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Everything posted by aefibird

  1. Secrets of the Samurai is a good book - very informative and well worth getting IMO. I've not read the other one, so I can't comment.
  2. I only know of a couple of actual martial arts shops in the UK. I'm lucky, because there's one in Doncaster, near where I live. There's also one in Cleethorpes. I think that Blitz (the online retailers) also have their own store.
  3. On a slightly tangent topic, how many people when using Nunchaku use one or use two (one in each hand)?
  4. Kill Jill, I like your comments on the end of this video clip! Sorry, I can't help you with the blocked toilet...
  5. Are you planning to re-join a school or do you simply want to train at home?
  6. Sorry, I've not heard of it. There's not many MA businesses in the UK that actually have "shops" nowadays - most retailers seem to just trade online now.
  7. Booket T rocks! I wish I could do the spinaroony! lol
  8. I have paid for all my martial arts tuition at some point or another, although I no longer pay for Karate as I'm now an instructor at my Sensei's club. However, although I've always paid for training at some point I've been happy to do so. Lesson fees have covered costs for the MA school and have also helped to support the instructors family. I feel the rewards I've reaped in all the MAs I've studied have far outweighed whatever monetary cost I've paid out. Honesty, courtesy, respect, dignity, these things can't be bought but being treated with all these and more by instructors is worth more to me that what I pay in lesson fees to them. I've been lucky in that most of the instructors I've trained under have been great people and great teachers - the ones who weren't soon lost me as a customer. My TKD and Karate instructors I particularly count as friends and would be happy to do anything for them to help them out. That's what martial arts to me is about - not all rewards are monetary and the best things in life can come from sharing and helping other people.
  9. That is very good - thanks Sohan!
  10. Also, if I could've done one thing different in martial arts I would've started earlier than I did.
  11. Good luck to all searching for the right college or university! What year number is a "sophomore"? Is that 3rd year of high school?
  12. It's sunny today, although I think that this day is probably gonna be the sum total of "summer" for the UK.
  13. Wow, well done Sai! That's a great achievement! Good luck for the nationals.
  14. Glad you don't like it... more for me! lol Vodka and peach schnapps is nice too, although it also goes well with white rum.
  15. Come on England! I'm really looking foward to the first game, I wish I could be there in Germany to watch a match or two.
  16. So do I! I'd love to play for the NHL... can't see it ever happening though. If I do, then you can tell the Blackhawks they gotta pick me.
  17. Congratulations! Here's to your future!!! Many thanks! It's been a long hard road - working full time as well as studying. For various reasons, I didn't go to university after leaving school but sometimes wish I had. However, I love my job and at least this way I got to work as well as get a qualification.
  18. Good luck with the test, I'm sure you'll do fine! Have confidence!
  19. I'd say you could do with speaking to your doctor and seeing if you can get the help of a dietician or other health professional. Also, taking exercise everyday will really help you to lose weight. Even if you can't afford to join a gym then talke up walking or go cycling. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water everyday too and try and reduce your calorie intake gradually - try cutting out chocolate and other snacks and have fruit or yoghurt instead. Even switching from regular to diet coke can help you. Good luck.
  20. aefibird


    Personally, I think if you're in a school that ripps off students that much then you won't have a lot to show for your work anyway. Much better to go to a school that will charge you fair price. Who knows, if you ask around, other schools in your area may recognise your rank. Asking costs nothing - paying $900 for just a belt test will leave you ripped off and seriously out of pocket. I think you'd be better off having nothing to do with a school that charges such outrageous prices.
  21. aefibird

    Team Kata

    I'll be on it - I love doing team kata! I've been a part of a Karate Kata team for ages now, ever since I was a low kyu grade. Our current adults team is myself (black belt)and 2 other women (brown belt & purple belt), although we've had mixed sex teams before. We usually do Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai or Heian Godan. I'm also one half of a pairs kata team with a purple belt lady. Our usualy choice for pairs kata is Heian Nidan, Heian Godan or Bassai Dai. We do the pairs kata performances as "mirror image". My TKD instructor is thinking of setting up a Patterns Team - he's asked me if I'll be a part of that too.
  22. aefibird


    I like Gankaku and I've been working a lot on it recently. I've also started using it when I compete. It's a great kata for tournaments but there's also some fantastic bunkai and oyo that can be gotten from it too. It's a really nice kata to help people with balance issues as well.
  23. aefibird


    I've had that done - waited ages for that bit of surgery too! lol, good ol' NHS... (although on a side note, I've now finally got a date for my CTS surgery( The arthroscopy wasn't as bad as I thought it would be; although my leg was very sore and stiff for a while afterwards I actually got back to training quicker than I expected. As you're having the operation done as day surgery, make sure there's someone around to look after you afterwards. I had my surgery around lunchtime and was sent home in the evening. Trying to crawl up the stairs to the toilet with the worlds largest bandage on your leg is no fun I tell thee...
  24. I'm sure she does!! lol That sounds like a good combo, I shall have to try it out.
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