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Mr Pockets

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Everything posted by Mr Pockets

  1. The one hit kill idea is no more than an idea. It works great in the movies, but in real life, if it happens even once, it probably involved some luck.
  2. I don't think even that is true.
  3. My personal philosophy is get all the power you want first- you'll keep enough endurance if you're training hard (with your actual fightin, that is.) After you reach whatever you want in regards to strength, then do something else if you want.
  4. That is actually a really good website. It doesn't mention the role of carbohydrates, however- which should be eaten along with every protein serving. The two work together to build muscle.
  5. It's supposed to make you about 20% stronger, and help you push you muscles longer than usual. You can take it whenever you want, but it's pointless unless you're working out or something. You can take too much, but if you don't there are no known (and my bet is they would be known by now) side effects, and it is not at all addictive.
  6. Eh, don't be mad- it's just another way to do aerobics. Who can complain about women doing aerobics? We need MORE women doing aerobics in this fat, fat country!
  7. WC against boxing? Good luck man, your only hope is getting him up against the ropes (or cage or wall or whatever) and getting inside his hands quickly, maybe, if you're good enough at it, you can use some kicks to your advantage. I'd say learn some boxing.
  8. I agree. When you fight long enough, everyone more or less develops their own "style." Look at Chuck Liddell- what does he do? Boxing? Sure, he has some thai style strikes and what not; but really, when trying to describe something, sometimes you just call it a "Chuck Liddell."
  9. Oh man, my favorite part is how he tries to get back up and save it and falls again! That's worthy of the Simpsons or Family Guy or something.
  10. Well, to be fair, even thai boxers don't spar going all out... if they sparred with fullcontact kicks, and elbows (!), they would get too beat up to recover.
  11. If only it were that simple. If you get in a fight, odds are pretty good you'll take a hit or two. Ironically- a boxer is most likely to take the least hits, and deal with the hits the best.
  12. Kind of a bold statement since you also admit it can never be proven. Have you seen it? Are you sure the guy wasn't palming a taser?
  13. A guy shoots me, and there is no escape.
  14. Depends- if it's just some skinny little punk and I can take him, I'll laugh at him tauntingly to see if he'll attack me. If it's a situation where someone (again that I can take) is doing something I want to stop, I'll flat tell him to stop in a somewhat threatening way. If it were a group of five black guys with gang ink, well... I'd just quietly respond in the most technically correct way and leave. I can't take all five of them, and they're probably armed.
  15. I don't know about that... while yea, I have come across a handful of TKD guys who can kick hard, other styles are still much more powerful.
  16. If I could describe a street fight in just one way, it would be uncontroled. If you're a great sparrer, you still may get creamed on the street.
  17. If you do, and you make sure to have a good amount of time to rest between lifting and training, it's possible (not guaranteed) you'll be just fine. IF, that is, you are eating right.
  18. Get in, do your combos, then get back out. (Of range, that is.)
  19. Forms aren't fighting.
  20. Where are you getting these ideas??? How do you define "horrible" shape? (By the way- the do plenty of cardio at certain times- the cutting stages. More than a powerlifter or olympic lifter does.) You think bodybuilders still aren't strong? I garuntee you if you take any bodybuilder (not counting the ones who have been juicing their brains out) and I'll bet you good money they'll have excellent blood pressure, lung capacity, cholesterol levels, and everything else. The ONLY time they're not healthy is right during competition when their bodyfat is too low and they are dehydrated. Other than that, they are in no less good of shape than any other professional athlete. (And the few days during competition aren't enough to do anything to them in the long run.) They don't eat a healthy diet for the most part, they eat an incredibly healthy diet, period. They have to limit their fat intake, eat enough veggies and fruits to get ALL the essential minerals and vitamines, as well as essential fats, because if they didn't they wouldn't have a prayer at getting to the size they are. What do you mean "the quality" of their food is good- but "everything else sucks"? What sucks??? Just because they don't play a sport like baseball or fight in the ring doesn't mean they're in horrible shape. They're in different shape. A marathon runner is in different shape than a baseball player, just like that baseball player is in different shape than a boxer, who is in different shape than a bodybuilder; but saying any is in worse shape, let alone in horrible shape is just ridiculous.
  21. You know, it still seems to me that, even if you learned all the applications of all the movements of a kata, it's still a waste of time in that it'd still be more effecient to just learn the moves to begin with. Punch this way, kick this way, block this way... there's only so much to do and so many ways to do it, why pussyfoot around and learn it the long way?
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