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Everything posted by Sabumnim

  1. Nothing wrong with that... jk I am in the GTUK. Did you go to the Master Choi celebration a while back? It was a weekend thing with a seminar on a saturday and a tournament on the sunday.
  2. Point sparring is not preparation for real combat, but you do learn to focus and exercise control over your techniques and their power. You should go to a teacher that does pressure testing, John Thompson wrote a book on it called Animal Day.
  3. I take: Sparring gear. Sandwiches, water and lucozade. Money. Martial arts license and passport (we need another form of ID). Dobok/Gi and belt. I also have to wear a suit and tie when I am not in competition, and other clothes for after. Kick shields for warming up and focus pads. Major thing is deoderent for afterwards.
  4. Sam, What ITF association are you in? GTUK? UKTA?...etc
  5. 1. I skipped college to see it and also took my little brother who was supposed to be ill. It had to be done, even though I'm not a Star Wars buff. A choice between college and watching the most awaited film in who knows how long. Hard decision... NO 2. Jedi 3. Purple, single saber 4. Anakin
  6. I love football (soccer ), I support Manchester United and play for my college. I play basketball for my town and listen to lots of music, I like reading as well. Not much time for anything else
  7. In that environment you are the more experienced, you should tell him or it will continue. Be polite of course but if he gives inaccurate advice it will damage his sons learning which might come back to you. Fathers will always be a problem... In my last tournament the father of my final opponent would watch each fighter and try to evaluate their style, and note their weaknesses. This was a celebrational tournament, something to be enjoyed. It must have worked because he got to the final, after the first round I was up three-nil and the guys dad looked really angry. Both of us were 16, how stupid is that?
  8. TKD forms easy. If you do them properly you should be exhausted, they aren't meant to confuse you. Simplicity is a part of practicality, a complicated form wouldn't help anyone learn correct body movements. Anyone can be taught to do a pattern, but to do it perfectly is a different matter.
  9. Obi Wan vs Anakin/Vader is quality. Me and my brother were sort of willing him to destroy the emperor, I was saying 'ya fool turn back' even though I knew it wasn't gonna happen. When it got to the Obi Wan fight scene though I was wanting Vader to win... The best and most emotional of the prequel trilogy.
  10. I agree with AnonymousOne. People have many preconcieved ideas of martial arts, let them. They will be in for a surprise.
  11. Yeah I like girls that do martial arts, a girl that wants to take care of themselves is always attractive. If I was going out with someone I was training with I might have a problem though, especially in sparring.
  12. Bruce Lee is an obvious one. Hattori Hanzo. Gen Choi. Choi Jung Wa And others who won't come to mind at this time.
  13. You need to try to make your opponent follow your pace. I don't mean fight at a set pace through the fight but change it to suit your tactics and their weaknesses. It will be easier to judge when to finish them if you can compare their pace to yours e.g. If they slow down or become inconsistent in their attacks.
  14. I haven't seen it yet and just wanted to know people's opinion.
  15. Somebody once told me that you could be charged with attempted murder if you hit someone and it wasn't in a self defence situation (in the UK). Probably rubbish though. Have to say that it is now legal in England if trespassers in your home pose a risk to your safety they you are allowed to defend yourself even if it means the death of the trespasser.
  16. Be confident If you are chosen to instruct lower grades your sensei has confidence in you. If you know what you are teaching you shouldn't have a problem, apart from maybe a few know-it-all's. Just make them do push ups.
  17. Only thing I video tested for is when I did Karate as part of my GCSE PE examination. Never did it for a real grading
  18. I'm a 3rd Dan black belt in Shotokan Karate I have been trainig since I was six
  19. Shotokan Ken-Yu-Kai
  20. Hope you like Tae-Kwon Do I started at twelve and loved it...still do I was allowed to spar as soon as I started, you have to have equipment before you can go on to contact sparring though. A definite benefit is flexibility and I agree with what other have said; you have to train by yourself as well as with the TKD to get that six pack. It's worth it though!!!
  21. The martial art doesn't make the man, the man makes the art: Only the person can make the art useful on the street, if you understand what you are taught then you should be able to apply it. That doesn't mean learning a martial art will make you unbeatable, especially the TSD guy who said his mate got floored by a drunk. A martial art cannot express itself, it can't show itself in its purest form. It is up to the people who use it, to represent it. The truth is you have to choose a style that is effective for you, Tae-Kwon Do has served me very well in the various scrapes I have landed in but I'm naturally flexible and have good leg strength. It all depends on the person.
  22. From your name I guess your kids do Tae-Kwon Do, like me. It is part of the systems belief that you should not hold any resentment to those who decide to stop training, and welcome them them back if they want to train again. When I was younger I stopped training once I recieved my Black belt in Karate but after a few months I missed it. I even lost intrest recently, many people were pushing me to train instead of me wanting to. With kids and even teens you have to let them do what they feel is right, the worst thing for a kid is feeling they are doing something because somebody else wants them too.
  23. That's the way my association does it even in competition. I have never heard of a style of TKD where punches to the head aren't allowed. For competition though we have a law called 'mauling' incase the fight gets to scrappy.
  24. I do TKD and our tournaments aren't anything lke that. Someones having you on!!!!
  25. With kids you have to be very attentive. Adults you can teach as a group without problems but kids are different. Someone said about kids egos being fragile, I can only say each kid is different. I started training at six years old, and I had a very big ego cos of my natural talent for sparring, one of my instructors told me straight, I was too cocky and I am more humble now (at least I hope so ). Each child is different, you have to find out the best way to spark intrest and enthusiasm as with anything they do. GOOD LUCK
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