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Everything posted by aefibird

  1. I love their music, I have all their works. Great band.
  2. Jill, what about the popularity of other arts in Korea? Is it easy to find places to train in martial arts other than TKD/HKD? What about mixed martial arts? Do Korean people seem to go for that or prefer Korean MAs?
  3. My first ever MA test was a tough one for me. It was particularly physically difficult, but it was a big thing for me at the time. Passing 9th kyu boosted my confidence no end and I really came on in my training after passing my first test. My Karate Nidan was the most physically demanding test I've ever had to do, although yesterdays test for 3rd kup in TKD was very physically tough too - I'm dreading the BB test!!
  4. Well, the kup grade testing was posponed until yesterday, but it was a good day - I passed 3rd kup! It's been a good few weeks for me - a promotion in TKD and one in Karate too! Thanks all for the good will messages - I'm sure they helped! The weather here in the UK is boiling hot, so we'll all have to have another BBQ, all invited.
  5. Booker T: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpnSDE8UstU&search=spinaroony http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpnSDE8UstU&search=spinaroony
  6. Amazon has plenty of good books about Ninjas too.
  7. Well done for doing the right thing. Yes, it's disheartening to think that out of all the people who saw him only yourself and one other person cared enough to phone the police. However, it is small acts like that one that make a difference. You were apprehensive, but overcame that to try to do some good. Hopefully, more people on here would overcome fear and apprehension to do good if the situation called for it.
  8. I liked that movie but thought House of 1000 Corpses was better. Rob Zombie is pretty sick, though...
  9. Good stuff! Glad to hear he's getting better.
  10. lol, must do!! Actually, we got a new owner and a new coach now, so things are looking up! We just need some players now...
  11. I'm sure we'll save you a little bit...
  12. Yes, that's a great piece of advice. Often, students have trouble with the "recoil" of Nunchaku and training with a heavy bag helps with this. Loved that training story granmasterchen -so funny!!
  13. aefibird


    Every cloud has a silver lining....
  14. aefibird


    I thought Bagua was a Chinese style?
  15. Sorry, as much as I'd love to meet up with other folks from on here, a tournament in Missouri is a bit far away for me to get to!! Good luck if you're competing, I hope you do well.
  16. It sounds like a great series, I hope it really takes off.
  17. Well done!! I like that form, it's one of my favourite os the coloured belt patterns.
  18. Kids are pretty resiliant - I'm sure he'll be fine soon.
  19. Hugs to you and your son - glad to hear that he's OK, even though he has an injury.
  20. lol, sounds like my team here in the UK. We were a major driving force in UK hockey for a long time but a sucession of poor owners put paid to any trophy winning, or even financial stability. We've just lost 3 of our best players (one to another UK club, and 2 to European leagues) and it looks as though another player may jump ship to go play in France too. Off-season is rubbish - not only are there no games to watch but most of the recruitment news seems to be bad too!
  21. Thanks!
  22. I have a mountain bike but just use it for a bit of recreational riding, nothing serious.
  23. The link won't work for me.
  24. angelmahsa, what martial art do you do? If you give us a bit more information about what it is exactly that you are looking for then people will be able to help you. As it is, asking for rule changes isn't going to get you very far, as people don't know which martial art or organisations you're wanting the updated rules for.
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