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Everything posted by aefibird

  1. Excellent! Well done KK!
  2. Congratulations!! :up:
  3. Ebay is great for martial arts gear, I've had a lot of good stuff off there.
  4. I went, it was great! I've been for the past few years. A couple of friends of mine entered the "Judgement Day" semi-contact tournament. I was going to enter on the day but I'd sliced open my hand the day before putting a rabbit hutch back together so I couldn't fight. I was also planning on taking part in some of the seminars/workshops, but again, I couldn't 'cos of my hand. It was packed out and at times I couldn't get a spot to watch my friends compete, but I enjoyed the whole day and I will definately be going again next year. I spent soooooo much money, though. Bought a few books & dvds as well as a new pair of bag gloves, some escrima sticks and 2 pairs of nunchaku. Plus it cost 'an arm and a leg' to park the car!!
  5. Just to add, since making that post I've started learning the saxophone. It's going well, although it probably helps that I can alread play clarinet, flute and piccolo.
  6. Not if it breaks when you're jogging it's not...
  7. Truly a fantastic year for the Blackhawks!
  8. Congratulations on the belt and even bigger congratulations on the baby! Well done!
  9. Fair enough, as long as you leave enough Guinness for me!!
  10. pffft, join the club. I discovered I had that particular "talent" years ago.
  11. Sorry to hear that. Good luck with the trip to St Louis - I hope your wife gets to see her Grandmother before she passes away. My prayers are with you & your family.
  12. aefibird


    That's Enpi kata. Hangetsu is (for the most part) slow but very strong and powerful. A lot of people seem to get the timing wrong on this kata - and timing is a key factor when performing Hangetsu.
  13. Kyokushin/World Oyama Karate schools are generally found in most places. I'm sure that the transition between Shinkyokushin and Kyokushin wouldn't be too difficult.
  14. I would not have enrolled in the first university that I did. Going there made my life a nightmare and I almost had a nervous breakdown because of it. I would also not have gone horseriding one June day about 7 years ago, which meant I wouldn't have fallen off and permanently damaged my knee.
  15. aefibird


    Sorry to hear about the injury, hope you get well real soon!! Here's to a speedy tratment on the NHS too - I'm currently waiting for surgery on my hand (I have carpal tunnel syndrome) and it feels like I've been waiting forever for it to happen.
  16. I'm sure there will be enough OJ for all.
  17. Don't worry, it could be worse!! You could support... er...um... (tries to think how it could be worse... )
  18. I joined mostly because a friend of mine had joined and I was interested in what she showed me of karate. I stick with martial arts training because it's my life - I couldn't imagine myself without it, it would be like losing a limb.
  19. I DEFINATELY can't wait now - my team have just signed up one of the best British players (and top UK goalscorer) in the league! Great stuff! We've had a couple of turbulant seasons due to ownership trouble - hopefully this is a sign that the Steelers are back on the winning track. Uncertainties and money troubles with sports teams are horrible.
  20. I can speak Swahili and I'm also good at photography. I can also remeber tons of useless information (not handy for every day life but great for winning pub quizzes and trivia games! ) I also have a "talent" for being able to consume vast amounts of alcohol on nights out and still be able to walk and talk! :D My best mate's father is an ex-Royal Marine and they're known for their ability to hold their ale - I can keep up with him which is no mean feat!
  21. Congrats on the KF blue belt.
  22. Great stuff Sohan! A BIG to your son.
  23. I like that post-to-days-training ratio Patrick! Training for 8 years to get a blackbelt? Definately not a McForum!
  24. Of course it's gonna be Guinness!!! (I'm drinking one right now )
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