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Everything posted by isshinryuwarrior

  1. Thank you for the lesson in etiquette. I plan on asking him tommorrow.
  2. Yes I did just start up. I just don't want to do any thing offensive and just want to learn as much about what I'm doing as possible. My intentions are not being impatient, I'm working on learning (At what I feel I'm doing a pretty good job as a beginner) still have good kicks, and am absorbing the info behind what I"m doing.
  3. I'm curious about how the belt testing works with the palce I'm at, and how often they test, how much. No papers were given to me about it, nothing is on the website. How would you feel if a student asked about that? Is it showing I'm "Impatient" or geniuley curious and want to know more about it? Once I get an idea of where most feelings go with this, I'll decide to ask Mr. Parisi or not. Thank you/
  4. I don't know, I like it enough to try, they all know me as a magician. So they know I'm already shifty and eccentric, it's just me. Can't get away with the shock factor much anymore.
  5. You read the title, let's come up with stupid things not to do in a bank. I'l start. Go in about 15 mins before the close, start writing on the back. Mess it up and bury the deposit slip someplace down in the stack take a new one fill it out and do your business. Then walk out. What do you write on the back of the first one? "I have a weapon give me all your money" Seriously, fun to laugh at, bad idea. My friends uncle who we were close to did this. Got caught after they went back and looked at tapes, and is now finishing a five year jail sentence. The unsuspecting person had to sit in jail overnight because of this. Not good.
  6. Seven, my mom is a registered nutritionist, and she's never been able to explain it that well to me. thanx for the advice and info. Hey I quit smoking cigarrettes cold turkey, if I can do that, I can lose wieght, and stay with karate, it's something that I think is fun, and that's what's important to excercise. The way i quit smoking is i went out bought a pipe and some tobacco, now every time I feel like smoking a cigarette I just smoke pipe instead.....That was a horrible joke. Oh well, I stooped low enough, my own fault. and I don't even smoke
  7. Ok, this is actually a magic trick that I do when there is absolutely nothing for me to work with, have had alot of fun and can tie in with streching. Instructors this could be a fun thing to play around with kids in your classes before you really begin. It might read like Dick and Jayne but just bear with me and try it. I've broken this down into steps. First here is the effect 1.) Magician holds both fists straight out in front of body about shoulder width. 2.) Magician instructs spectaors to copy and do the same. (have spectators copy every thing you are doing) 3.) Open your hands, fingers nice and wide. Thumbs are pointing towards the ceiling, palms facing each other. (Get spectators to copy) 4.) Now turn your hands inward, so it looks like: Thumbs pointing down backs of hands are facing each other. (again spectators copy) 5.) Now place your right hand slowly and deliberetly over you left hand.. (Make sure everybody knows you are doing this with your right hand and make sure they do the same with there right hand) You're really pressing the fact that everything is legitimate and the same as them on this. 6.) Now interlock your fingers together. (by now everybody will automatically copy you, coach them if need be) 7.) Point your thumbs down Say the exact line, "Point your thumbs down. Now! I mean it. Really. Do it!" 8.) Wiggle your fingers (they do the same) 9.)Move your hands up and down while still locked togther. (they do the same) 10.) Now for the most important part. Ask if their thumbs are down. No matter what they say, you say, "They aren't down, check." 11.) They do, and now here comes the trick. Keeping your fingers locked together still, thumbs down your able to turn both hands to the left never letting so your thumbs are pointing up. ******************************************************** Fun part is, you hid a secret move with all that by play that nobody caught, so, nobody else is able to copy that last part. It's quite fun watching every body else try to do this. Seems like alot becuase of all the type but its really just a matter of a few moves that look like they are no big deal. Just try it while reading, you'll see it's not a whole lot. Well any way, on to the Secret. Secret: Did you guess when the secret move happens? Here it is, 10.) Now for the most important part. Ask if their thumbs are down. No matter what they say, you say, "They aren't down, check." While every body is checking for a split second. (this is known as misdirection. Getting them to pay attention to what appears to be significant while the magician does the dirty move over there) Dirty move? Simple Your hands are locked together. You let go with your left hand, and rotate it 360 degrees and regrip. Point your thumbs down. Eureka! That is it very diabolical. Don't attempt to hide the move, Just go ahead and do it, it takes all but a split second to do. and nobody is paying attention to it. How ever if you feel self concious about doing such a move out in the open just bend down a little bit, walk over next to the person really quick to check and see if there thumbs are down, either way, it works. Sorry about such a long description but try it out, it takes up all but 10 seconds if even that much. Tell me how it works for you, and how it went when showing to your class mates or students. King Size Magic P.S. if you live in the United States, and you need help with this, send me a PM, we might be able to arange a phone call to describe it, and help you learn it if you need further help. My dime after 7 PM EST or on the weekends. Good luck and have fun!
  8. I used to do Tae Kwon Do as a child, I got out of it in my teens, ate a typical american diet of grease and bread, (ate the same way while studying martail arts and I was a normal size) and began to gain alot of wieght, soI figure if I got back into it again I'll lose wieght. Step one of my wieght loss regime is out of the way. I got enrolled into martial arts class for excercise and to learn how to move. Now I need a diet I can actually stick to. Can't really eat lettuce for a salad, I gag on it trying to swallow, so that leaves that out, althought that would be one of the best things to eat to lose wiegt. So what do you think I should do? Been drinking lots of water now, practicing Isshinryu lots. Cutting back on meat and eatting more fish. Instead of using salt, or marinades I've been using spices and what not. Alright now you all know what you're trying to give advice to. Thank you
  9. Thank you pacific. That's a bit of a better price. I have another question I forgot to ask, can a gi be taken in? I plan on losing weight while studying. I really don't want to spend all that to have to buy a new uniform. eventually I'll be able to though.
  10. I'm new to martial arts, used to do it when I was younger, got out of it, and began packing on the pounds. Now here I am, 300 pound lard trying to get back into taking karate classes to lose weight. It was a real joke for me to make an attempt to put on a pro force uniform size 8....Too long, too tight, felt really fat then. My instructor is having something made for me. It's setting me back quite a bit, about 175 bucks. Is there any thing else out there that is any cheaper to have made? I'd like to have a couple more gi's made up as I'm attending class 3 to 4 times per week. Thank you
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