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Mc. Steve

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Everything posted by Mc. Steve

  1. I have a yearly membership (?) an I pay £4 a lesson, no matter which instructor I've got (2nd Dan or his dad 4th Dan, maybe 5th now. Hmm...). Drunken Monkey, my mate pays insurance (£20) yearly and monthly unlimited training (£25)
  2. Our testing fees are £15 then go up a quid each Gup advancment. Sposed to be for processing all the paperwork in America + the belt.
  3. At the moment, I couldn't see myself marking my skin, becuase I might regret it. But that is a mindset which is killing my lovelife and I need to get out of it, so who knows. S
  4. Not sure I understand. You're saying go seak out 50 odd films and cartoons, some old some new. ummmm EDIT: Idiot Steve. Sorry for soiling your thread with my stupidity EDIT2: Couldn't find em on amazon. Theres internal affairs, but not a trilogy.
  5. Oh and as for paying, check your ISP web-page, coz they might offer some webspace. Blueyonder definatly do. Geocities do free webspace, but it's pretty unreliable. User friendly though, and they've got a webpage maker too. PM me if you have trouble with uploading your pages.
  6. You can use MSWord and then instead of saving click "Save as Web Page". Or learn HTML, which isn't that hard. There will be tutorials everywhere (example), or get the book "HTML for dummies" (amazon or cheaper) There are infinite possibilities. Just google for it. S EDIT: Also you might want to look into photoshopping so you can make avatars, not with paint. No offence, I just don't like paint, unless you're drawing dinosaurs.
  7. Drum and Bass, garage, Jungle (woop woop), Hip-Hop, World, Dance, reggae, Chill-out... Rather hard to sum up music styles into an opinion poll. Good try though S
  8. Whoops. Just realised I telegraph w/ eyes. but now I know about it, mwaghahaha!
  9. Goto the beach or practice alot on some grass. Or put on your mams tights... and take photos so I can check if you're doing it right
  10. I'm purely a striker, but I'de really like to learn grappling. I'm pretty sure if I got in a fight it would end with me on the floor getting pummeled pretty quickly. Not sure I have enough strength for it though.
  11. CCG take your pick
  12. In a light contact competition, you should use your instep, becuase you get foot pads, but you should keep in mind that if you kick full power with your instep, you stand a good change of breaking your ankle. Bag train with roundhouses using your shins. Then when you get in a fight you can kick people in the leg and take em down. Wheey
  13. I had the same problem on tuesday. I spent the afternoon fighting 2gup TKDers then in the evening I came up against a BB. I find the way to get points is to keep moves flying, and try to think a combo ahead. If he moves and you wont be able to hit him with somthing, just tweak it slightly. If a move works, try it again later but change it slightly to try and throw him. Side step his moves, attack at the same sort of time as him. Even if you don't come out on top, you'll give him his moneys worth and end up more confident when you face similar fighters but your own belt.
  14. This is from a Physisist's point of view, and not me as a martial artist, but it seems to work. You know how if you're on an office turning chair, and you hold your arms out and spin round, then bring your arms in you spin faster? Well it's the same sort of thing I use for all my spin techs. If it were doing a back fist, I'de flick out my arm at the last minute. Also my leg would trace a line to the point it's going, instead of keeping the same distance between my feel (if that makes any sense). Same sort of thing with kicks. Don't flick the kick out until the last minute. Hope this helps. S
  15. Is it essay style questions or single answers? I recon you should decide on your own answers, thats just me opinion. Like this: Dunno about pit falls "The fact that when you become a blackbelt ninjas jump you allll the time." No? Practical+Theory "To show you've developed your body and your mind" After givin Blood Question could go either way. Less blood, less oxygen absorbed, but should be the same sort of thing as training at high altitudes and getting your stamina up.
  16. Honey, I'm hom*BAM BAM BAM* Don't worry, I'm not suggesting you're all trigger happy and would draw in your average "eh yow, lau me ya fone" situation (At least I hope guns don't come out to stop muggers). I mean in a last resort, defend or die, like most people have stressed.
  17. Goto training with a bare chest, wearing your belt around your head and whatever your instructor tells you, follow it up with a flying side kick whilst screaming. Perform rolls instead of steps between moves in your form, so lowblock, step punch becomes lowblock flying screaming sidekick, roll, punch screaming sidekick. EDIT: Meh. Tried to make an animation of ^^^. Couldn't even manage the Ha Dan Mahk Ki (low block). Erm... scream whilst frontkicking or roundhousing. ^_^' I'm a big boy now http://www.acbr24807.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/avatars/magic_smiley.gif. Critasize(sp?), edit or chuck em as your avatar. I don't care. If ya like em, PM me a request. Look at me, I'm getting all hopeful. Bless
  18. God/Goddess type: God of Love Worshippers: Klu Klux Klan They show devotion by: Protesting against local by-laws Unless I use my full name God/Goddess type: God of Law Worshippers: The National Rifle Association They show devotion by: Listening to Heavy Metal music Bring on the responses :>
  19. who have fat wallets and don't know any better. Mebe S
  20. Yeah, my first competition was a week before my 17th Birthday and 17 was the group boundry(sp). All my oponents (about 6 of them) were all 14 and one was 12, meaning I could drop an axe kick right on top of their heads with extreme ease. I got second place in forms and sparring. The guy who won was smaller than me, but got 3 points with kicks to the head before I could get 1 . It was pretty much 3 moves, probably all the same I'm ashamed to admit. All on my blind side, so I still don't know what he used. My second didn't go quite the same. I was in the higher group, and the night before I drunk a large bottle of Rum. All morning before it I was being violently sick, and between doing my form and sparring, I was sick. Then after sparring. Whoops. Still managed to get a second in forms. Sorry for rambling. I'm looking forward to the next competition, as it should be a real test of what I'm capable of, even though I will be the youngest in the group. Bring on the games! S
  21. I have a query. I live in the UK so don't have any experience with handguns, but am intrigued as to their aplication. If you were forced to draw your firearm for street self-defence purposes and you felt the need to shoot someone, generally where would you shoot them? Would you shoot to kill? If you shot them in the chest, would you shoot again as a sort of mercy killing? How long would you stay around and what would you do to cover yourself legally? Open for opinions and facts. S
  22. The link Beka posted has a dot after .com Just delete it and it loads fine. or click here. Sounds interesting, cheers for the lowdown. Wish my art would incorperate some more non-striking moves into our silabus. Think I might join the local Aikedo class. S
  23. I study World Tang Soo Do, where we do hand, foot, knee and elbow techs. I think a few headbutts come in later. Kicks are high, jumping and spinning. We do light point sparring with punches and kicks to the front torso and kicks to the head. Every two belts we learn 15 techniques, 5 hand, foot and self defence (including preasure points, wrist and arm locks, some throws and chokes) but don't get to apply them in a sparring situation. Next grading I shall start to learn a Bo form, and there are also BB forms for Knife, Sword and Cane. Quite alot of streaching before lesson but none after. Korean terminology is supposed to be used, but most students can only follow the start of the class and a few numbers counting. All techniques are said in both English and Korean. One breaking tech must be done at each grading but never in class. My classes are all local (40 minute walk at most, or 10 minute jog ) and I train under Instructor Zamparelli and Master Zamparelli. More here. S
  24. If there is an oppotunity to run it should be taken. If not and they have a weapon, I don't know. Tough decision, but if you do feel the need to defend yourself, a key is a good makeshift weapon. High heels. Grabbing behind their ear and ripping it off if it gets to that.
  25. the hmm huh? Fred? Is that a name for me, or a word for thread. Because I don't take well to the name Fred. I demand you take it back or I shall be forced to take drastic measures. measures so drastic ok I'll be quiet
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