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Everything posted by cathal

  1. The good thing is that each aspect of social media is not that difficult once you get a basic introduction. They fit together like a puzzle for some people at first but they actually work well together to enhance your message and content. The fact that there is an online presence precisely where it can be is a good sign that a company/group is doing well. Not everyone uses all aspects of social media but if you simply provide a simple anchoring presence in them I think its going to show off a greater impact. Just like with Alpha BJJ. This has been a great topic thank you to those who've contributed.
  2. Just watched the video. That's amazing! Very appropriate I think. bushido_man96: Very well done! I think the forum would be very different without you.
  3. I live in a small place. Two town over ain't so far away.
  4. Totally different movie. If you watch the original you'll get better understanding of the characters and the world involved.
  5. Has the situation changed? How did the CI handle it?
  6. It's not just posters an word of mouth. What works? What doesn't?
  7. You're in for a lot of creative and fun application then! There's so many things you realize you can wind up doing when experimenting with bunkai.
  8. I don't know, do we really need a remake? The human condition really hasn't changed that much since the film came out. People of today can still feel for the characters in that film. There's just too many remakes going on. .
  9. Great job! *cracks knuckles* OK here we go...
  10. Great to hear! Please let us know how it goes. I think its safe to say most of us haven't run a tournament before. As each step goes along I know we'd appreciate hearing your thoughts and about all the little things that no one expects. It could prove helpful in the future.
  11. I like it slowed down so you can get the nuances. When we practice this in our dojo we do so slowly. Kind of like how nascar pit crews train very slowly. Then when its time to perform you speed it up, make it light and snappy and the speed & power present themselves. What is the bunkai for those stamps near the beginning?
  12. I've decided to work on this kata for a while and wanted to see what others had to say about it. I have learned it as Kanku Dai "To View the Sky" and I'm aware there are other names like Kusanku. Some different versions: First version I learned: Kanku Dai by Osaka https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB6j-Q5bUI8 Kusanku by Gillespie Kusanku by Calendra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvofsG7uIEM Kanku Dai Lehner What do you like, love, or hate about this kata? What insights do you have for those performing it? Does your dojo make changes to it?
  13. OK lidia14, who was your instructor? That could help us out. If you can't remember can you tell us where you trained?
  14. One of my favourite things is to play with the kata and kihon to see what works and what doesn't with each weapon. You get a better feel for each of them and how they move, how they can move, and how they can adapt. Its a journey to be certain! The discovery, the new adaptations, and creative ways to express. Gets the blood pumping. It also helps me to understand and appreciate the empty-hand techniques a bit better, too.
  15. I'd say its interesting to read. It was rushed to publication so some information wasn't completely fact-checked and some pieces of information are missing. The pictures are great but rarely show how he intended transitions or some movements to occur up to standard. You can read it and understand more about what it was like as an art form/MA back when the book was written. There have been many changes to many of those techniques since then as we've learned more about how our bodies move and operate, etc.
  16. cathal

    japanese words

    Ask you instructor to use both English and Japanese terms for now. Let him/her know you will not simply ignore the Japanese in favour of English. Use this to get the new words, it'll help out a great deal.
  17. Does Nipaipo, or Nepai ring any bells? I've heard the first syllable in Naihanchi can be pronounced as naiho which is similar to neuro. I've found this list of Shito-Ryu kata, perhaps you can find what you're looking for: http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/shito-ryu-karate-katas
  18. My city has a lot of foxes that have been displaced due to expanding construction. So most of these foxes have become urban foxes, and its not uncommon to hear them (disturbing at first) and see them more often than dogs.
  19. I'm surprised this was made at all. Clearly the developer consulted Karate ka during their design process. Its a much higher quality than I anticipated.
  20. In addition to paramedics: If there's a local college that teaches paramedicine (and/or advanced paramedicine) you can boost your numbers by contacting them and they may get extra credits for volunteering to work the tournament.
  21. Just read it. I enjoyed this one too because it covers such a wide-reaching topic. Each online community everywhere deals with abuse. The introductory portion about taking a step back and disconnecting "with the job" is the key. Very well done again. _
  22. There's a couple of things you should keep in mind. First and foremost the fact you're worried shows us just how good of a person you are. Next, what you must accept is that as martial artists we agree and understand that we can and very well may be injured through the course of our training. I've been injured as so many of us have. Even if you dress up in big puffy armoured suits, the chances are still there. She must know this acutely because she is so young and smaller compared to fully grown adults. This is clearly something her parents and her have accepted. Your instructor was watching the entire time. Do you really think your instructor would hold back advice if you did something wrong that lead to her injury? Each instructor is behooved to advise and mentor you to improve; If you did something wrong you would have been informed. It is not useful to mire yourself in regret when it is undeserving. Change nothing if your instructor said you did nothing wrong. Don't allow this moment to hinder you in your sparring especially with her. She may take it as an insult if you hold back in future sparring sessions. Don't be afraid to get back on the horse.
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