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Everything posted by ineluki

  1. I don't anymore, back when i did, the clear favourite was Unsu. I recently came across this study though: http://imcjournal.com/index.php/en/volume-xviii-2018/contents-number-4/1390-top-level-karate-analysis-of-frequency-and-successfulness-of-katas-in-k1-premiere-league
  2. Just curious, given your trouble within your organisation that you have described in quite a few other posts... do you feel that those rules actually worked?
  3. * Calm down - it's only a belt exam, it probably won't determine if you end up as a millionaire, your wife/husband, your kids - you are a student, you don't have to be perfect - teachers and examiners were once in your position, they know you are probably nervous * Don't give up - you won't be the first and neither the last student to make mistakes in your exams, - if you catch yourself in a mistake, simply correct and continue * Don't rush - between belts - ten years from now it won't matter if it took you seven years or eight years to reach your black belt - within the exam - it's not a race who finishes first, don't sacrifice all technique for speed * don't slack off - "we" examiners still want you to show your knowledge and effort
  4. Don't bother, have them line up by size. It's a criterion everyone (even those who have no clue about martial arts) understands.
  5. FWIW there is an old thread about it as well: http://www.karateforums.com/seniority-vt33166.html
  6. I don't think there is some kind of ISO-standard for this... Those who do obsess over such trivialites probably use (like the military) the date of the last promotion/time in rank. Those who are grown up and mature should not care...
  7. Is everyone taking these ho grades? Then your former dojo basically had a 13 Kyu system, and you are not doing the same grading, just one that (thanks to that numbering convention) has the same number attached.
  8. You are probably not going to like this, but In the end, you have not passed your exam for a "real/full" 1st kyu yet, IMHO it is fully justified to consider you a 2nd kyu. FWIW I dislike* these "half grades" because I consider them to be a cowardly way to - hide the real number of grades that need to be taken (if there are "ho" grades between all full numbers, you are actually in a 18 Kyu system) - avoid telling students that they are not good enough to pass the exam * at least for adults, as long as it isn't used to generate revenue, it can be a nice tool to give children a better sense of progress
  9. It's hard to know what to do unless your sensei explains a bit more what he wants... Ideas: 1. Be traditional... repeat. That may sound a bit silly, but it's not as if the stablished kata don't repeat sequences at least left and right, if not more. 2. Perhaps take a look at the kata developed by T. Asai (Shotokan, but they might give you some ideas)
  10. Give them a personal example and ask them if they really think YOU are "of the devil", "dangerous for the soul" and otherwise "evil"...
  11. Look for a martial arts club, go there, ask them to train, train.
  12. SKIF = Shotokan Karate-Do International Federation = Kanazawa'S Org SKA = Shotokan Karate of America But anyone who is able to explain the technical differences should know the acronyms anyway...
  13. That's what they all say However they may have had bad experiences with others, who (perhaps not even intentionally) could not let go of their status, habits or concepts.
  14. My general advice for all kinds of tournaments: Learn the rules, know what will be scored for and against you and learn to spar and fight accordingly
  15. Aren't you a little late there?
  16. Do others? IMHO a lot of MAists deceive themselves by thinking that adults are automatically mature and that examiners are really good at recognising it. - McDojos are run by adults - all those association squabbles are the work of adults, including high grades "Masters"
  17. Again, IMHO this is far beyond the point where you should be arguing about her grade. Just do not enter into that anymore, she has made it clear that she does not care about your oponions then she doesn't need your grade either.
  18. 1. Forget about "justifying her rank",you just learned the hard way that you took to long and you have to get rid of her immediately There is a nice article about it over at 24 Fighting Chickens about the issue. http://www.24fightingchickens.com/2007/07/09/how-to-kick-people-out-of-your-club/ 2. While she is probably only annoying, make sure to have your side of the event documented, collecting the statements as mal recommended, get that video safely stored etc
  19. 1. IMHO there is nothing wrong with asking your sensei if he thinks you are ready for your grading... it's all in how you ask 2. Quite frankly if the hours you spent were the only criteria, you should get out of there as quickly as you can.
  20. Well, it does not change much. By disrespecting the Nidan she is basically disrespecting the Master who appointed him. It should be made clear that she has to stop this or find some place to train that values her great insight.
  21. I doubt there ever was a traditional "standard" (btw are we talking about specific MAs?) which everyone followed. I'm pretty sure the reactions always ran from - telling people to leave - giving them special treatment until they learned their lesson or left - waiting for the other students to learn to handle the situation (and fight back) Anyway, I'm not really fond of doing something just because it is traditional, some traditions have been abandoned with good reason.
  22. ineluki


    Well, if I went through a training session without it's share of mistakes I would either - realize I'm in a dream - I saw the movie "Inception" yesterday or - fear that my students have been replaced by extraterrestrial clones.
  23. It's been some time since this, but to add my two $... I seriously doubt that. Think about it, would he care if it wasn't about another dojo, but a soccer club? What you are doing outside of his dojo is your business and any liabilities would be between you and the people you train with.
  24. I'm no expert for MMA either, but my idea would be some kind of continuous and tracable scoring instead of the retroactive declaration of the winner of the rounds. Basically I'm imagining something similiar to the old scoring in Amateur Boxing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amateur_boxing But I guess, judges simply don't want their decisions to be transparent...
  25. In what Country? Could you give us some examples where a court ruled like that? Assuming you are actually in Melbourne, a quick search found this: http://www.australiancriminallawyers.com.au/web/page/nt_self_defence Now, unless Australian laws are really special, then most rules probably are also valid for the defence of a third party. Going by the bold part, killing the offender is obviously no ground to exclude self-defence. I also doubt that "reasonable grounds" require waiting until the gun is fired or the presence of bullets ist confirmed.
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