got tangled up in all the hype. Just like van damm, and in many cases Bruce Lee as well. It's hard to remain a martial artist and devote time to trying to make money as an actor as well. Something takes a hit. A loss. Aikido is jujutsu. Just implemented differently, and for different reasons. In regards to the Martial Arts, it would be the evolution of jujutsu, whereas judo is a step backwards. Aikido is a Japanese Internal art, so many concepts will overlay with that of Taijiquan. Those are my thoughts for the moment.
  11. Alot of good information, thanks!
  12. I have practiced it, and continue to study it as we speak.
  13. Keep looking and keep on training! Good luck!
  14. Sarcasm is hard to note online with an lol...or haha, just kidding, or but seriously... This is a lesson I continue to learn myself... [/b]
  15. So you want to jump from beginning partner training right into the advance part of sticky hands. The focus of push hands is to also build up you back, arm, and shoulder strength. The longer you do it, the better it is for you.
  16. If you do not have any spine problems, or muscular problems, or joint problems, then being in a natural stance shouldn't really cause painful affects. This just points out that every should consult a doctor before doing any exercise or physical activity anyone says on this forum, in a crowded room, off of a video tape, or in class or otherwise. If it hurts when you do something, stop doing it until you figure out why it's hurting in the first place. Good luck!
  17. In wushu, there are forms and dance forms. Some two man sets, and group sets as well. Some with weapons. Many based on the various Martial Art systems in place in China. The wikipedia article has some good information about wushu. Also, I think there is wushu.com or .org. or .net.
  18. It never hurts to look around, and test the waters. Eventually find something and stick to it. It's worth it in the long run.
  19. I wonder how close white lotus is to crane or praying mantis in application of technique or methods of counter attack?? Just thinking out loud...
  20. Many great posts here. I will give my own answer eventually!
  21. Yes. Free sparring and pre-arranged.
  22. I need to buy a wooden dummy. They are good way to develop certain techniques, and learn what it feels like to actually hit something when you block.
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