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Everything posted by pressureguy

  1. Thank you. It is starting to pick up. Everyone here is welcome to hop over and check it out. I finally have the new site up and have fashioned it somewhat after this site. It can be found at http://www.backyardmartialarts.org pressureguy
  2. OOPS! I screwed that up didn't I? Try 1st amendment...sorry. It is actually the 2nd Amendment of the Constitition: Bill of Rights Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Amendment II A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
  3. In another thread, I asked what weapons people carry and some people answered guns. For those of you who carry guns: How often do you carry them? Do you take them everywhere (shopping, church, family gatherings, etc)? Do you have them concealed? Do you have a permit? If so, what are the details of you permit? If not, how are you going to justify to the police that you are carrying an illegal firearm? Note: I have no problems with guns. I am just asking these questions. pressureguy
  4. I guess it would depend on what type of fighting you mean. If you are talking about tournament or inter-martial art fighting matches, the sai would be better, but if you are talking about street self-defense, then neither. If you pulled a fan on a mugger, they would laugh while raping and beating you. If you pulled sais on an attacker, you are going to jail for carrying an illegal weapon. Even if sai are legal in your state, the police are not going to believe that you pulled them in self-defense. They (and I) would believe that someone walking around with sais tucked in their belt are looking for a fight. pressureguy
  5. How many tournaments have you competed in? Have you ever been an official at one? Also, what does your instructor think of this? pg
  6. To answer my own question: I carry pepper spray and sometimes an 8 inch maglight (which is a steel flashlight the length of my hand). I have been working on an open crook walking cane and may carry that soon. I am in love with canes now. I have the Canemasters tapes and a few other tapes using walking canes from other styles and am amazed. They are 100% legal to carry anywhere in the US - including airplanes. The throws, hooks, takedowns, and even the simple strikes that can be done with a cane are right in line with what self defense should be. pressureguy
  7. What weapons do everyone here actually carry on the street for self-defense? pressureguy
  8. Which weapons do your taekwondo school teach? pg
  9. Oh man, I hope you are kidding. But if you aren't....there's a reason that cards are not taught as a weapon at ma schools or self defense classes. Have you ever seen a cop or security cards walking around with decks of cards strapped to his belt? Probably not. pressureguy
  10. LOL!!! That is the first Napolian Dynamite I have seen in a ma board. When I saw the Rex Kwon Do scene, I knew that was a perfect example of the McDojos and quick black belt ads. I am glad someone finally made the joke. pressureguy
  11. Tigerclaw has the best prices on things like that, but going to a local alteration shop would be far better. That way you can pick your favorite style of gi and the length as well, plus the price is better that way. pressureguy
  12. Hey, PAI Is the 54 kata vcd any good?
  13. It sounds like a very bad idea. If you want to go full contact, you need more than just headgear. You need some type of padded gloves and padded footgear. Also, you stated that you are not an instructor. How much training do you have? Do you know CPR and basic first aid, which you need to know if you are going to be running a full contact match. If it is only going to be about 8 people, why not hold it in your backyard? But if you are going to hold it in your backyard, you need to check your homeowner's insurance to see what they cover. The most important thing it the first aid though. If someone takes a blow to the nose (which headgear does not cover) will you know how to handle a broken nose with blood everywhere? pressureguy
  14. Read this taken from https://www.adrianroman.com : ---------------------------------------- "What In the Program? I will send you video tapes of Yellow Belt thru 1st Degree Black Belt, and written manuals for each belt level. You will receive a complementary workout t-shirt, your Black Belt and of course your 1st degree Black Belt diploma. I do this for three reason. (1) I'm a full blood Choctaw Indian and I use my Native honor system that you will complete the distance learning program and become the best possible Black Belt you can be. (2) God forbid something happen to me, I would not have wanted you to spend this kind of money and not receive your certification. (3) Most do not live in a city and state where you have access to an instructor or school that teaches a proven sophisticated system Like American Kenpo or Red Warrior." -------------------------------------- Right now he has the first degree black belt on sale for $795 dollars in 2 different styles. Sad....... pressureguy
  15. senna_trem Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 11:56 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It is because the martial arts we mostly practice comes from asia and women still have a very traditional roles in their cultures. " ==================== How does that influence women of today though? Women here in the US don't care about the roles of women in other cultures when choosing to train in the martial art, so how does that affect them? pressureguy
  16. http://winstonstableford.com/women.html Click there for lots of women martial art links. pressureguy
  17. http://www.cyclistdefense.com/ That is a defense video for people who ride bicyles. Will it make waves or just fizzle out/ pressureguy http://www.backyardmartialarts.org
  18. I have heard that napma is good, but they filed for bankrupcy about three months ago (and were then bought by Century Martial Arts). That may be something to think about..... pressureguy http://www.backyardmartialarts.org
  19. Woman head instructors: where are they? In the state of South Carolina, I can only casually name one school headed by a woman and one school headed by a husband and wife team who got their black belts independently from one another. In Georgia, I can name only one or two. In contrast, in Augusta, Georgia alone, there are about 25 schools all headed by men. In the whole state of Georgia, there must be several hundred to a thousand schools all run by men. Please note that I am not talking about schools with women in their teaching staff; most would qualify in that way. I am talking about schools that have one woman who is considered the head instructor and runs the school. Why is this? Why don't more women try to do run their own schools? It would seem that statistically more men have higher ranks than women. Open up any martial arts magazine and you will see it full of men in their uniforms and belts boasting their upper degree ranks in their respective style, but it is rare to see a woman doing that. Is it a cultural thing? Is it something that men desire more than woman for some reason? Any ideas? pressureguy http://www.backyardmartialarts.org
  20. Hey, do me a favor and post here what you think of the book when you get it in. I have been wanting to order it and was about today when I saw your posting. I probably will order it anyway from target.com (they have free shipping right now). pressureguy http://www.backyardmartialarts.org
  21. http://www.hut.fi/~renko/gorinnosho.html Click there for a free online version of the Book of Five Rings. pressureguy http://www.backyardmartialarts.org
  22. http://www.turtlepress.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=14 Click there for a book called "Teaching the Martial Arts" by Sang Kim. Also he has several other books, which are listed at the bottom of the screen like books on teaching kids, running schools, and other topics. pressureguy
  23. http://www.sandra-hess.com/sandrahess/page5.html Go there and download some of her videos. She does the "wall walk" on a few of them. You aren't going to believe some of those vidoes. She is amazing. pressureguy
  24. What can anyone tell me about the California TKD Association? What forms do they use? How big is the organization, etc.... Click here and look near the bottom for the official uniforms. http://www.martialartsmart.net/tkduniforms.html I have never heard of them until I saw that. BTW, If the moderators feel this should be under "MA Politics," please move the thread over. pressureguy
  25. Do substyles count in your tally? I could list over 100 types of karate alone. pressureguy
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