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Everything posted by GhostFighter

  1. Can Vegetarian meat be a healthy replacement of real meat? I mean is it true that after a time u would get quick injuries and slow recover periods if u would replace ur daily meat with vegie meat? What do u think about it?
  2. For sparring and punching the bag, which glove oz is better 12 or 14? I found 16 oz too big and heavy for sparring so my quess goes out 14 for spar and 12 for bag.
  3. Great thanks, thats just what i needed.
  4. Anyone know a site or can explain to me how to properly wear them on ur hands?
  5. What is the real difference between those two and which one would u recommend for watching movies?
  6. Yes it is on the wrist something like this http://www.mayoclinic.org/ganglioncysts/images/ganglion.jpg
  7. Since a couple weeks i have recieved to my anquish that i got a ganglion on my hand and according to my doctor there is nothing i can do about it but accept it I also noticed a slight loss of strengh on the same hand. Im completely in the dark on why this has happend to me since i didnt do anything different then normal. Now should i continue doing MA or is it over for me?
  8. I've fond a cool one here http://www.vipers.co.uk/kickboxing_tips.htm Does anyone know some more? If so please post here.
  9. Now thats a usefull tip i can use, thanks
  10. What stand do you take or what u do when someone is threathing and cursing a you and he is standing right in front of you and looks like he can attack you any moment, should you attack first before he does or rather wait and make yourself fighting ready in ur mind?[/b]
  11. Lately been listening alot to Korpiklaani, a Finnish power metal band, they sound really great and make me feel good.
  12. Yes i have lost a couple fights and when i think back about it, lots of anger rises in me including motivation, so as strange as it may sound i cant say it was all that bad for me, but still sometimes i hunger for vengeance...
  13. What fighting style do these actors do in most of there movies? -Steven Seagal -Jet Li -Jan Claud van Damme (TKD?)
  14. I noticed i cant keep my balance very well compared to others e.g when someone hits the punching bag while i hold it. or someone just tries to push me over. I think most problem comes from my leg steps where im not really sure how to put them. Any tips on how to increase my stability while standing?
  15. I want to mix these two arts, would it cause any conflict with the training?
  16. What muscles (most important) should be advised to train in the gym for MA's?
  17. Can you clearify that, cause i dont really understand why that would be.
  18. Do you think that Wing Chun can be compared (sparring) to boxing and kickboxing?
  19. 1. Whats the best place to kick on the leg in a real fight? 2. For someone who wants to learn and become good at sparring, should he go straight to kickboxing or is it better to do boxing alone first? 3. Is there a real difference between thai and kick boxing except for the knee and elbow usage? 4. Whats best to learn for a rookie to sparring: Wing Chun, boxing or thai/kickboxing? thx in advance
  20. What motivates you to join and keep learning to become better at MA?
  21. What is in ur opinion more important or will give the edge in a fight, muscles or fighting skills and why? So lets say you are forced in a fight against someone on the streets, would u rather have big muscles but no fighting skills or good fighting skills but normal body posture? IMO the muscle guy has these advantages: -Able to scare oppenents before the fight -Can take lots of punishment before going down MA fighter: -Knows what to and how to do it -Better stamina
  22. I dont think that is true because im not getting any sparring tips with Krav Maga, we just spar and thats it! Sometimes i do get some tips from my oppenents telling me to keep my hands up etc... While on kick box or mua thai they do learn to spar step by step i understand so i am thinking that i can become a better at sparring if i join those MA. Can a person who doesnt know how to swim learn it by just jumping in it? Maybe yes but it takes a lot longer time then taking class.
  23. I was thinking of something more simple like kickboxing.
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