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The Phenom

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Everything posted by The Phenom

  1. For one, act now about it, and trust me you'll be so glad you did. There's a lot of great advice here which is better than I could muster...so... Here's my tip. For weight loss specific you don't have to do intense exercise (save that for when you're in shape). What you should do is light exercise for a prolongued time: so when jogging, go slower but for a longer time. ** Stick to jogging/running. Every day go slowly but for an hour or so (you shouldn't get tired because you're going slow). Keep this up for about four weeks and the fat will come off so fast your friends won't believe it. Instead of eating sweets, why not cut them completely and get addicted to grapes or some other fruit? There might be better advice (I'm not a coach) but it's worked for me before. Go for it and best of luck.
  2. Neutral good human druid fighter.
  3. Yeah you're 20 that's young to start. Some elderly men start Karate because of it's health benefits. Besides if you you want a blackbelt, doesn't it take about three years to get one in most clubs? That's not long and some people go to lessons but prefer just to learn and not grade.
  4. So you're slim? Try doing more ab workouts (as mentioned before). Having a visible six pack means normally you don't have the excess fat around the stomach but if it still isn't showing....find some workouts that build the stomach muscle.
  5. I've heard about the law of karma in the past. I was wondering if someone could define what it is exactly, or post a link because I don't know a lot about it. But it sounds very interesting. Thanks.
  6. Pancration I think was a Greek form of wrestling hundreds of years ago. The only two things not allowed were strikes to the groin or to the eyes. Everything else was allowed and the objective to winning was to make your opponent give up.
  7. Have to spar with my coach - he of course doesn't go at his top level but it still hurts. But sparring against better people is important for improvement etc., and an experience like these is often inevitable in martial arts. Annyway I hope you recover!
  8. Commercial milk has been pasteurised which disables a load of enzymes etc. It's still a great drink though with good stuff still in it but if you like milk then raw milk is better for you (or unpasteurised, never soy milk though). I dunno about the milk - weightloss relation but it could be true. Just be sure to drink good milk if you like it.
  9. I quite like anime personally but I'm not too educated on all the anime films, genres, history etc. A lot of anime has been very popular in the West recently.
  10. I'm in the UK and where I am we have about 6-7 weeks for Summer break from July to September. It'll be a great time to work out more often and a bit harder etc. and plan some days out with friends. Why not take up a project or buy something like a puzzle or video-game to keep yourself occupied in the Summer if you're bored? I love Summer anyways. Happy Summer everyone.
  11. "Two and a quarter pounds of jam, weighs about a kilogram."
  12. Cool! Old books are interesting. Someone can really learn a lot from them.
  13. I'm no professional figher but MAs have improved my outlook and energy in many ways since I started. It has helped me through my teens very well, as now I have more focus and inner calm. I'm a lot more confident - but this isn't in an "ego" kind of way because I never show off. There are people who wish others harm but if these people got into MAs if they already haven't then they too would be calmer and less aggressive. Less aggression doesn't mean weak spirit though. I think MAs have lots to do with courage and honour and a practical lifestyle.
  14. Cool. I like cats, in fact they follow me all the time. But that was a very good thing for you to save the cat and yes you've made a friend for life.
  15. Yep. I've just got back from the cinema myself (I was going to make a post about it but you've beaten me to it!) and yeah it's stunning. Fight with Grievous is good....in fact they're all good. Awesome graphical effects and the ending is great. It's a real treat for Star Wars fans anyway. I can't wait until it's on DvD.
  16. You achieved the common goal of meditation which is peace and calm, so yes you did it correctly. Remember that there are many ways to go about meditation - but in truth you don't have to remember any specific style of it at all as the forms of meditation are just practice so you make it a habit. Remember to try it for a while each day if you can, this will improve your practice of it. Stay focused, relaxed and keep researching on it! Good luck.
  17. Well next year will be my final year in high school (secondary school in the UK) and I'll be finishing my GCSE tests (another UK thing). This Summer I want to chill because I've had so much work lately it's unbelievable. I look forward to being free and doing anything you like with all the time.
  18. Artwork (drawing, painting, art class in school), video gaming, seeing friends, meditating, music, and bike riding. I also have a good interest in sports.
  19. Also, try giving her some time to think and chill, as this works. Does she get time to herself? If not, then this might be causing some of her problems. Remember it's important to be social -and- take some time out occassionally.
  20. The Phenom


    Wow well done and hi again.
  21. 15 years old. Now I can legally purchase some more video games.
  22. Hi there. I'll be 16 in just under a year and I think there's no better time than to start thinking about nutrition and the right way to eat. I've been doing MAs since my early teens and these have helped a lot - but I don't know very much about nutrition..or the correct way to eat. I have read bits of information on diet before..but some is contradictory and some is too scientific. So in short, I am wondering what the best way to eat is - and what exactly is proper nutrition? Thankyou.
  23. I'd like to second this point as it is very important. It is commonly known that (regular) exercise benefits the mind a lot, so maybe if this "C" tried doing something active on a regular basis, if she doesn't already, then I'd be willing to bet it would really help her. I'd highly recommend any MA or sport. That aside - what exactly bothers her? I'm not sure if I missed it but I haven't read if something specific is the cause for her condition. If not, then she's just bored and doesn't have any goal or purpose at the moment. Do you know what keeps me sane? My goals, my purpose, my MA, the way I want to live my life...many other people are the same. So I'd recommend that she takes on a new outlook and starts setting some goals for herself. Oh and the sort of people who cling to you and make your life a nightmare are out there. Don't worry as it has happened to me. Try to persist and the issue will be over before too long. I hope this helps you.
  24. 1. Yes I certainly plan to see it as Star Wars are my favourite movies ever. 2. Jedi. 3. My lightsaber would be green like Skywalker's in episode VI. 4. Favourite Jedi? Well I have a few, I do like Qui Gon Jin and Yoda.
  25. That was good to read - and I always wondered what things are like after high school.
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