Blocking is blocking: you keep your hands in front of you to absorb the impact of any blows. But all that stuff with bringing up your arm and doing a perfect knife hand block or intercepting and sweeping away blows is just something you see in the movies. It isn't used much in free sparring because the action (kicking, punching, etc...) is faster than the reaction (moving your arm to intercept that speeding fist/foot). And I know that it isn't used in a real fight either. So untill we can break the rules of reality like in the Matrix so we can see things slower, or unless your reflexes are really fast, blocking is going to have to stay in the reaction drills where the instructor counts and the whole thing is choreographed. One reason I don't like Karate... to much emphasis on those big sweeping circle blocks that don't work in an actaul confrontation where the guy is just trying to pound the crap out of you, whether your lucky enough to stop one of his arms or not.