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Everything posted by yamesu
Also, which no-one has mentioned.........i think......... 5cent coins, just carry 4 or 5 in your pocket loose from your wallet, to hurl at a would-be attacker. leagal, distracting and painful if employed correctly. Osu.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha heard of;(drumroll) NANO-TECHNOLOGY?
most important object/weapon, NEVER leave the house without it: (drumroll....) my brain, and the ability to contemplate and avoid potentially dangerous situations with it. also, the first weapon i look for............my hands, feet, knees, elbows, etc, etc............ (in reality an escape route, but id prob already have that figured out.) other than that, rolled up news papers/magazines make ripper makeshift escrima canes. a longneck or "fordy"(40ounce, american movies, hehehe.) of beer has the same application. jukeboxes are pretty dangerous in the hands of a teen immersed in pop culture................................. hehehe
this sounds like a drill thats done at every Kyokushin dojo ive ever been to, with the exception of reciting the alphabet, where we mainly do Ibuki or Kiai. Osu.
defeat your enimies with your mind and will........... DOWN WITH GUN CULTURE!!!!!!! Osu.
dont get a gun................ DOWN WITH GUN CULTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Osu.
i was asked by a (former) boss to bang nails into floorboards for 6 hours a day, for almost two weeks........seiza was never as uncomfortable after that. Osu.
Cant say i have someone 'changing the pace' of the log, but, it requires more skill to hit than a still tree or what-not. As for the need to carry something regularly to use it effectively..........................uuuuuummmmmmmm.............i could have sworn you were having a sperl about the adaptability of weapons earlier...........i may be wrong. (Pubs have darts, Cafes/resteraunts have butter-knives, Offices have fountain-pens, the list goes on............but meh,) Just one more thing, how many fights do you all actually get into (not in the dojo i mean,) i can say proudly, not many. Why the flick would i want to carry throwing knives to the supermarket? I wouldnt. Its just common sense, and not everyone in Australia is a bowie-knife weilding crocodile dundee, so the use of weapons in street altercations usually only occur in muggings and similar crimes. Carrying a weapon, especially if you train with that weapon, is quite un-intelligent, but that is a different conversation. Osu.
you are talking about very awesome weapons but...
yamesu replied to dancin_ash's topic in Martial Arts Weapons
Ive used a weapon in a fight...................my body. Hehehe. As for: "Why train w/ traditional weapons?" Its fun, and it opens up a whole new perspective on traditional martial arts, traditional culture, and history. If you ever change your style from: "STREET" you may feel the same way about the system of martial arts you are studying. -
Ok, i cant argue that hitting a moving target isnt a LOT harder than still targets, (we tie slices of logs to thick rope and hang them from taller branches and then set them swinging,) but still not the same as an attacker i know. I was just conveying the point that the vast majority of REAL throwing-knives are a single piece of tempered metal, where the handle is basically the same thickness(in depth,) as the blade and a little thinner(in width,) only without a sharp edge or point. This makes it quite easy to send the knife handle 1st through a target. Most of my knives are holstered at the hip, ie; on a belt. So when practicing at wooden targets I often draw and throw straight from the hips. Probably the least telegraphed pre-load to the throw,without compromising distance or force. I just want to add, that from my posts on this thread you prob' all think im a knife weilding maniac, but really im not. I never carry a knife around the streets, nor would i intend on using one on another person unless my life was at risk, and even then it would be a hard decision. Osu.
yeah, uuummmmm........thats why i study Arnis, and is what Arnis was created for, to have the options to use the weapons in your surroundings. now im really just stirring, so dont take offence, please, as i previously noted, i do have a lot of respect for traditional Kobudo, but isnt modernising Kobudo taking the art further from its Budo roots? I mean, i find the beauty of Kobudo comes from its tradition. Osu.
Arnis is the name of the style of MA, its like saying Karate, the arts of Kali and Escrima are very similar to Arnis in the fact that the basis of the art at a basic level is built around the use of a fighting cane, (or sword if your a nutter,) insted of empty handed combat, hand-to-hand is a major part of Arnis training but is not used as a basis to teach the art.
ok, i respect the fact that you study Kobudo, but i live in the year 2004, and ive never seen a Samurai walking the streets of my city, nor is it even legal to carry sai around in public, (you might get away with a bo-staff though,) ive never seen anyone use weapons to 'joust' or fight each other, again, in a Kobudo class it would be different i understand, but i practice techniques for fun as well as practicality, what if a would-be pickpocket or the like had successfully taken my wallet and had a 5-10meter lead before i was able to react...................id be quite willing to temporarily part w/ my weapon in an attempt to gain my money back via a spearing-style blow to the back of his head. Osu.
bo can be thrown................quite effectively, especially if its tapered. Osu.
many many many thanks P.A.L, ive been looking for a guide like this for AGES, but it seems i was spelling the name of the kata wrong..................Oops............ do you know of anywhere online that i could get the full version by any chance? thanks again, Osu.
im glad i found this thread, hehehe, can anyone give me a link for videos of the Suparinpei(sp?) and Sushiho kata? im not Goju, so i dont know anyone who knows the first of these two kata. if possible this would be most helpfull, Osu.
Kampilan swords are the coolest, Kris swords are pretty cool too. A good sized dagger will serve training purposes well, ive even used two chinese-broadswords to practice my sinawalis. the whole idea of stick fighting is its ability to adapt, to be able to use a wine bottle to befend myself, not just a cane or sword. but Kampilan are my fav traditional sword.
............................ Yoga ........................... With a REAL and QUALIFIED teacher, hard to come by, but worth the trouble in the end.
A good martial artist will never fight ?
yamesu replied to Smokey's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
agreed, and about the body being efficient in energy consumption, its the same with any parts of the human nervous system, when coma victims wake-up they have to retrain their bodies to do trivial tasks such as walk again, because the nervous system has retained only the information vital to the survival of the body, and started to 'forget' the impulses/charges that occur during movement. the human brain is able to be moulded from birth, in the first 0-20weeks a human babies brain creates near all the neural-connections it will need for the rest of its life, from sight, to touch and speech. The more stimulating an environment a newborn has to explore, the more definant and versitile connections its brain will make, although, if the neurons are not kept in use they too die due to lack of energy. although im still a bit iffy on the whole thing, as the only measurable output is electrical signals, as that all we can measure at the moment (bar heat, but thats not real helpfull,) i mean, who knows whats going on in the realms of human thought? how is the information we think about conveyed through our minds? and where do we draw it from? Osu. -
A good martial artist will never fight ?
yamesu replied to Smokey's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
just thought id bring that back...................... Sosai Oyama fought bulls with his bare hands, could knifehand the neck off a beer bottle, and used rocks as makiwaras..............................................he didnt need to look at people funny, once the muggers realised who he was they just bolted. maybe science is a way the modern mind can better grasp the conceps of majic or mysticisim. what was it again..oh yeah, -
Bo-staff, and 3section staff. I love training with Katana and katana/wakizashi though. youd use nunchucks on someone you knew? im glad we havent met........... (j/k)
ive practiced taikyoku with various weapons for yrs now, never overlook simplicity. bo-staff tonfa and sai, all work really well with the basic taikyoku pattern, especially tonfa/sai's as the kata allows for appropriate flipping/spinning ofthe weapons. Example: Do your basic taikyoku with deep zenkutsu-dachi, on the turns w/blocks (eg, gedan-barai,) make sure the stonfa are pressed tightly against the outer forearm, on the step with your basic attacks, (eg, jodan tsuki,) flip the tonfa outward and attack with the long end, for the three steps down the middle I usually revert to kokutsu-dachi, practice jodan-uke uchi/soto-uke, and punching with the short/long ends of the tonfa. My favorite weapons kata at the moment is a variation of the 'SEIPAI' that I do with sai, and includes the jump from Kanku. Osu. ..........but i still think you should seek to train with a certified weapons instructor...........
thats a nice ethic, something a lot of my fellow students and I also practice, if you ever have the chance to train with a reputable Kyokushin dojo, youll find that most emphasis in kyokushin goes into technique, strength and confidence, after all, it is an artform based around ZEN, (NOT zen-bhuddisim,) theirfore we train to attain the mental state of Zen, and where using Zen-mindpower to brek five baseball bats with ones shin might not appeal to everyone, its also not the only way to convey the different uses and application for this type of mindpower throughout life. Ive learnt to set goals five-to-ten times higher that i would have before i started MA, and to accomplish these goals. To me, Kyokushin is about a lot more that just beating each other up........................................ Osu. <<------(something that is especially emphasised in the training of Kyokushin is the power of Osu.)
how do you bring down someone bigger than yourself?
yamesu replied to Ryan gry's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
firstly, before all else; this dik was going to strike you in the back of the head with a rock, to me that sound like its going to cause severe bodily harm...........and that he has no regard for your safety or well being, hes a delinquent and life will catch up with him eventually as society has no place for those type of people.............except gaol. Just keep your nose clean, this dude is going to become a criminal, (on assault charges or the like from the sounds of it,) dont drop to his level and do something that could haunt you for the rest of your life. DEFINANTLY DONT agree to meet him in a pre-aranged spot to fight. Me and one of my mates agreed to fight these two punks when we were in school (in syd coincidently,) but when we turned up one of them pulled a knife on us and was waving it pretty violently at my friend, luckily we were able to talk our way out of the situation, (and to this day im still amazed the situation didnt get violent,) but we just gave them what they wanted(mentally) and made them look 'tougher' than us in front of the croud. Still, more chicks were sympathetic towards us than were impressed by those two, so hey, i never really complained, just made sure i NEVER put myself in that situation again. Hehehe, yeah, I know heaps of people from the schools i went to like that, they all fall eventually though, i call it 'self-demise.' Hehehe. The best street fighters i know ARENT cut like a bodybuilder, and get picked at pubs all the time by roid-freeks who think they can bench the world. Oh, and seeing as this situation has been going on for years, smashing him would not do anything except make him want to come back harder right? And since when has kicking been dodgy in a fight? Osu. -
Does anyone know the stats of the number of members various karate styles there are? Pls post this answer. Ive read that in the 1980's Kyokushin and World-Oyama Karates had an enlisted membership base of 13 million plus, hello to all my Kyokushin Brothers and Sisters around the globe. Does anyone know if this figure has risen or declined in the last 25 yrs? (Pls take poll for answer and post reasons/sources of info, thanks.) Id say it had increased from the number of new students in my local Kyokushin dojo rising all the time, but thats not exactly a fact now is it. Osu.