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Mc. Steve

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Everything posted by Mc. Steve

  1. I belive that any feeling and memory is just a result of the chemical reaction of life. The only time we can think in is the past, and the only time we can act is the present, so if a person dies, they have no memories of life. For this reason, I don't really care how I die. I do think about this alot of the time. Only living in the past you can remember. If last night you were in your room and you picked up a ball and bounced it off a wall, then you wont remember today, so it doesn't matter to your current time. When you're dead, all life becomes like this, but the present too. Some might say that if this is my phylosophy(sp?), then whats the point in doing anything. The only thing that keeps me going is the fact my life matters to other people, and they belive that stuff does matter. I'm sure people will find many contradictions in this, and so have I already, but it's just wording my thoughts, things that are very hard to convert into material words. Just food for thought I think. Don't shout. S
  2. Sorry for slow response, but I said lightly coz I don't think it's a good idea for peeps to straight out wack it out of eachothers legs. This came from my limited experience, so you can just ignore it or whatever. As to knifehand stuff, theres this spot on the thumb-side of the arm afew inches from the hand, which made my arm deaden abit. I'de be willing but...ummm... I live in England! yeessss. that will do.
  3. What, so no one agrees with me that children should learn from a young age because it's easier to learn? Come on people, at least admit classes specifically for children are a good thing. Won't someone think of the children
  4. You can click in the top left to skip to the fighting.
  5. My uncles Rabbit is called 'Running Squirrel, Jumping Butterful' but to my grampa he's floppy (nice and origional)
  6. Pre-Raphaelite Shaolin Dictionary says:
  7. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/157388 This is too funny. I'm afraid you'll just have to sit through the pop-ups unless anyone wants to make a mirror.
  8. Try getting a partner, and lightly roundhouse the outside of their leg half way between the hip and the knee. Great fun. Abit like that?
  9. I meant another short one, this ones abit rude. Guess I should increase my word count. Meh
  10. Yeah, but I though maybe there were some places which taught Capoeria more as a MA, working with aplication and some grappling. Dunno. Wushu. Try google
  11. Yeah, course. Got the main groups down, and most people shoul be able to say they prefer one or another more than the rest.
  12. My MA seems to match your description, ish. It's a striking art and we mostly train with the rules of point sparrin (above the waist, no punching to the head, no elbows, knees or grabs) but we do cover the other aspects in the form of one-steps. Some argue these are no good, because an attacker is not going to stand still whilst you do a block follow by 3 punches, chambering your fists each time, but using a little common sense it shouldn't be hard to adopt these to certain situations, but thats not to be discussed here, you'll be able to find many threads arguing this fact. WTSD website
  13. Have you every head or little tigers? It's Martial arts classes designed specifically for kids, to give them a baseing in martial arts. They get belts, but I don't think they coult for proper gup grades. Can't find the webpage on it, but I recon it's good to learn somthing from a young age, because it will make learning later easier. I started at 7 and continues for 2 years. (You could only get a sort of honary black belt, then I think you had to retest when you turned 16.) When I MA up a year ago I found it extremely easy to learn the 'basics' and I had alot more respect and dicipline, so I see where you're coming from, but don't think it's true in every case. S
  14. My mate says "The things that define what we do are time and money" Not sure I fully agree with this, as relationships come into it somewhere, but I see where he's comin from. Just though it might fit somewhere here.
  15. Wheey. Another thats abit rude, but I'll tone it down. Whats great about kissing twenty-eight year olds?(Copy paste below text to see answer) There's twenty of them
  16. IGNORE So what, the punchline is "bats cant see" Maybe one of those things you have to be sober to find funny. Or maybe I'm just an idiot.... damn EDIT: Made it all small so as not to ruin it. Such a fool stephen. Tch EDIT2: Why wont it go small?
  17. AAAHHHH TYPO. MISTAKE. Yeah, I can make jokes too... Kinda. I'll just echo the general message here. Learn a martial art first, then you can move onto weapon training. Being young is a major advantage for you, because it's easier to learn things whilst you're young. How I wish I'de kept up Wado Ryu. People might be able to help you find a school, just tell us a little about yourself in the Introductions Forum, an maybe chuck a link to it in here. S
  18. Welcome XeDa. I think with flips you just gotta get a big mat and keep on trying. I don't think I can, but I havn't really tried. Dunno. I'll go try. If I don't post again, please call an ambulance. Cheers, have fun posting S
  19. From what I've seen in my local area, it's taught more as a dance and you have to be extremely flexible. But check it out if you do find a class. PS. Ironberg, who shall we stalk next?
  20. Welcome Devlin, Sound like you might enjoy some sort of grappling art, but I dunno. Keep us updated on what you decide to take up. S
  21. Rich_2k3, it's all about the flexability Beka, as you're postin it here, I can only assume your lookin here. I'll just go grab a plane ticket.... But honestly, I don't think you need to limit yourself to Martial Artists. A guy should make you change your lifestyle for him, and MA's are part of who you are. Oh, and if you did date a martial artists you might see eachother even less if his lessons are on different days. Anyhoo. I'll be quiet. S
  22. I have an extreme fear of rejection. I'll set myself a task of being rejected at least once by the end of the week.
  23. Welcome to KF
  24. I don't know if I said before, but if we're gonna meet I'll need quite alot of notice to book very cheap bus tickets. I mean, if people have got exams maybe people wqho can make it should, then have another gathering in the summer. Dunno S
  25. You wrote all the scripts yourself? Nice, I couldn't be bothered with Javascript, just felt I didn't really need it for what I wanted. Nice and simple pages. Don't really care much about presentation meself.
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