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Everything posted by Sam

  1. also - tumble drying on a mid temp can work pretty well to soften a belt without wearing it down too much
  2. its my name
  3. not as cool as you guys.... theoretical physics lol
  4. always feels good after a while of settling back into the exercise though!
  5. very cool advert - had never seen that before lol
  6. I'm assuming you're talking about WTF? As far as I'm aware (at least for the Dojangs I have trained at) the side snap kick is still part of the ITF "curriculum" for TKD.
  7. Im not naysaying, however I would immediately doubt anyone who claimed telepathic abilities....
  8. I think this is pretty closely related to the discussion on senses going on in the internal arts thread, how much does social and mental conditioning early in life affect our ability in perceiving and consciously acting on threats, or simply just judgement on what constitutes a threat....
  9. Did a quick research on some articles for you if you are that interested; for a bried list of references: http://www.pflyceum.org/167.html for the abstract and link to a proper sleep study on group dreams: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb3514/is_/ai_n83071737 and for an interesting (although generally considered slightly less scientific) source: http://www.cejournal.org/GRD/Dreaming&Reality.html Hope these help on the way to investigating shared dreams and "dream travelling" as you put it.
  10. I think you'll find that's tagb.... hehe And I can say that I'm a member
  11. It has been a long long time since i've frequented these boards, it is nice to see my account is still active (and im a bit worried that after 3 years of not posting im still on for an average of over 1 a day). Just wanted to say hi to everyone, and hopefully given the fact I have more free time now I should be around more often so I look forward to seeing you all on the boards again.
  12. That's actually exceptionally difficult. If one were to scientifically look at the methods employed (learned empirically) in most eastern internal arts they (in many ways) mirror the sort of psychological training that groups may undergo to properly access more input than their brain usually allows their conscious mind access to. It may be that there is a limit to this, as at a young age (<=5yrs) the brain begins a period of something akin to freezing out, i.e. at birth it is tabula rasa (clean slate) and is still learning what information should be automatically discarded and what should be presented for conscious decision. Once this is set in place, it is exceptionally difficult (i would say impossible, but im not one to speak in definite as such) to force the brain into conscious analysis of excess data (where you have to remember there is a significantly smaller limit on the processing power available at a conscious level). Sorry if this is a bit garbled or rushed, I wish I had time to write more
  13. I think most peolpe would be surprised at the ability the brain has to analyse stimulus that you may not be conciously be aware of. The brain filters out a *huge* amount of information (auditory and visual) so what you actually "see"/"hear" isn't the limit of what your senses are picking up, it is simply what's left after pre-processing. (nb. I'm NOT going towards esp etc.) This can result in feelings like deja Vu (this is where the brain has reprocessed an image after storing the first run through giving you the sense you've seen it before) or other "strange" feelings related to sense. This discarding of information also neatly explains the more adept olfactory and auditory senses of the blind, as their brain will discard less, rather than the sense actaully becoming stronger, they are just analysing the data in more detail and not scrapping as much. As far as this related to telling distance and location of people behind you, this is really no different to the sort of instinct reaction to catch somethingt thrown at you. Although spinning ballistic trajectories are mathematically relatively complicated (and would be impossible to conciously solve before the object reached you) the subconcious is able to do a very fast solution and project of motion and coordinate your hands to catch, even accounting for the angular motion of the incoming object. I know this has been a bit rambling, but I'm just trying to say that strange feelings tend to be when the data usually scrapped by the subconcious is either double processed or suddenly deemed important to make conciously available (i.e. appealing to the higher brain functions to make a decision of action based on the stimulus).
  14. acutally energy can be destroyed on a small level so long as information is conserved [see any paper on matter emmission from black holes] but thats just a side point ...
  15. side note.... just as a physicist myself id leave all the physics arguement for or against ki out, just because as far as my understanding of it goes - applying physics to explain ki is more likely to damage an arguement for ki as there are far cons thans pros. Anyways ... ill leave you all to it.
  16. yeah thought about it, makes sense as well, but i wanted ageneral opinion actually, just from an MA perspective. The guy is really good obviously, just wanted a random groups opinion. sam
  17. yeah this is my first post back on here for a long time.... probs my last for a while, just know there are some good people on here who could give me a better analysis of whether or not what he was doing is uncommonly fast for an expert in chi sao?
  18. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=876095556&n=2 Very fast chi sao video, interested in comments on technique, thanks in advance.
  19. not to be a pain but... im sure if u go to search and type taekyon or some other form of that then ull find it theres loads of really good posts on this...
  20. ok since it doesnt look like there have been many UK replies... if they're unarmed then NO YOU CANNOT USE A WEAPON - sounds weird but a weapon counts as agressive no matter what... unless THEY are armed... sorry to say it, but if you defend with a weapon against unarmed groups you will likely get done... Sam
  21. depends... Very small chance you'll ever rise to 9th dan as there arent many people around who would support such a rise [politically]... requirements exist to Physicsally grade to 5th dan in the original ITF style, and there are some fursther requirements, they are quite detailed so which grade broundary are you looking at specifically and i am happy to give u details for that one...
  22. i agree... but since you mentioned chonji... when you punch with your left hand you turn 90 degrees LEFT, when you punch with your right 180 degrees right, after that i just tend to separate the pattern into sections i remember through the repetitive parts, if u ever need help feel free to message me.
  23. ok... hopefully to give a little bit of clarity if that... Been training in various dojangs - Sir should suffice if not he wont take offence and will just correct you to the right term to use, however - sabum-nim is the correct term for a junior black belt instructor, i wouldnt worry about him being a first dan, so long as he knows his stuff, there is a lot of variation in teaching ability across the grades, use your 20 years of expience to judge his ability in martial arts in general and if you're happy with it stay on. I wish you luck in your trianing, take care,
  24. just as a note, since someone brought up physics... that being my specialty the most effective method of delivery power to a kick, is the fully extended leg vs hip movement that MT uses... the sine wave itself [even mainly as an ITF practitioner] i have to admit is massively ineffective, in that it requires a great amount of balance to pull off and actually allow the power generated to pass through the stance and therefore into the blow you are delivering, and even when mastered does not contribute a great amount of power to the technique... Before anyone brings it up, about how everyone bounces in sparring to gain power - and this is a "sine wave" - yes it is, but it is not used as apower delivery system, simply a way of keeping the body mobile. If anyone feels like [and i say this a lot] a proper physics breakdown of the various techniques, and my reasoning behind the statement i made about hte most effective one being the MT style in general, I am happy to either email or private message you this, just that the diagrams and formula arent easy to represent on a text only message board
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