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Everything posted by Sabumnim

  1. Take one step into a flying split kick, outward crescent kick, jumping reverse turning kick.
  2. Do you mean the set sparring? I think they're ok, but I agree with Sam, relatively unhelpful. What's good about them is the use of full contact by the attacker, it isn't just an exercise then but a necesity.
  3. I started Martial Arts very young, so I have never thought of it giving me any power. I just think of it as a natural extention of me. But my old school was notorious for fighting with other schools and my friends would get involved, so I did. If people directly challenge me I just smile, look them in the eye and ask them "Are you sure?" If they attack then you have to defend yourself, no ego there. Unless you get beaten up, then you have a bruised ego.
  4. Welcome to the forums Conqueror
  5. Hello
  6. I think it may take some time!!!
  7. Well I heard that it could only be given as an honourary degree, I think it was on an ITF website. I will try and find the source for you.
  8. Don't forget that the kneecap is inside a tendon (patella tendon) and to break the actual kneecap there would have to be a fair amount of power in the kick. I agree with Muaythaiboxer about kicks to the side of the thigh, plus he should know considering the art he is in.
  9. Awwwww nice to think you would remember us at such a vulnerable moment
  10. A red belt friend of mine got a suprise grading, he had been told he wasn't grading and was asked to help at the venue. I was sat at the table and one Examiner told him to demonstrate, I only cottoned on when I was asked by the Master what I thought of his technique? and How does he act in class?..etc I wondered what art you study frightmaster?
  11. After letting the inflamation settle, I would advise rocking on the feet and allowing the weight to travel across the foot to encourage the growth of muscle fibre.
  12. I go to college, studying sports sciences. At the moment I train 5 times a week with football (county and college). and 6 times a week with Shotokan and TKD. Once a month with the TKD England squad. Barely have time to eat. At least footie season is over!!!
  13. What like some sort of semi-seppuku? I have no idea what I would ask for...
  14. I passed my black belt for TKD at 15 and had to do seven breaks, more than some adults. But it does seem that today martial arts schools churn out the black belts, not just TKD though.
  15. Nice article!! Today many people have forgotten of chivalry, honour and respect. All things of great importance. -Martin Luther King Jr
  16. I'm also 16 I always think it must be weird for adults having to call me sir or Mr. Never had any trouble from students, I have sparred the adults plus they've seen me in competition and kids have seen me in demo and during class. It seems the adults respect my ability and cos the kids know I'm on the England team, I tell them what we do in squad training and threaten them with it lol. Mind you with kids, when they see a black belt they pay attention... mostly
  17. A lot of people with high ranks at young ages aren't credible, which makes it harder for the credible to be accepted.
  18. I agree with that my friend
  19. In TKD the 9th degree black belt is an honourary degree. It cannot be attained through a day, week, or month of testing, only through a life of it.
  20. Been here for months now... O well, better late than never. I'm 16, I've done Shotokan for 11 years and TKD for 4.
  21. U2, Queen, Guns n' Roses: It's all good
  22. Your instructor challenged not just your talent but your character. The best martial artists aren't those who win easily and are worshipped by their fellow students, they are those who even after crippling defeat get up and go again.
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