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Everything posted by shogeri

  1. The belts from Century MA {that I bought} weren't made to be washed by a machine or dried by one either. Even if the directions say it's okay. Perhaps cold water with Woolite in a sink, and then hung out to dry. If you have spots use a spot remover. If that doesn't work, and or if it needs extensive mending, then just buy a new one.
  2. Shuai Jiao was mentioned previously, and is the basis for many Chin Na principles. I suppose if a Kung Fu practitioner (or Karateka) mixed that (Shuai Jiao) with roman greco wrestling, and applied a wide variety of submission techniques, then they would have all they need as a Martial Artist. They would then have: Striking (Arms {hands, elbows, forearms} and Legs {shins, knees, feet}) Grappling (Standing and Ground) - joint locking, throws, strike-downs, down fighting, submission holds, etc.
  3. The sad part is that the American society is no different in regards to promoting better marital and sexual relationships. It seems that both run rampid in the society in which I live with little or no consideration for the consequences when something goes wrong. In other words, we might have larger personal spaces, but our promiscuity has been thrown out the window along with any true sense of relational responsibility.
  4. Meditation <> to ponder Meditation = to attempt a sleep state, a state of homeostasis or balance Look up the human body's functions while sleeping and you will find remarkable similarities to the effects of Qigong and Taijiquan.
  5. Sounds like Martial Art based Karate to me...As was its purpose.
  6. Hindsight is 20/20.
  7. One might try https://www.kyokushinontario.com or http://www.kyokushin.ca/dojos.html or http://www.kyokushincanada.com/KyokushinDojosInCanada.htm ------------------------------ According to this site below, which is all about Sosai Masutatsu Oyama the founder of Kyokushin says quite differently: http://www.masutatsuoyama.com/kyokushinkata.htm This site concurs with the above: http://www.diegobeltran.com/htms/dojo/kyokushinkatas.htm And both sites say that Kyokushin is: Kyoku meaning Ultimate. Shin meaning truth or reality. Kai meaning to meet, join or associate. ------------------ I have trained in both Shotokan and Goju Ryu, and feel that the syllabus or training schedule of kata listed on the site above is what the core of Kyokushin Karate should be, and to deviate from that is to not be practicing the true way of Kyokushin by Masutatsu Oyama. ------------------ Now there are Kyokushin tournaments, or kumite based events, but that is separate (yet a component of the modern expression) from the martial art itself. The question is kyospirit, just what flavor Kyokushin are you speaking of?
  8. Kyokushin starts out with Shotokan and ends up with Goju Ryu. You could always just search out a Goju Ryu School in the case of not finding any Kyokushin instructors.
  9. There are differences between: A. Fighting basics (speed, timing, reaction, position balance) B. Basic techniques (specifically applied responses) C. Basic principles of combat Now 'B' might be drilled into a person, but their fighting basics, and their basic principles of combat, can dwindle over time. One has to keep re-kindling the fire, or feeding the dragon in this case, in order to maintain a sufficient level of basic martial art training throughout their life, which includes items A, B, and C. Now my system is similiar in respect to Muay Thai, and Jujutsu. So full contact is not an option. However, neither is point sparring. There are differenct training methods one uses in order to gain the maximum benefits of any particular fighting method. Just some thoughts...
  10. I was a teen in the eighties...He certainly was an influence in some ways...
  11. Basically you either stand up for yourself or you run away from (ie. avoid) the sitiation. Choices and consequences...that's what life is about. Get something out of them, regardless. Learn and move on. Focus on the positive things in life.
  12. "matter is simply energy vibrating at frequences that manifest form shape and mass.. within that model, consciousness, properly disciplined, can manipulate the basic energy however it chooses..." taichibob - kungfumagazine forum Rather than trying to make qi complex, or over simplify, it's best to just accept that it exists, and that it has little or nothing to do with magic, mysticism, or spiritualism...
  13. I am in agreement with ovine and kaju...
  14. The Leopard attacks quickly then retreats, then attacks again. Over and over. Targeting primary weaknesses. It would be a good compliment to Tiger, which is just attack and keep attacking. Followed up with either crane or dragon.
  15. Not too important. It runs similar to 'name dropping' or who has more rank, and so on. However, I do not mind various professional references, or word of mouth references for that matter.
  16. Mankind has been (more or less) left to his own physical trials for quite some time. As a Christian Minister, I would simply note a prayer to God, before and after. The trials of our flesh and mind, are just that...Ours. Sometimes the Lord intervenes, and sometimes He doesn't. His call. I have seen countless people pray before events, and competitions, and business meetings, etc. God isn't a butler, nor maid, nor servant. He knows us, and knows what is best for us beyond what our puny minds will ever know. It is up to us, to make these situations come out the best we can. In a fight we are attempting to preserve the life, or quality of life we have come to cherish. I stop there, as to not go off topic with this.
  17. I like that. Setting the spark in someone, or igniting a passion within them to excel will do wonders. Far more than just congratulating them and then moving on. And much more better than putting them down, or telling them that they are worthless, etc. Thus extinguishing any flame that might exist.
  18. Such as: I am Hung Gar I am Shaolin Dragon (or Leopard, Tiger, Snake, Crane) I am Hao Chuan He is Muay Thai, or she is Taijiquan... and so on... And when you speak of kung fu, you speak of it as something they possess, and can be measured to some degree. Their driving kung fu is excellent. Their shaolin kung fu has yet to be mastered. Their communication kung fu is lacking. Their tea drinking kung fu is utterly the best. The have great kung fu in regards to being a medical doctor. -------------- Just some thoughts...
  19. I agree much with the above by highkicker. In regards to mixing two systems, or creating your own. It's all about basics, and sticking to them. We are, essentially, teaching much of the same thing. We just change the wrapper some.
  20. If you can find Mongolian Wrestling, then you have found one of the only ground fighting Chinese Martial Arts (it is more of a sport nowadays).
  21. Harmonious gave a decent reply. The better question would be does kempo hold similarities to san soo, and the answer would be yes, but not necessarily strong references.
  22. The Martial Arts are not influenced by religion. Nor are the Martials about religion or spirituality. Period. However, the Martial Arts have been a vehicle for religion, since they are focused on the individual and their quest for harmony within themselves. The Shaolin use the Martial Arts as a vessel, a tool or resource to help them get where they are going. We need growth in the MA, and to say that there is religion involved will only scare people away. I have my own family system. I am Christian. Does that mean what I teach will help my children reach some form of closure with our Christian God. No. Does it mean they will understand their own body, their mind, and their limitations, and be able to push themselves physically, and demand more from themselves, and work toward being the best in those situations where conflict arises. I certainly hope so. ----------------------------------- SMR makes a good point. ---------------------------------- Just some thoughts on this...
  23. Any kung fu that implements Chin Na, has grappling. Taijiquan implements Chin Na, however it is a standing form of grappling, and not ground fighting. SHUAI JIAO is another kung fu concerned with grappling. It does have wrestling, but I am not sure just how far they go with it.
  24. Minus the weapon, you will have some basic footwork, with parry skills, and depending on the level of training and work put into it, a level of reaction speed as well. The fencing sword is a medium to long range. Your hands are from short range to in fighting range. In sum, some things will crossover, and others will not, depending on the system you go to. If Black Tiger, then you will still have some deep stances and thrusts, but there are fewer block, some parry's, and mostly open hand strikes along with knee strikes and frontkicks, and leg sweeps. Depends on who is teaching the Black Tiger or Tiger Claw system...
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