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Mr Pockets

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Everything posted by Mr Pockets

  1. Vitamine E is not a drug. Niether is creatine, for that matter. If you want side effects though, I'll telll you the only one I (or anyone, I think) is aware of. It will dehydrate you while its working. Make sure you get plenty of water if you're using it.
  2. Sometimes I use the fingerless bag gloves (feels most like a fist) and sometimes I use boxing gloves (16oz is HEAVY when you go for a while.)
  3. Of course it won't build much power, but it should build some endurance. I don't know if it's all that necessary though.
  4. Guy, you're very young. 30lbs of muscle is A LOT for anyone, let alone you. If you want to start lifting that's great, but you have to be realistic.
  5. First of all, BE CAREFUL with ankles and knees. They go from nothing to injured quicker than you'd think. Anyway, try pinching your elbows and twisting them both like a steering wheel. BJJ isn't about pure muscular strenght (thus, how much pressure) but technique (thus, pressure without hardly trying.) Once you figure-four the ankle- BRING THE BIG TOE TOWARDS HIS OWN BUTTHOLE. Bend it in far enough and the guy will have to tap. But again, BE CAREFUL. Also- make sure you have the foot in the correct hand- you want to bend it inside, not outside (it's weaker that direction.) So if you're facing the same direction as your opponent (north-south for example) you want to have you left hand on his right foot. If you're facing opposite direcion (in his open guard, for example) you want to grab his right foot with your right hand.
  6. I'd love for Couture to do what he was wanting to- unify the belts. Polititcs and all that... probably will never happen.
  7. I know there are lower level (not UFC but amateur) fights held in Susanville.
  8. Don't take offense by this ninja nurse-but what's going on in a fight goes far beyond simple 100-level physics. The body is in many ways a mechanical system- which is why it can easily be said (and proven) that punching with your hips gives you the most power. Also, yes, it does make very little a difference, if at all, if you punch from your with your shoulders shrugged or not, if you're punching correctly. (One is more likely to block an incoming punch while you're throwing yours.) At the same time, holding your hands up is not all that difficult (until you get really tired, anyway) and a worthy expenditure of energy, not that it takes all that much to do so anyway. In a real fight you will absolutely need them there to block or you'll be punched in the face! It's as simple as that. As for shrugging your shoulders, it's the same thing. It protects your head and neck. Why? Because with almost every human being, the forarm is as long as the first half of your arm. If you bend it fully but your shoulders are relaxed, just hanging there, your hands to up to about below-chin-level; the same level as your shoulders. You want them IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE. If they are not, I garuntee you (yes, garuntee) that if you and I fight I'll sock you in the face until you do get your hands up there. You have to protect your head and neck, which is why you shrug your shoulders, hunch down a little bit, and keep your hands high. (You might notice that when you're hunched over a little bit, your elbows cover your torso as well.)
  9. Oh, here's a site that demonstrates a few things. You won't really learn anything from it- but it's cool. http://www.muaythai.se/film/vdo.asp
  10. Hey, Seven beat me to it. Switch kick it is for a lead leg (even though it's not lead anymore) roundhouse. Also- in MT you don't have to put your power hand in back.
  11. You guys forget that you can also pull off a triangle from the mount. If I mount a guy on the street, aside from pounding him, thats a move I'd love to do. I'd rather not do the one from the guard because I'd rather not be on my back anyway- but if I am, and I get the chance, I'm doing it for sure.
  12. I doubt anything outside of wrestling exists. Even boxing is often a school team, but not technically ran by the school.
  13. How is having your foot flat on the ground (heel included) the same as just turning on the ball of your foot? what he's referring to is the angle. when you plant your foot, you are planting it atabout the same angle your foot would pivot to if you used the pivot method - theorectically, there should be no difference in power. Exactly. the idea is to turn over your hips and kick THROUGH your target.
  14. Anorexia is a mental, not physical condition in which, basically, you deny yourself food (starve yourself) because you think you're fat. You're not anorexic because you're skinny, you're anorexic because you refuse to eat wwhen you should.
  15. I'm a guy and I don't know much about these things... don't really want to. But, I don't see why you don't just rotate in some black pants.
  16. In the end those are the same thing- so long as your foot is pointed in that direction and the hips turn over.
  17. No, you don't. More often than not twice a week holds you back from growing Don't do preacher curls if you want to bulk up- they limit what you can lift. LIFT HEAVY!!! You'll get a lot more weight up doing regular two handed curls or hammer curls.
  18. If you are looking to really bulk up, do each group you do once a week. You definitely want to do back exercises, by the way. Anyway, I'd suggest Chest, Back, and Legs. If you want to hit arms do tris with chest and bis with back. I'd suggest a fourth day for shoulders, or tack it on with chest.
  19. Do them as fast as you can with weights so you can only do about 20 reps. That will build your abs nice and big.
  20. Not recently- everyone knows how important it is. In some smaller cage fighting leagues guys go in without ground knowledge- and more often than not they lose because of it.
  21. Kind of ironic that the too deadly moves are often all too easy to practice safely.
  22. Most NHB fighters train in "boxing" just without the gloves. I think most people don't draw the distinction and assume that when you box you can only do it with gloves. Quick question- you want to lock people up standing the way BJJers do on the ground... do you mean like armbars or wristlocks or what?
  23. Whew that's a good one. Probably Ali.
  24. Generally, just start drilling all the routines you think you might need. I know a guy who's more of a striker with some grappling getting ready for a cage fight- so he spars light contact for a round, he'll then do sprawling drills a round, then work bad positions on the ground for a round. (3 minutes each.) The idea is to drill everything you need the most into your head so it's natural enough to dream about every night. Also, make sure your endurance is top notch, and don't lift for a little while before (or do anything that might break down your muscles.) The day before a fight just rest, don't do anything strenuous at all.
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