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Everything posted by Sabumnim

  1. Remember kiddies favouritism is dangerous................ I think the axe kick is over rated, and acrobatic kicks are just showy in an actual match, just go in and get the job done. In my opinion flashy kicks in a sparring competition just identify weakness in the user, I don't know at this moment how to put it exactly but it does in the majority of cases imply a deficiency somewhere. If I'm pushed I like the back kick, it is the perfect ambush weapon when the opponent thinks they're in control and coming forward, then you put it anywhere that's open (and legal!! ), it has a good balance between speed and power. But as long as you're winning nobody can criticise you.....
  2. Congrats on the break, I guess after so long not doing it, it must have felt like doing it for the first time again. I love doing the athletic breaks, there really isn't any use in them except to show off, but we don't do that do we, we are modest...........
  3. It's just fun, does there need to be another reason I remember that I wanted to start Karate when I was 4 but they wouldn't let you if you were under 5, longest year of my life.
  4. Yeah, there are definitely alot of posts similar to this. But I do Shotokan just so you know
  5. Black belts under 16 hold a junior degree called a poon, at 16 they are given full black belt ranking.
  6. The number nine is special in the orient, particularly Korea. Which is why 9th degree is the highest, it also give you the rank 'Grandmaster'.
  7. Welcome to the boards
  8. Blitz is definitely a good word to describe it, the last time a bombardment of this nature occured was when the Nazi's bombed London. Only kidding, you been dominating the site though.
  9. I agree that pulling punches is a testament to control, but if it becomes a habit that can be dangerous.
  10. One thing I have to say is, who on here fights in the UFC? Is it relevant in the street? Plus I don't fight in K-1 so I don't care about TKD in a ring, I care about it when I'm walking round the back of the estate and some scallies get a bit clever.
  11. The term 'warrior' is definitely romanticised. If it helps a person to better themself then why not use it. And to elbows_and_knees, I was talking about the naive people who ask the question, how do I beat a street fighter? If I answered that question it would be generalisation.
  12. Welcome and I hope you find the art thats right for you.
  13. Welcome to KF white dragon
  14. I agree with scottnshelly exposure to another system can only help you improve.
  15. Apart from TKD, northern chinese kung fu incorporates a lot of kicking.
  16. Pain shouldn't be ignored, but training definitely helps manage it
  17. I'm bloody impressed, since I'm 16 as well. Germanic alphabets, Cross country skiing. I've only been skiing once, since we only get rain in Manchester had to go to Italy.
  18. Hello Jane
  19. I would have done the same, I never split any of my little brothers fights up. They need to learn to defend themselves, you can't jump in and help everytime because there will be a time when you aren't there and something really bad could happen.
  20. The people you are talking about are looking for a quick fix in a fight. They want to know the secret to beating people up without them (the opponent) standing a chance, either because they are afraid of a real situation or they want to show off and impress other people etc. In a real situation there are to many variables to come up with a defence that is always gonna work.
  21. My favourite pattern at the moment is Po Eun, and it is because of the different direction the pattern takes compared to Kwang Gae and Chong Moo.
  22. Welcome to the site.
  23. Welcome and good luck.
  24. Welcome Not from the real NY, but apparently the Bronx of GB.
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