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Everything posted by fangshi

  1. Someone posted this site a while ago . Give it a read and see what you think . http://gradict.kahosl.be/karel.striegel/kungfu/info/Pavel%20Tastsouline%20-%20Relax%20Into%20Stretching.pdf
  2. Those kind of push ups would be hard on wrists and elbows . Could cause damage , probably not right away but more down the road .
  3. Sorry to hear about your injury . I can say from experience that a groin pull is a terribly inconveinient injury , hurts alot too . Best not to rush it . Not saying to sit on your butt for months . Ice , heat and rest are the best in the begining . A good sports massage helps . When you feel up to it start back slow . A few good range of motion exercizes along with stretching (gentle at first ) was the way I got back . Took me about 2 weeks to get back to training and about 4 or 5 to get back to full speed . While you are off you can still do some upper body stuff . I actually did some swimming . They have floats you can put between your legs and just use upper body . Good luck and get well soon
  4. Wow . repeat up to 4 times ? How often do you do that ? Sounds like the workout of a olympic or pro athelete or madman . I will have to give it a try and let you know how it goes . Maybe I will try one sequence to start .
  5. Does anyone have a junk drawer ? You know the one where everything just gets thrown in . It is always full and you can never find what you need. And then one day you decide to clean it . Throw away the useless stuff and organize and prioritize the rest . All of a sudden you are finding the things you have been looking for as well as finding more room for other new things . It is easier to open and there is better access to the things that I need . Well , if you haven't guessed it by now the junk drawer is my mind and meditation is the organizing and prioritizing of it .
  6. I have heard of educational degrees in martial arts before . Mostly in asia. here is one . Some are phylosophy and others are more spots or human kenetic . There are "physical education universities in many asian cities . Here is the link for one that I found . http://www.bupe.edu.cn/jgsz/htm/xzbm/wsc/htm/wsc_lbww.html
  7. The trick is not minding.
  8. There are probably as many answers to that question as there are people that meditate . Following breath is a good one for general practice.
  9. Just a few pointers constantly be on the move , when in multiple opponent situations moving out of the way is often preferable to blocking as executing an effective block takes more time than you have . never be in one place for more than a fraction of a second . Disable opponent or bypass him , don't waste time making an opening if it is not there bypass opponent and move to next. never engage one opponent for an extended period of time . if you take too long with one then expect to be attacked from behind. use angles to your advantage . try to make opponents bump into eachother or at least be in eachothers way . accept the fact that multiple opponent combat has a very low sucess rate . if there is an opening for escape it may be the best option.
  10. There is really no wrong way . If your mind and body are calm and relaxed , than that is effective meditation. People have been using sounds and or music in one form or another for millenia . Many martial artists put too much emphasis on the ZEN way . Yes it is amazing and wonderful but it is also amazingly difficult . Imagine running at a full sprint , then just come to a dead stop . What happens ? Do you fall ? Would it be easier to slow to a jog than a walk than stop ? In this day and age our minds are forced to work at that full out sprint . Is it best to suddenly jump into Zazen ? Do you fall ? My suggestion to you is to keep doing what you are doing until you can focus on only the music , a totally relaxed , calm and focused state . Then turn your focus inwards . Follow breath or heartbeat .
  11. size strength experience all matter . anyone regardless of stature can improove greatly with HARD and consistant training . the one thing that i have focused on in my training is doing things the smart way . the brain is the most dangerous of our natural weapons . use it . if your giving 10 inches in reach get close . if you are giving 50 lbs don't get too close . etc...
  12. Personally I have studied two martial arts simaltaniuosly and have found it to be very rewarding . I have studied mainly interanal arts so my experiences are different that those of students who study Shotokan & JKD . At one point I was studying 6 hrs/day 6 days a week . As I was young I personally felt no determent to my health or development in either of the arts that I was studying . If fact I was told that there was a noticable improovement . In no way would I be able to pull that off now . Everyone has differing tolerances , both physical and mental when it comes to workload . Each person needs to gage that for themselves . May be better to start slow . Try a class while maintaining your regular schedule with the other art you are studying , and see how it goes. Good luck
  13. Not that I am well schooled in the ways of the UFC but it seems to me that the rules are such that they are attempting to seek a balance between striking and grappling . The UFC is a FORprofit organization . What they are marketing has to be exciting and interesting or it will cease to exsist . It seems to me they have changed rules over the years in such a way that both kinds of fighting can equally be used in an effective and victorious way . Yes , when no advancement is being atempted on the ground they stand them back up . This is obviously to keep the action going and the interest up not to favor the stiker over the grappler . More to penalize the fighter that is not aggressively pursuing to advance his position .
  14. What do you want out of the martial arts ? Only you can answer that . It depends on what you are looking for . Google for info on Aikido . I choose to study Ba Gua because it suits me better but Aikido is GREAT . Yes , by itself Aikido takes alot of practice to be an effective form of self defence . The reason being that it is defence not offence. If you choose to pair it with another martial art it will make you well rounded . Hard/soft you need to find your own balance .
  15. I have been practicing internal arts for 24 yrs . I have never been involved in the circus feats of some of the other arts althought they are extremely cool . One of my teachers would hold his bi/tri cept paralell to the ground with his fore arm straight up - hand flat . when putting your hand against his NObody could move his hand in any direction . He was 5foot2 at best and around 120 lbs . I watched as a sumo sided man could do nothing to move his hand . Sounds crazy but I was there . The guy was well over 6 feet tall and we weighed him in at 390 .
  16. There are levels of street fighters just as there are levels of martial artists. There are white belts and black belts in both . Some are fighting from experience and some are fighting for experience . Never assume . I don't want to dwell too long on this but this is what I have been taught about the history of the top level street fighters in my area . In the mid 40's a large % of men came home from europe . These men are well schooled in combat (armed and unarmed ) because of the events of that time . As these men raise families they pass their fighting skills on to their sons . The sons practice on other men's sons , who also went to war , whom are freinds and neighbours . Soon a neighbourhood style emmerges . Some practice moves on eachother some fight with kids from other neighbourhoods . Some neighbourhood/family systems emmerge as domminant. Then those kids have kids and pass on what they have learned . And so on ... With the popularity of the MMA I would not be suprised if in 25 or 50 yrs a neighbourhood/family style from North America is not as popular as BJJ is today. With that being said . Never and I mean ever underestimate anyone ! Always make space between you and a bad situation ! Do it fast ! RUN ! duck and RUN ! strike and RUN ! finish and RUN ! Just get out as fast as you can , never assume anything but the situation in front of you is one you do not want to be in ! If you do not know , do NOT assume anything but your opponent is better than you . Never count on luck because it runs both ways .
  17. Never bet on that !!! If you underestimate anyone The street fighters that I know are Good , Very Good .
  18. Just a quick reply . The old standard for building the posterior delts with dumbells is standing (bent over ) dumbell laterals .
  19. And when you have that perfect . Close eyes
  20. I have an uncle who would fit that street fighter description . I have learned alot from him and his friends . They given me tips , tricks and pointers for the past twenty years and they are all very valuable . Some I have used or would use if the situation came up and others I just keep an eye out for as a defence against them . Weather or not I could beat a street figther , I don't know . Comes down to who it is I guess . And how things go down .
  21. Check out this link . There is alot of general info . If you have specifc questions after you look at the web site just ask and I will thry to answer . http://www.energyarts.com/hires/bagua/index.html
  22. Train harder , focus completely and believe fully . These are the requirments for any great accomplishment .
  23. Regular chin ups 8 sets of 8 reps each 1) Palms facing out hands shoulder with apart 2 ) Palms facing out hands far apart 3) Palms facing in hands together 4) Palms facing out hands shoulder with apart bar behind head 5) Turn sideways to the bar . Right hand on right side of the bar left hand on left side . Pull up with head on right side of bar than left. 1 minute rest between sets 3 minute rest between excersizes . Followed by 5 minute rapid flurry punching heavy bag . Once a week . Took me about 8 months to work up to this work out . Learned it in RCR .
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