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Everything posted by Goju_boi

  1. " I have an acquaintance who despises that organization. he trains bukti negara silat and capoeira and researches various african arts." since when is silat african?
  2. it's probably some hybrid system.As for people I know, there aren't many,but there are some.It's just that work and school consume my time
  3. I guess, I haven't actually needed them so I'll just take your word
  4. well maybe some of u guys are just overtaring your body
  5. guess it's something to look forward to
  6. I really don't think that body type affects u unless u want to do airial techniques.
  7. guess so,but he's been talkin a lot about the goju-kai lately.I don't know if this helps but in the gekisai katas when we drop down to shiko dachi and do a low block he said that we need to change from doing it with the palm facing us to the palm facing behind us because of something with the organizaation.
  8. "There's nothing else on the market that is as effective." or tasty
  9. "You say it works well in sparring. Has it in the street? Or in a real situation? If so, then more power to you. " it depends,if u see the person really doesn't know what they are doing then go for it,but if they do,just go midlevel.Kicks tend to lose power anyways the higher they go.
  10. "You were in a McDojo, when you went to the Saishu Ryu Karate Jitsu club, the sensei wasn't the McDojo type of guy." this dude has a point
  11. I still don't know from what style this kick came from. I know that kyokushin brazilians do it, but is it just a brazilian thing?
  12. I guess u aced that class.Anyways wasn't wing chun developed by a nun in the southern temple?
  13. guess so,but being a martial artist means being able to apply self defense when needed.
  14. I was talking about the comment of girls not being accepted into shaolin style training.
  15. that's a lot of pish ups,but I'm guessing he didn't do them consecutively.
  16. "Now of course there are Shaolin schools in existence, and yes, in America, many do accept female students. " why?
  17. "I had planned to work on the next part of the form you need for your test, but instead we're going to practice stepping in front stance for the whole class." sounds about right.That or working on your straddle stance.
  18. great advice as always.By now I'm guessing youre probably some 30 something or 40 somethin year old man, because you always know what to say and how to say it.And that shows you have some sort of experience in life.
  19. yeah that does sound far for training
  20. it's great, it helps stay in touch with all the people I graduted with from high school.It also helps u get to know people better.
  21. does anybody on this website besides me have one?If so post it up.
  22. I'm like u except on the skinny part and the girlfriend part.
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